The young police officer on the side spoke up: "According to the survey, during the [-] minutes of the filming break, most of the staff had more than two people staying together."

"The ones who don't have an alibi are the actors who went back to the room to review the script, Na Yunxiao, Nagumo Shinharu, Hahara Kasumi, and Miss Yucheng Liuli."

Yucheng Liuli quickly said, "During the break, I was with Kogoro and the others, but I left for a while afterwards."

"I saw how beautiful the starry sky outside was, and I wanted to go back to my room and ask Kazama Yoshiki to see the starry sky, to change my mood, and see if I could eliminate the unhappiness during the shooting, but unexpectedly, he was already dead."

Police officer Henggou turned his head to look at the three actors standing aside, and said, "Since this is the case, I would like to trouble you and my subordinates to go to the next room to search and check!"

Bo Yuanxia immediately said: "What's going on, are we being regarded as suspects?"

"No, we just searched the entire villa, but we didn't find the sharp weapon used by the murderer, so we want to do a routine inspection, please cooperate."

Two police officers, a man and a woman, came up and led the four suspects to the next room and searched them one by one.

Chapter 0163 two women fighting each other

After the search was over, the four suspects were resting in the next room.

Officer Dahe came over and said to Officer Henggou: "The police department, no murder weapon was found on the four suspects."

"And we searched the entire villa, and there are only three kinds of murder weapons, fruit knives, kitchen knives, and the utility knife brought by the film crew."

"However, we did blood tests on all three sharp weapons and found nothing."

Hearing this, Police Officer Henggou held his chin and began to think: "How could this happen?"

He looked at the evidence found at the scene: cigarettes, kerosene lighters, gloves at the time of the murder, and a black suit jacket for props.

Only the murder weapon was missing, and obviously this was the most critical point.

Officer Henggou held his chin, turned his head and looked at Kogoro Mori.

With a eager look, you can tell what he wants to ask at a glance.

As soon as Police Officer Henggou saw Mori Kogoro appearing, he subconsciously wanted to rely on him.

But Xiaolan is still angry at Henggou Shenwu who is out of tune!

She put her arm around Mori Kogoro, and said, "Officer Henggou wants to ask Dad to be his teacher. This case will definitely not be difficult for him. Dad, let's go to the next room to rest."

Hui Yuan also echoed, "That's right, you already claim to be a big disciple under your seat, so you must have two brushes."

Officer Henggou's face twitched when he heard this, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only watch the three of them leave.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely solve this case. When I solve this case, you must accept me as your apprentice!" After finishing speaking, police officer Henggou bowed deeply.

He waited until the three of Maori left before he sighed sullenly.

"Hee hee!" He looked up and saw Conan's smiling face.

"Conan, why haven't you left yet?"

"Officer Henggou, I can help you!"

Conan, the little devil, watched Mori Kogoro being taken away by Xiaolan, and felt that the opportunity had come.

Finally it was my turn to pretend, no, to reason by myself.

The anesthesia needle in the watch has been useless for a long time, and it's time to sacrifice it.

Conan thought so, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he had already begun to obsess over the moment when he revealed the truth.

It's just that he suddenly felt that he was lifted up all of a sudden, and then he flew out like flying through the clouds.

The floor of the corridor was getting closer and closer, and the little face hit the floor all of a sudden.

"Little ghost, handling a case is not just a joke, don't get in the way here."

After saying this, police officer Henggou closed the door of the crime scene.

Conan could only rub his cheeks and left in despair.

As soon as Kogoro Mori, Ran, and Haibara came to the next room, all four suspects were inside.

Among them, Hahara Kasumi and Nan Yunxiao were smoking.

Yucheng Liuli covered her nose, and said to Nan Yunxiao beside her, "Can you put out the smoke!"

"I'm sorry."

The old actor Nan Yunxiao had a good temper, and immediately extinguished the cigarette. Xiaolan approached her and said, "Aunt Yucheng, are you allergic to the smell of smoke?"

Yucheng Liuli laughed softly: "It's about the same, because I rarely smell smoke, and I feel very uncomfortable when I smell it."

"Xiao Wulang also knows that my mother is the person who hates the smell of cigarettes the most. Under her influence, I also hate the smell of cigarettes."

Hearing this, Nagumo Shinharu also came over: "My mother is also like this, because she hates the smell of cigarettes so much that she forced my father to quit smoking."

"But my father's will is not firm, and he still smokes secretly outside the house."

Hearing the complaint from his son, Nan Yunxiao laughed dryly twice.

Xiaolan chuckled lightly and said, "Wow, it's the same with my dad. I hate to smell his body full of cigarettes. After I told him, he really stopped smoking."

The little loli Huiyuan heard the show-off in it, so she said tit-for-tat: "Hmph, I don't want uncle to drink, and uncle never drank again after that."

Xiao Lan complained, "Didn't I get really drunk at the celebration party in Osaka last time?"

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