Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli immediately patted Mori Kogoro on the back angrily: "How is it possible, I am all natural, I just had myopia laser surgery."

"I'll kill you, kill you, make you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense."

Seeing that his old classmate finally let the matter go, Mori Kogoro also cooperated and dodged.

But soon, Yucheng Liuli stopped, and she sighed faintly: "I worked so hard to become so good, so excellent, just to let someone see that I don't need to be poor, but unfortunately, someone completely follows Like a blind man."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro could only touch his nose.

But dare not answer, the two girls Xiaolan and Huiyuan have already quietly approached behind them, if they make a mistake and go home, they will not be able to pay the job.

While comforting and fighting here, Nan Yunxiao and Hara Kasumi, the adulterer and prostitute, also ended their arguing over there.

Apparently, Bo Yuanxia had something to do with the experienced Nan Yunxiao. She lost in this duel, and she looked downcast.

In fact, Nan Yunxiao's accomplice crime is also very minor, as selfish as he is not willing to take the blame at all.

He coaxed and agreed to Hahara Kasumi with many conditions, and finally got Hahara Kasumi to let go.

After the two discussed it, they didn't dare to cross the line of sight with Mori Kogoro and Yucheng Liuli, so they went straight to the next room and surrendered to Police Officer Henggou.

Neither Mori Kogoro nor Yucheng Liuli wanted to pay any more attention to their dirty deal.

But the rest of the people were very curious, so they all followed to listen.

Chapter 0168

At the scene of the crime, Xiaolan, Conan, Huiyuan and others all saw a good show.

Kasumi Bohara didn't show such superb acting skills during filming.

When he surrendered, he cried and begged for mercy, looking extremely pitiful.

She first talked about how uncomfortable it was for her to bear the infamy, and then how she couldn't think about it, how angry she did something stupid and killed someone, and finally how panicked and blamed herself.

She told all about her modus operandi, and police officer Henggou found evidence and arrested her.

When her boyfriend Nagumo Shinharu heard these words, he couldn't believe it, and finally collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly: "Xiaoxia, why are you so stupid?"

Nan Yunxiao put his hands on his son's shoulders with a heavy face, comforting his son.

But in fact, if he hadn't put this green hat on his son, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

Conan held his chin and pondered. He was sure that Uncle Maoli knew the truth and told Yucheng Liuli.

But Yucheng Liuli has nothing to do with Kasumi Namihara, so why should Kasumi Namihara turn herself in, and what role does the old actor Nan Yunxiao play in it?

I don't understand, Conan just thinks that there is a deeper connection here that he hasn't thought of yet.

But he had no chance to follow up.

As soon as the matter was over, Mori Kogoro planned to set off for home.

The mustache director on the side said: "It's a pity that I didn't hear the reasoning show of the Maori detective today."

The mustache director kept the photographer ready at any time, wanting to record the reasoning material of the real case, and use the fame of Mori Kogoro to create hype for his work.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Isn't this a good ending? If every prisoner in the case I encountered could repent and surrender instead of thinking about getting rid of legal sanctions, then I would be much more relaxed."

At this time, police officer Henggou with curly hair rushed over and said expectantly: "Master, I have solved this case, now you can accept me as an apprentice!"

However, what Henggou Shenwu said earlier offended Xiaolan and Xiaoai, and the two girls remembered it to this day.

Xiaolan said without hesitation: "She turned herself in, so what does it have to do with you, Aunt Yucheng is the one who persuaded her to turn herself in!"

The little loli Huiyuan echoed, "Shameless."

She stretched out her hand to pull Kogoro Mori's suit, and said, "Uncle, don't associate with this kind of person in the future. You are still a policeman. If you always go to Huajie, it's no wonder you can't find a girlfriend. It's too bad."

Mori Kogoro gave Henggou Sango a helpless look: "Officer Henggou, it seems that we really don't have a relationship between master and apprentice!"

Henggou Shenwu burst into tears immediately: "No, Master!"

It's hard to imagine the greasy appearance of a nearly thirty-year-old curly-haired uncle crying.

Mori Kogoro couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled Xiaolan and Huiyuan away: "Officer Henggou, we will see you next time."

"Uncle, wait for me."

Conan, who was left behind, immediately followed up with short legs.

The four got into the car, and the car sped away immediately.

Yucheng Liuli looked at the vehicle going away, and said silently in her heart: Thank you, Kogoro, but the relationship between us will not end like this.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, Maori and his party returned home.

Conan returned to his room on the second floor and immediately connected to his good friend Hattori Heiji.

"What's the matter, Hattori, is there another case?"

"What, you are coming to Tokyo again this weekend? No, didn't we just go to Osaka last weekend? Why are you here?"

"Why, aren't you welcome?" Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone picked his nose and rolled his eyes.

"No, it's just that every time I see you, usually nothing good happens."

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