"No, it's the little girl who lives in my house. I'll take her to the hot spring." Mori Kogoro took the key and took Huiyuan to get the bathrobe.

Huiyuan couldn't help asking: "Uncle Maori, don't we have separate bubbles?"

"Of course not, what uncle wants is a private hot spring. Besides, Xiao Ai is so cute, I don't feel at ease if my uncle isn't around to take care of her." Mori Kogoro shook the key in his hand, and touched Huiyuan's face.

The blush on Huiyuan's face that had just faded when he heard this suddenly surged up again, but Huiyuan couldn't help but feel a sudden shock when he heard what the boss said just now, and asked: "Uncle Mao Li used to come to soak with Xiaolan. Is it a hot spring?"

"Yeah, Xiaolan really likes to soak in hot springs. I ran with her a while ago, but Xiaolan's back rubbing skills are really bad. Xiao Ai, you have to learn it later."

Nani? ?back rub!

No, that's not the point, it's Kogoro Mori and Ran taking a bath together, Haibara's eyes immediately narrowed, showing a dangerous light, she really is a shameless woman, at such an age she still likes to take a bath with her father.

Mori Kogoro took two sets of toiletries and bathrobes, and walked along the winding gravel road to the private hot spring in the north. Mori Kogoro opened the wooden door with the key and saw There is a hot spring pool built with stones.

This hot spring is extremely private, and the boss made a partition with wooden boards. Even in a big city like Tokyo, there is no fear that anyone can peek at it from a high altitude.

There was a row of cabinets next to it. Kogoro Mori quickly opened the down jacket and put down the ashes inside.

As soon as Huiyuan came out, she felt a chill. She was only wearing a dress, and she couldn't resist the cold at all.

"Xiao Ai, it's very cold, hurry up and take off your skirt and go into the hot spring." Mori Kogoro took off his pants and down jacket, and put them in a closet beside him.

Hearing the order, Haibara followed in a daze, lifted up the skirt in front of Mori Kogoro, and then took it off, revealing the black underwear.

But when Haibara accidentally caught a glimpse of Kogoro Mori beside him, his expression changed drastically.

It's a lie, how could it be so big!

Haibara looked at Kogoro Mori's capable body, and was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori had already stripped naked, with only a towel on his head. He turned his head and saw the unmoving Huiyuan, and couldn't help but say, "Take off your clothes quickly and go into the water, the temperature is very low now, you kid , let me help you."

Kogoro Mori immediately started to help Huiyuan strip him off, and then walked into the hot spring with the flat little loli in his arms.

"Wow, it's comfortable." The water temperature in the hot spring is very suitable, and he feels very satisfied as soon as he enters the water. Mori Kogoro hugged Haiyuan and soon submerged in the water.


In the hot spring hotel, Mori Kogoro leaned against the smooth stone, with his chest exposed above the water, and a white towel resting on his head, showing a comfortable expression.

On the surface of the water in front of him, Huiyuan only showed a small head, his brown hair was wrapped in a shower cap, his face was flushed red, his ears were flushed red, and his expression was bewildered.

who I am?Where am I?Why am I here?And whose hairy thigh is sitting underneath?

Huiyuan's big light blue eyes shook dully, looking like they were short-circuited.

Because this private hot spring pool is a bit too deep for Huiyuan, so Mori Kogoro can only contribute his thighs to Huiyuan to sit on.


Sure enough, soaking in the hot springs on a snowy day is a great enjoyment. Kogoro Mori watched the snowflakes falling from the sky, one by one, falling on the hot springs and melting immediately, and he couldn't help being very peaceful.His head was motionless, and soon snowflakes were piling up on his head.

Mori Kogoro looked at Haibara sitting on his lap, snowflakes were also piled up on his shower cap.

Haibara was still motionless, and it would take five minutes to maintain this posture, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help laughing secretly.

Moori Kogoro pulled Huibara over, his little butt slid along Mouri Kogoro's thigh, and finally, Haibara leaned against Mouri's body, and the two of them had their chests against their backs.

Mori Kogoro said: "How about it, Xiao Ai, feel comfortable, does it feel like your whole body has relaxed all of a sudden?"

Not at all! ! !

With his head down, Huiyuan's eyes were filled with mist, his little face was blushing, and his body was completely tense.

Just now Kogoro Mori's stimulus to Haibara was like a nuclear explosion.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Although I don't know what you are worried about, Xiao Ai, but uncle still has to tell Xiao Ai, don't worry, as long as uncle is around, no one can hurt you." Mouri Kogoro's voice was gentle There is power in it, a convincing energy.

When Huiyuan heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his small face, but he quickly calmed down again.

Haibara looked up at Kogoro Mori's slashed face, couldn't help swinging his two separated legs, turned around on Kogoro Mori's thigh, faced Kogoro Mori, and lay his head tightly on the On Kogoro Mori's chest.

Chapter 0093 Hot Springs 2

In the quiet hot spring shop, Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara's small body, and the heartbeats of the two began to synchronize strangely, and a faint smile appeared on Haibara's small face.

There seemed to be some shackles in her heart. At this moment, she would not be nervous because of becoming so close to Mori Kogoro. I don't know if it was because of the water mist. glowing with water.

A contented smile appeared on Kogoro Mori's face, and he held Huiyuan's fart valley with his big hands, for fear that she would fall into the bottom of the water.

The two of them soaked under the hot spring without moving for a long time. Mori Kogoro felt a little stiff and couldn't help turning his head.

The small snowdrifts accumulated on the hair splashed down all at once, and the icy snowflakes splashed onto Huiyuan's face.

Huiyuan, who was attacked, suddenly struggled, "Ah!"

She thought that Kogoro Moori was deliberately teasing her, so she stretched out her two little hands and patted Kogoro Moori's chest, splashing waves of water.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but started to play with Haibara too, the water splashed everywhere, and the two moved more and more. Haibara, who was sitting on Kogoro Mouri's lap, suddenly lost his center of gravity and moved toward Kogoro Mouri's legs. slipped between.

Huiyuan couldn't swim, and when his head was submerged in the water, he couldn't help but panic, dancing and trying to catch anything he could catch.

Mori Kogoro, who was gloating at the fall of Haibara, suddenly gasped, his pupils constricted.

Not long after, Huiyuan, who had caught something climbing at the bottom of the water, resurfaced and sat down on Mori Kogoro's lap again in a rage, but there was an indelible blush on his cheeks and big light blue eyes He glared at Mori Kogoro: "Big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed the bottom of the water, and said with a mean smile: "Xiao Ai, you don't know, the school teacher should have taught the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction, this hot spring water is too hot."

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