"He ended up saying this to your dad 'Don't think I don't know, I wouldn't have a lot of fun telling you about your date with your little sweetheart!'"

"Did you hear this and thought he was talking about your father meeting you, so you misunderstood that your father killed someone to protect your reputation, so you desperately wanted to protect him!"

Yucheng Liuli nodded.

"But everything is wrong. In fact, he said this to the other two people present."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli's face changed drastically, and her pupils shrank continuously.

A bright light flashed in Mori Kogoro's eyes: "Well, he actually said this to your father and Kasumi Namihara. In fact, the people who had a private meeting were Nan Yunxiao and Kasumi Namihara."

"And Hahara Kasumi and Nagumo Shinharu are boyfriend and girlfriend. In other words, your father picked up ashes and got together with his future daughter-in-law."

Yucheng Liuli's eyes widened, and she couldn't close her small mouth for a long time.

"In other words, what Yoshiki Kazama said is correct. Kasumi Namihara is a coquettish woman, father and son take it all, once the news is exposed, there will definitely be an uproar in the entertainment circle, it's really a great fun!"

"Therefore, Hahara Kasumi and Nan Yunxiao, who understood this, were very nervous."

"After that, things became simple. Both of them wanted to find Yoshiki Kazama. Kasumi Namihara secretly prepared the murder weapon. She was the first to go to the rest room to commit the murder, but bumped into Nan Yunxiao who appeared behind."

"Because of the secret and intimate relationship between the two, Nan Yunxiao had no choice but to help conceal the evidence, but when he left, he was bumped into by you. This is the whole process of the incident."

After the reasoning was over, the room was silent, and Yucheng Liuli's eyes were full of dullness.

Dad picks up ashes, and has a private meeting with his brother's girlfriend?

She couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart.

However, after a long time, Yucheng Liuli still didn't believe it, her eyes were full of tears, she shook her head desperately and said: "I don't believe it, Xiao Wulang, my father is not such a person!"

Moori Kogoro held her pretty face in both hands, controlled her, and said, "Xiao Liuli, please be sober."

"Although I said it cruelly, it is actually the truth. Your biological father is not as good as you think at all."

"Did you know? When he was performing in the troupe, he abandoned his wife and daughter because he fell in love with the troupe's head's daughter, who is now his wife, Nagumo Shinharu's mother."

"After that, he became the head of the troupe and led the troupe to perform everywhere."

"However, due to poor management, the troupe went bankrupt several years ago, so Nan Yunxiao also lost his stable job. From a leading role to an actor who can only play tricks in the theater, until he met you."

"The daughter who was abandoned back then has now become a big beauty, a big star, and a big diva, so he begged you for forgiveness in tears, and wanted to rely on you to turn around again."

"You are too soft-hearted, and you forgot that he was an actor in the first place. It's easy to act in crying scenes, so you were easily deceived by him."

Mori Kogoro showed Yucheng Liuli the introduction webpage that searched for Nan Yunxiao on his mobile phone.

"Xiao Liuli, look at the introduction of his performances below. Is it because there have been more performances in the past two years, and there were no records in the previous few years."

"Let me ask you, every time he meets you, does he start talking about work, and then start crying miserably, so you introduce him to work."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli was stunned.

She began to think back, and it was really the case, and most of the performance introductions on the phone were made by herself.

In other words, his biological father has been using him.

Kogoro Mori continued to operate the phone, and said, "This is the private database of Yoshiki Kazama's father's newspaper that I hacked into. Take a look at these photos."

Flipping the phone slightly, Yucheng Liuli saw the picture above.

It was the apartment where Kasumi Namihara lived, the curtains were not drawn, and she was secretly photographed through the window.

A series of photos, from the corridor to the room, from kissing to undressing, to applauding on the balcony, the whole process was taken.

This series of photos scrolls down, followed by a series of photos of Hahara Kasumi and his son Nagumo Nobuharu.

The father and son shared a woman, and all of them were secretly photographed.

After seeing the photo, Yucheng Liuli couldn't help throwing the phone away, then hugged Kogoro Mouri's waist, pulled him down, buried his head in his arms, and burst into tears.

Chapter 0166

Hearing Yucheng Liuli's cry, he felt that his clothes were getting wet soon.

Mori Kogoro caressed her hair, he knew why Yucheng Liuli was so sad.

Liuli, who grew up in a single-parent family since she was a child, actually yearns for fatherly love, that's why she was so easily deceived by Nan Yunxiao.

Now that he knows that his biological father has been using him all the time, and he is still a villain picking up ashes, this sense of betrayal is naturally stronger.

She is really sad!

But Mori Kogoro didn't feel that he did something wrong, and the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.

That old guy who picks up ashes is not a good thing at first glance, even if he is Liuli's biological father, he still has to reveal his true face, this is really good for Liuli, otherwise Liuli might be deceived by that old guy in the future penniless.

Conan, who was outside the door, desperately wanted to eavesdrop, but the sound insulation effect was so good that he didn't hear all the reasoning process.

In the end, all he could hear was the indistinct cry of a woman in the room.

Damn it, could it be that uncle is bullying Aunt Yucheng?

Crying convulsively, what's going on, can't it be, is it another woman who was taken care of by her uncle!

Conan instantly imagined many unhealthy images in his mind, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and didn't want to continue listening, so he turned and went to the suspect's room.

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