Chapter 0167 daughter, you go with him for a few nights

As soon as they returned to the room, everyone saw Yucheng Liuli, Nan Yunxiao, and Bo Yuanxia talking at Jiaoluo.

Mostly Yucheng Liuli was talking, while Nan Yunxiao and Hahara Kasumi's expressions kept changing.

The two were quibbling at first, then angry, then their faces turned pale, then they were sweating profusely, and finally their faces were gloomy.

They turned their heads and glanced at Kogoro Mori who came in, then turned sideways again in horror.

Now that the truth and evidence are in the hands of the Maori detectives, they can no longer quibble.

And Yucheng Liuli is still weighing the pros and cons with the two of them.

If she turns herself in, her sentence will be commuted, and she will find a way to find a lawyer to help her reduce her sentence, and the price she will pay will be lighter.

But if he doesn't turn himself in, once the ashes-picking scandal is exposed, he won't be able to work in the entertainment industry, and it will deeply hurt Nobuharu Nagumo.

Maybe it will affect the judge's judgment because of too much public opinion, so that the two will receive heavier punishment.

At the end of the discussion, the two of them sighed with gloomy faces.

Unless they can immediately seal up Kogoro Moori and Liuli Yucheng, they won't be able to escape the sanctions at all.

Nan Yunxiao still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, so she began to plead in a low voice: "Liu Li, daughter, can you help Dad?"

"Go and talk to your old classmate and ask him to help. Dad is so old, how can he go to jail!"

While talking, Nan Yunxiao started to cry. The old actor really had superb acting skills, and Kasumi Hahara, who was on the side, also followed suit and begged.

Yucheng Liuli, who had been pointed out by Mori Kogoro, looked at the faces of the two of them and only thought it was funny.

She said coldly, "Don't call me daughter, you are not my father anymore."

"To tell you the truth, the Maori detective gave me the opportunity to persuade you to surrender because of the fact that I was his old classmate. How could I protect you again?"

Nan Yunxiao cried and said, "Daughter, Dad only has you as a daughter. Detective Maori treats you so well, so he must like you very much."

"How about you stay with him for a few nights? Men, they all look the same. If the waiter is happy, won't you be more tolerant?"

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli trembled with anger.

Is this still what a dad would say?

In order to get rid of the crime, she let her daughter go to bed with other men, how can I say such a thing!How can there be such a father in the world!

Yucheng Liuli finally saw the true face of her biological father clearly, tears welled up in her eyes again.

At this time, Xia Bo Yuanxia's eyes lit up, and she continued to speak: "How about I go with you to accompany him, as long as I don't go to jail, I can cooperate with anything, play with two female stars at once, The Maori detective will be very pleased."

Looking at the two people in front of her, Yucheng Liuli just felt like vomiting, they were completely rotten maggots, making people sick.

She slapped Bo Yuanxia directly on the face: "You two really make me sick."

She then looked at Nan Yunxiao, and said coldly: "Mr. Nanyun, this is the last time I will help you. We will have no relationship from now on."

"I'm just giving you a reminder that the decision is yours to make. Now, think about it for yourself!"

"It's better to surrender yourself; if you don't surrender, the Maori detective will definitely tell the truth. You will be ruined and then sentenced to heavy punishment. Make your own choice!"

"And don't think about crooked ways anymore, the police are watching outside."

After finishing speaking, Yucheng Liuli turned and left, not even wanting to take another look at the two of them.

As soon as Yucheng Liuli walked away, Nan Yunxiao and Bo Yuanxia started arguing.

The two began to blame each other for their crimes.Yucheng Liuli stayed away from the two, and came to the window alone, looking at the starry sky outside the window and crying.

Xiaolan, Haibara, and Conan are all paying attention to Nan Yunxiao and Hahara Kasumi who are arguing quietly.

They were all curious about who the murderer was.

At this moment, the selfish side of human nature is revealed.

Nan Yunxiao hoped to pick herself up clean, and hoped that Hahara Kasumi could take all the blame for her crimes.

And Bo Yuanxia hoped that Nan Yunxiao would help her to take the blame, so that she would not have to spend her good years in prison.

The two kept arguing about this matter.

And Mori Kogoro stood beside Yucheng Liuli, comforting his old classmate softly.

"Liuli, you have cried enough today, it's not worth crying for such a person."

"Liuli, don't be sad, if your fans know that the singer who sang the healing song is crying like this, they will definitely not believe your song."

"Little Liuli, glasses girl, little follower..."

Hearing the long-lost nickname, Yucheng Liuli couldn't help laughing through tears: "I hate it, it's been a long time since anyone called me a follower."

"Xiao Wulang, you're right. In fact, I've only known him for two years, and I've met only a handful of people. I don't have any feelings at all. There's no need to feel sad for him."

"I just think it's a pity that the long-standing fantasy father image has been shattered."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "You little follower is quite enlightened!"

"Damn it, don't call me that. I'm a big star now, a big beauty. How many people are chasing me and calling me a goddess? There are men who want to pursue me from Tokyo to Osaka!"

"Tsk tsk, Goddess, you have such a thick skin. Could it be that you went to North Korea to fix it?"

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