Everyone couldn't help but change their faces when they heard the voice, and Conan was the first to rush forward.

Mori Kogoro gently put down the little Lolita, and then ran over.

Not long after, everyone came to the room at the corner of the corridor, which was the room where the hedgehog male Yoshiki Kazama was resting.

Yucheng Liuli sat slumped on the floor, her face paled.

But in front of her, Yoshiki Kazama had already fallen to the ground, bleeding all over the ground, his throat had been cut.

Mori Kogoro rushed forward immediately, and saw that his pupils were constantly expanding, and he was already hopeless.

A staff member on the side wanted to come in, but Kogoro Mori stopped him: "The person is dead. From now on, no one is allowed to enter this room without my permission."

He stretched out his hand and threw Conan who was lying on the ground sneaking out, and continued to speak: "Xiao Lan, call the police."

Xiaolan nodded, took out her mobile phone and called the police.

At this time, the director and other actors also heard the voice and rushed over.

Nagumo Shinharu couldn't help but said, "Who the hell would do such a cruel thing?"

The gray-haired Nan Yunxiao responded: "Who knows, this guy has such a bad mouth and has made so many enemies, it's normal for this kind of thing to happen."

The short-haired actress Hahara Kasumi said, "It stands to reason that the first person to appear at the scene of the crime has a high probability of being the murderer!"

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli panicked: "I didn't kill the man, he fell here when I came in, Xiao Wulang, you have to believe me!"

Her eyes were full of crystal tears, and she looked up at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro nodded, and she threw herself into Mouri Kogoro's arms, crying bitterly.

And Hara Kasumi said coldly: "Don't use crying to cover up your crimes, we are all actors, crying is very simple, don't pretend!"

The old actor Nan Yunxiao couldn't help but scolded: "Stop talking!"

"I'm telling the truth, otherwise, even we might be suspected of being murderers!"

"shut up!"

Bo Yuanxia closed her mouth resentfully, turned sideways and said nothing more.

Mao Li Kogoro caressed Yucheng Liuli's body, and said firmly: "No matter whoever dares to kill someone in front of me, a detective, he will never escape."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli in her arms trembled, while the expressions of the three actors at the door changed slightly.

All this is in the eyes of Maori Kogoro.

"Director, please ask everyone to go back to the living room and wait. Don't let anyone act alone. Wait until the police arrive."

"Hi!" Director Mustache complied respectfully.

Half an hour later, a police officer with curly hair, Henggou, led the team.

Police officer Henggou squatted on the ground and inspected the body: "The name of the deceased is Yoshiki Kazama, [-] years old, an actor, and the time of death is estimated to be between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-]."

At this time, a small head popped out, trying to see something. "Conan, why are you here?"

Officer Henggou raised his head, saw Xiaolan, and immediately said pleasantly, "Xiaolan is here too, so Detective Maori is also here."

Officer Henggou immediately looked left and right, saw Mori Kogoro in the crowd, and rushed over excitedly: "Master, why don't you tell me that you came to Mount Fuji, I would have come to entertain you if I knew about it." .”

"There is a very nice flower street in Shizuoka Prefecture, and there are many interesting things."

After saying this, Officer Henggou immediately sensed two murderous auras coming from his side.

Looking back, Xiaolan and Huiyuan were looking at him with red eyes, he couldn't help shrinking back, and said with a dry smile: "Just kidding, just kidding."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little speechless, I confiscated Henggou as an apprentice, my apprentice is only a beautiful woman with big breasts like Sumi Tsukamoto who can fuck!

This Henggou's comprehension is also really powerful, he has the ability to forcibly worship people as teachers thousands of miles away.

Police officer Henggou saw Yucheng Liuli standing beside Mao Li Kogoro, and immediately said in surprise, "This must be Mrs. Mao Li, that is my mistress!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

And Yucheng Liuli saw that the police officer had misunderstood, but covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

Xiaolan on the side heard this, her brows twitched, and immediately came out from behind Maoli Kogoro and Yucheng Liuli, separating the two.

Xiaolan smiled and said, "Officer Henggou, you misunderstood, this is just my father's friend."

But if there is no cold light in his eyes, maybe this smile will be more friendly.

Mori Kogoro said, "Officer Henggou, I confiscated you as an apprentice!"

Henggou Shenwu reached out and rubbed his coral curly hair, and laughed awkwardly: "Master, you must have accidentally forgotten, I am your big disciple!"

"Furthermore, master solved a big case in Osaka a few days ago, and was named the guardian of Osaka. He is the god of detectives. Such great achievements make us admire."

"Master, just accept me as your apprentice!"

Seeing this thick-skinned Henggou Sanwu who wanted to be a teacher, Mori Kogoro quickly changed the subject.

"Officer Henggou, handle the case first, and we'll talk about it later."

"Yes, yes, handle the case, handle the case!"

"Dahe, hurry up and tell my master the investigation report."

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