It was the first time she encountered such a thing.

Just when Huiyuan was hesitating, a pair of big hands struck from the bed, instantly hugged Huiyuan's waist, and hugged him up.

Huiyuan was lifted out of the bed by Mori Kogoro, who had a weird smile on his face: "Xiao Ai is really not good, it hurts me to get her hands and feet early in the morning gone."

Haibara's entire small face immediately turned red, steam came out of her ears, her big light blue eyes moved restlessly, and she didn't dare to look directly at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro didn't mind, looking at Haibara who looked so cute, he couldn't help teasing her: "Oh, Xiao Ai is curious about uncle's 'gun', this is only for boys. Yes, you can’t easily show it to others.”

"If it's just Xiao Ai, it doesn't seem to matter. Xiao Ai can watch it if she wants to." After Mao Li Kogoro said this, Hui Yuan's face was so red that he was about to get angry, and his little head kept shaking his head.

"If you don't want to see it, do you want to touch it? Just don't force it too hard, but be gentle." Mori Kogoro continued to speak, and Haibara's head almost turned into a rattle.

Seeing this scene, Maori couldn't help laughing out, teasing a legal loli like this is really refreshing!

Mori Kogoro moved Haibara in front of him, seeing this cute little red face full of panic, couldn't hold it anymore, and kissed on the cheek.

One mouthful is not enough, another kiss, the hickeys of Kogoro Mori are all over Haibara's small face, and in the end even Haibara's small mouth is not spared, eh!

Mori Kogoro kissed Haibara's small mouth with his big mouth.

"My dear, you are so cute!"

Haibara was dazed by Kogoro Mori's repeated kisses, did he even kiss his mouth just now?That was my first kiss, did my first kiss disappear like this?

But before Haibara could react, Mori Kogoro held Haibara's little butt, picked him up, opened the door, and walked out.

"Go, let's eat."

Xiaolan looked at the two people who came out of Mori Kogoro's room, she couldn't help being surprised, there seemed to be a trace of dissatisfaction in her big eyes, as if her beloved toy had been snatched away.

"Father, why is Xiao Ai in your room?" Xiaolan asked dissatisfied.

Seeing Xiaolan, Huiyuan's face immediately turned from flushing to icy cold, and she showed Xiaolan a smiling face, which seemed to be a bit smug.

Mori Kogoro said: "Xiao Ai, I had a nightmare last night, and then ran to my room crying and shouting, wanting to sleep with me, don't you think so? Xiao Ai."

Huiyuan quickly retorted: "Why are you crying?"

"No, no, uncle remembered it wrong, but uncle didn't expect that a girl as calm as Xiao Ai would be afraid of nightmares, but it doesn't matter, if you have nightmares next time, just come to uncle." Goro smiled and continued.

Little Lang suddenly felt dissatisfied: "Father!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore, let's wash up first, and then come to eat." Mori Kogoro entered the toilet with Huiyuan in his arms.

When passing by Xiaolan, the eyes of Xiaolan and Huiyuan intersected, and sparks seemed to collide between them.


After breakfast, Xiaolan went out quickly, saying that she was going to see Sonoko. As for Conan, the little devil, he disappeared early in the morning, probably because he was afraid that Mori Kogoro would force him to do the Olympiad, so he ran to Dr. Ali's house Bar.

There were only Kogoro Mori and Haibara in the office on the second floor. Today, there was no commission, and Kogoro Mori was also very leisurely, making a cup of tea and watching the heavy snow blowing outside.

And Hui Principle was sitting on the sofa. She was wearing a dark red dress, with white pantyhose on her short legs, like a doll, with a pair of big light blue eyes staring at the snow scene outside.

As soon as Mori Kogoro turned around, he saw that Huiyuan was staring at Daxue in a daze again, and found that Huiyuan's expression became uneasy again.

Mori Kogoro suddenly thought of something, and put on the blue down jacket beside him. This action instantly attracted Haibara's attention: "Uncle Mori, do you want to go out too?"

"Yeah, but I want to go to a place with Xiao Ai."

Mori Kogoro pinned the bottom part of the down jacket into his trousers, then pulled up the zipper a little, then picked up Haibara, stuffed it into the down jacket, and closed the zipper, revealing a small head of Haibara.

It looked like a kangaroo, and Mori Kogoro touched Huiyuan's little head: "It's a bit cold outside, Xiao Ai can just follow me like this."

Huiyuan's little face immediately turned red again, but he didn't resist.

The two opened the door and went downstairs.

Once outside, it was really cold, so Mori Kogoro put up his umbrella and walked along the street in one direction.

Chapter 0092 Hot Springs 1

The heavy snow kept falling, Kogoro Mori's belly was bulging like a kangaroo, and the petite Huiyuan was hidden under Kogoro Mori's down jacket, revealing a little red face.

As Kogoro Mouri kept walking, Haibara could only feel his butt being slapped by Kogoro Mouri's abdominal muscles from time to time, and even his whole body was tightly pressed against Kogoro Moori, and he couldn't help but tremble.

What a hateful guy, he doesn't care about other people's inspiration at all.

A big pervert, who can sleep with himself in the morning and wake up excited, it really is a big pervert!

However, Huiyuan quickly got used to such an intimate posture. He hugged him so tightly last night, so what does it matter now? When he thought of Huiyuan, his expression became more at ease.

"Uncle Maoli, where are we going now?" A cute loli voice came from below, and Kogoro Maoli patted Huiyuan's head.

"I think Xiao Ai seems a little uncomfortable, so I took Xiao Ai to an interesting place, and we will be there soon." Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face.

Turning a corner, Mori Kogoro stood outside a hot spring platform.

Hui Yuan's expression changed drastically immediately: "Uncle Mao Li, is this the place you mentioned?"

"Yes, hot springs are the most comfortable on a snowy day, and last night, Xiao Ai, you had a nightmare and broke out in night sweats. Soaking in hot springs can relieve this situation the most." Kogoro Mouri walked to the shop with a smile on his face. and walked in.

Mori Kogoro walked into the store and asked, "Boss, is there any private open-air hot spring pool in the north?"

"Oh, it's Mr. Maori. Let me check. There was no one there. Did Mr. Maori come to the hot spring with his daughter? This is Mr. Maori's youngest daughter, right?" the boss asked kindly.

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