Conan's face was blank.

I am so silly!How can I believe that such a bad guy as Uncle Maori will change his ways!How could this kind of guy give himself a gift sincerely!

Haibara on the side saw this scene and couldn't help laughing. This laughter was like a knife piercing Conan's heart.

Xiaolan also looked at Conan with a smile on her face.

Conan stood up slowly, feeling that the third floor was so big that there was no place for him to stand at all. He missed the warm little nest on the second floor very much.

Conan moved towards the door step by step.

Mori Kogoro asked, "Conan, where are you going?"

"I want to be alone for a while." After finishing speaking, Conan, whose back was bleak, turned open the door by himself and went downstairs.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan couldn't help but angrily said: "Father, you are bullying Conan again!"

"Xiaolan, this is not bullying, it's exercise. I really hope Conan can improve." Mori Kogoro casually said reasons that he didn't believe, and evaded Xiaolan.

Soon, Kogoro Mori turned his head and picked up Haibara on the sofa. At this moment, Haibara opened his big light blue eyes and stared out of the window tightly, and Kogoro Mori followed suit.

Suddenly, heavy snow fell outside the window. Since returning from Moon Shadow Island half a month ago, there has been no snow in Tokyo.

Unexpectedly, it was approaching Christmas, and it started to snow again today.

Haibara looked at the heavy snow flying outside the window, and couldn't help but have some ominous premonition in his heart.


At two o'clock in the morning, the third floor of Maoli's house was completely silent, and everyone was soundly asleep.

And in one room, Huiyuan was lying on the bed and was moving around uneasily, her face was grim. She seemed to have dreamed of something bad, and her body kept trembling. Finally, Huiyuan gasped heavily, Face woke up in horror, still shouting Gin's name.

After waking up, Huiyuan was a little dazed. She looked at her surroundings and found that she was at the familiar Mori's house, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the heavy snowflakes flying outside, Huiyuan couldn't help feeling a little more hazy when he thought that the dream he had just had was in such a snowy day.

Huiyuan, who was awakened by fright, couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried, so he simply got up.


Mori Kogoro seemed to realize that the door was opened in his sleep, and someone walked in, he couldn't help waking up, and he opened his eyes.

Soon Mori Kogoro saw a barefoot little loli standing in front of his bed. It was Haibara. She was wearing pink pajamas. There seemed to be a lingering fear.

Mori Kogoro's drowsiness disappeared quickly, he quickly reached out, hugged Hui Yuan, and closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong, Xiao Ai? Tell uncle!"

Gray didn't say a word.

"Have you had a nightmare? Xiao Ai, don't be afraid, uncle is here."

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara tightly in his arms, comforted Huibara softly and softly, and patted Huibara's back lightly with his big hands.

Haibara's trembling body slowly relaxed.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw Haibara like this, but he didn't mind the sweat dripping from her body at all, so he quickly hugged her to the bed.

The warmth of the quilt immediately wrapped Huiyuan, and Huiyuan smelled the pleasant smell of Mori Kogoro, and the tense nerves began to relax slowly.

Chapter 0091 Huiyuan's Nightmare 2

Mori Kogoro wiped the sweat off Haibara's face with his hands, and he didn't mind at all, brushing away the wet brown hair on Haibara's face, revealing a delicate face.

Mori Kogoro said softly: "Is Xiao Ai afraid, so you came to look for uncle?"

"Don't be afraid, no matter who appears, Uncle will protect you." Mori Kogoro kissed Haibara's cheek.

"If you are afraid of sleeping alone, then sleep with your uncle tonight." While talking, Kogoro Mori also returned to the warm bed, hugged Hui Yuan like a big bear, and gently stroked Hui Yuan's back back.

Then a lullaby rang out in the room.

Haibara's big eyes lit up, smelling the scent from Mouri's body, listening to the melodious tune, the fear in her heart gradually dissipated, and she couldn't help but slipped into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Soon, drowsiness gradually hit, Haibara's eyes gradually closed, and his little head lay on Mouri Kogoro's chest, falling into a sound sleep.

Mori Kogoro sensed the gentle breathing sound from Haibara's body, couldn't help smiling, stopped singing, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The next day, the sun shone on the warm quilt, and the smell of food wafted from the crack in the door.

Xiao Lan's voice sounded in the living room: "Dad, Xiao Ai, wake up, it's time to eat."

Huiyuan woke up from sleep, she opened her eyes in a daze, and immediately found that she seemed to be sleeping in a terrible place, where her small face was lying on her stomach was a row of well-proportioned abdominal muscles, firm and full of heat.

Huiyuan's little face immediately turned red. She recalled that she had a nightmare last night, entered Uncle Maoli's room in a daze, and slept with Uncle Maoli. Huiyuan's little face turned even redder. , how could he do such a thing.

Suddenly, Huiyuan felt that there was something pressing on his lower abdomen, and his little hands were clenched tightly, as if they were going to jump. What is this?

Huiyuan in the bed stretched out his hands to grope carefully, and quickly realized that he couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, with a look of panic, and quickly let go of his hands.

Wow, it's so big!It's incredible!

Huiyuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, luckily Uncle Mao Li hadn't woken up yet, when he thought of Huiyuan's head tilted down slightly, curiosity suddenly arose in his heart.

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