Mori Kogoro in the room was still comforting Yucheng Liuli.

After finally waiting for her to stop crying, Mori Kogoro looked at the red and swollen eyes, then reached out and gently wiped away the tear stains on her cheeks.

He said in a warm voice: "Xiao Liuli, although what Nan Yunxiao did is very shameless, I thought he was your father, so I wanted to tell you all these things first."

"I originally wanted the two of them to surrender, but I prefer to leave this decision to you."

"If you really don't want me to say, I will bury everything in my heart according to your wishes, and I will not say a word in the future."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli's heart was touched when she looked at the pair of gentle eyes in front of her.

The person I have always liked since I was a child, and now a great detective who is well-known all over the country, is actually willing to cover up the truth for himself, against his professional requirements, against the truth he pursues.

Once discovered, it will be ruined.

How could he be willing to pay such a price?

Yucheng Liuli couldn't control herself anymore, she fell on Kogoro Mouri in one breath, and hugged him tightly like a koala.

But kissing, kissing, Yucheng Liuli shed tears again, she buried her head on Maori Kogoro's shoulder, cried and laughed again: "Thank you, Kogoro, thank you!"

"But no need, I've already made up my mind, I'll persuade my father, no, Mr. Nan Yunxiao and Hahara Kasumi surrendered themselves, thank you so much, Kogoro!"

After saying this, Yucheng Liuli kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek again.

Mori Kogoro also sighed lightly and nodded.

As soon as the little ghost returned to the room where the suspect stayed, he saw Bo Yuanxia and Nan Yunxiao smoking, and couldn't help frowning.

Now Conan has no clue. He discovered the weird tape at the scene of the crime, but he couldn't figure out what it was useful for.

The irritable Conan came to Xiaolan's side, and when he thought that his uncle might be living happily with the big star, he became even more upset.

So Conan said: "Alele, when I walked through the corridor just now, I saw Uncle and Aunt Yucheng enter a room, and after a while I heard Aunt Yucheng crying and screaming, Xiaolan Sister, what's going on here?"

Hearing this, the expressions of Xiaolan and Huiyuan changed drastically in an instant.The eyes of the two women instantly turned crimson, and they rushed out of the corridor with terrifying magic flames exuding from their bodies.

Conan was so happy to watch the show, so he led the way desperately.

He was looking forward to seeing Uncle Maori's embarrassed expression.

However, as soon as the three of them came to the room, the door was opened, and Moori Kogoro and Yucheng Liuli, who were neatly dressed, came out.

The condition of the two is very normal, except that Yucheng Liuli's eyes are a little red.

Mori Kogoro asked suspiciously: "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, Conan, why are you here?"

Seeing the expressions of his daughter and Xiao Ai, Kogoro Mori instantly noticed something unusual.

At this time, the little loli Haibara immediately wrapped her arms around Kogoro Mori's thigh skillfully, and then her little nose twitched slightly, smelling like a police dog.

Xiao Lan walked sideways into the room and began to search in the room.

She knows her father too well, if there is a real applause of love, it will definitely leave traces.

However, all of this was in vain. Kogoro Moori and Yucheng Liuli really didn't do anything bad, at most they just hugged excitedly.

Seeing the behavior of the two girls, Mori Kogoro instantly understood what they were doing, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

He was thankful that he had restrained himself just now and was not impulsive, otherwise it would have been miserable.

After searching, Xiaolan and Huiyuan both breathed a sigh of relief.

Mori Kogoro asked with a light smile, "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

The expressions of the two women were a little guilty for a moment.

Little Lolita was the first to sell Conan: "It was Conan who told us that you and Aunt Yucheng were doing H, so we came here to take a look."

Conan was terrified instantly, he didn't say that.

What I said is obviously very reserved, why is it so straightforward in Huiyuan's mouth.

And Yucheng Liuli blushed instantly, stomped her feet and walked away immediately, she planned to go back and persuade Nan Yunxiao and the others to surrender.

When Conan saw something bad, he wanted to run away, but Kogoro Mouri carried him back.

"I knew it was you brat who was making waves!"

Kogoro Mori unceremoniously hammered Conan, and the casserole-sized fist landed on his head one after another, directly hitting his head full and doubling the circumference of Conan's head.

Conan stood back on the ground, suddenly felt dizzy, his head was so heavy, so heavy!

With his hands up, he couldn't close his head, and couldn't bear the pain and cried out.

It's a pity that none of the three present would sympathize with him.

Kogoro Moori patted the two girls' buttocks with his big hand: "I'll take care of you when I get back." The two girls immediately looked happy.

"Okay, this case can be considered settled, we can go home after we prepare."

Hearing that it was related to the case, Conan stopped crying instantly: "Uncle, is the murderer Aunt Yucheng? Are you trying to persuade her to surrender?"

Mori Kogoro reached out and hammered Conan's head again, and another big red envelope appeared from the surrounding red envelopes.

"How could Liuli be the murderer, let's go there, you will know later."

After that, they went to the room where the suspect was.

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