Haibara cast a glance at Mori Kogoro, and continued, "Big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro touched Huiyuan's head: "What do children know?"

Huiyuan couldn't help but stare even more when he heard this: You can get hard when you are with children, it's not a big pervert or something.

But after thinking about it, Huiyuan became happy instead, she seemed to be quite proud of her charm, and her small face showed pride.


Mori Kogoro couldn't help raising his head and looking up at the sky. He sensed the changes in his body and couldn't help being surprised:

How could it be like this, it seems that I have awakened an incredible attribute, obviously I am not a lolicon!The last time I helped Huiyuan take a bath, there was no reaction at all, it was just helping an ordinary little girl to take a bath.Why are you so excited this time!

Mori Kogoro looked down at Haibara, who was lapping the water with a shower cap on.

There is a pair of mature eyes on the innocent little face, and the inadvertently revealed charm and cuteness blend together, instantly killing Mori Kogoro again.

It's not that our army is not firm, it's that the enemy army is too foul.

Things like legal loli should not appear in this world.

Mori Kogoro picked up Haibara and let her stand on his lap with her head facing each other.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's fiery eyes, Haibara's aura that had been propped up just now collapsed again, and his big light blue eyes moved uneasily.

How to do?Uncle Molly wouldn't really do something like that, would he?so big!will die!If this is the case, this body should not be pregnant!What should I do if I am pregnant? Will I give birth?Do I want to tell my uncle my identity and let him wait for me to develop the antidote before giving it to him!In this case, I have to fight a group of women before I can get married, but when I become Xiaolan's stepmother, I can discipline her properly!

Huiyuan's little head was full of thoughts, Mori Kogoro kissed Huiyuan's cheek, and said, "Xiao Ai, let's go, uncle will help you take a bath."

It turned out to be a bath, Hui Yuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then thought it was a bath, and couldn't help panicking.

Mori Kogoro picked up Haibara, tied a towel around his waist, spread the mat on the snow, and then put the soaked and red Haibara on the mat, and then Mori Kogoro took it for a bath Supplies and two small stools, and the two of them sat on the small stools.

"Xiao Ai, I'll help you take a bath first, and you can help me after a while, okay?" Mori Kogoro asked gently.

The ice-cold shower gel was mixed with the hot spring water and stirred to create foam. Then Mori Kogoro put on the scrubbing gloves, soaked in the shower gel and began to carefully rub Haibara's body.

Haibara sat with his back to Mori Kogoro, feeling the big hands pushing the foam around his body continuously, his heartbeat gradually accelerated, and his breathing also began to speed up.

Mori Kogoro rubbed the ground very carefully, as if facing a treasure, without missing any gaps.

In the end, Haibara's entire body was surrounded by foam, like a little snowball.

The warm hot spring water poured down from above, washing Haibara's body clean, and a brand-new little loli appeared in front of Mori Kogoro. Mori Kogoro handed the gloves to Haibara, and now it's Haibara's turn I took a shower by myself.


Mori Kogoro turned his back to Haibara.

Huiyuan put on the gloves and hesitated for a moment, bit his lower lip, and finally made a decision.

Big satyr!

She soaked the gloves with body wash and started rubbing Kogoro Mori's back.

It's a pity that Haibara's little hand doesn't have much strength, and it feels like it's tickling to Mouri Kogoro, but Mori Kogoro still cooperates with making a sound of enjoyment, which makes Haibara work harder.

Huiyuan slowly rubbed from Kogoro Mori's back to his front, and soon she saw the tent that Kogoro Mori was holding, and stopped involuntarily.

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes tightly at this moment, sensing that Haibara had stopped, he couldn't help but said, "Xiao Ai, why don't you continue?"

Huiyuan's cheeks were flushed at this moment, and there was mist in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and stretched out her hands.

Mori Kogoro immediately took a deep breath, opened his eyes, his face full of disbelief: "Xiao Ai, you..."

(A lot of text is omitted here.)

Standing by the closet, Mori Kogoro looked refreshed, Hui Principle stood beside him, and both of them were changing clothes.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look at Haibara at the side, the blush on her face hadn't faded since the beginning.

"Xiao Ai..."

"Don't ask." Haibara quickly put on the pink dress, turned his back to Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro also changed all his clothes and pants, and put on the down jacket again. Mori Kogoro squatted down, opened the opening of the down jacket, and said, "Xiao Ai, come in."

Haibara turned around, glanced at Kogoro Mori, and came in obediently.

It's just that the direction is a little different this time, Haibara's body is lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms.His head was also lying on Kogoro Mori's chest. Kogoro Mori touched Haibara's head, pulled up the chain of his clothes, and then the two walked out of the hot spring.

A gurgling spring was flowing, washing away everything that had just happened.

Chapter 0094 Phantom Thief Kidd

Mori Kogoro walked out of the hot spring shop with an umbrella in his hands and a bag of ashes.

The snow was still falling, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Xiao Ai."

Haibara lay on Mori Kogoro's chest without saying a word.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be serious: "You can't do this, it's wrong to do it like this!" Haibara's ears moved, and he couldn't help pinching the big chest muscle in front of him.

This play still needs to go on. Although the process just now was very enjoyable, it will be weird to get along like this. I still want to be a respected uncle and educate the completely crooked Hui Yuan. This is the right way .

"Although I don't know where you learned these things, Xiao Ai, but these things are not something you can do now. Xiao Ai, you must never do such things in the future. This time, uncle will forgive you. Don't make an example. .” Mori Kogoro said these words shamelessly.

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