Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone shouted loudly: "What, do you think it will be good for me to see you? Do you think I want to go there? My mother said that I must go to Tokyo to buy something and meet friends. I'm with you."

"Is your mother coming too?"

"Can not be done!"

Conan immediately laughed: "Tsk tsk, Hattori-san, who was abandoned by Kazuba, has now become a mother boy, and he actually acts with his mother."

Hattori Heiji turned dark when he heard this, and immediately retorted: "It's better than you, didn't you say that your mother cheated on Uncle Maori, did you confirm it?"

In an instant, it was Conan's turn to turn black, and he immediately roared: "I said there is suspicion, but there is only suspicion! It's not sure, and there is no evidence. If Hattori dares to spread rumors again, you will die next time we meet."

The voice was too harsh, Hattori Heiji immediately took the phone away, and said again: "Okay, okay, when we go over the weekend, you just need to be ready to receive us."

Only then did the phone hang up, and Conan, who was stabbed in the sore spot by his friend, became upset again.

But on the third floor, it was a different scene. Both women were being punished.

Mori Kogoro's punishment has always been spanking.

The two women lay on the sofa, pouted their buttocks, and endured the slaps again and again, feeling extremely ashamed.

"If you don't teach you a good lesson today, you can still turn the world upside down."

"It really disappoints me that you don't believe me so much, and still do such impolite things and say such impolite words in front of your aunt Yucheng."

"I said that Conan, a kid, runs the train with his head full of mouth. You can't believe that he was bewitched by him all of a sudden."

"I was outside just now, and I couldn't punish you in front of everyone. Now you have all done it for me. Thirty strokes per person, no less."

Hearing this, the two women pouted their buttocks.

The two women looked at each other, feeling ashamed.

Both Xiaolan and Huiyuan had experienced Kogoro Mori's family law punishment, but they were both alone, and Renren passed away.

Now two people are being punished together, you see me, I see you, the shame is overwhelming.

Even though it was such a simple punishment, the two women found it very difficult.

But they didn't dare to run away. Just now Xiaolan tried to hide in her room because she was being clever, but she was caught by Kogoro Mouri. She was fined [-] times first, but she was ashamed and humiliated.

The two women could only grit their teeth and bear all this.

Chapter 0169

Mori Kogoro said serious words, but there was a weird smile on his face.

Anyway, the two women turned their backs to him and couldn't see him.

He kept slapping one hand to make noises, while the other hand grabbed it, pinched it or grabbed it, and the two hands alternated from time to time, enjoying themselves.

Relying on his extraordinary reaction speed, he was completely sure to pull his hand away before they turned around, and his big hand changed into a slapping shape, so naturally they would not notice it.

The faces of Xiaolan and Huiyuan both blushed, they lowered their heads like ostriches, gritted their teeth and endured bitterly.

"Why is Uncle Dad like this? Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai are still here, it's too much!"

Neither of the two women dared to make any abnormal movements. If the people next to them turned around, they would definitely die if they were found.

It's just that the two women have such a mentality, so as Moori Kogoro expected, the two women did not make any moves.

However, the excitement in this situation was overwhelming, and the two women couldn't help breathing quickly.

Although Kogoro Mori slowed down, the time for punishment was over quickly.

He withdrew his hand with some reluctance, and the two women immediately shrank their feet and got up, and then each wanted to run shyly to their own rooms.

It's a pity that the little loli Huiyuan is a little clumsy in escaping.

With a delicate body, she hadn't run a few steps when she got up, when Kogoro Moori grabbed the back collar of her clothes and picked her up.

With a malicious smile on his face, Mori Kogoro said, "Xiao Ai, it's already late, the hot water in the bathtub is ready, to save time, go to bed early, let's take a bath together!"

Huiyuan immediately blushed, shook his head and said, "No!"

Mori Kogoro embraced him with a smirk: "No, uncle can't eat people."

"Xiao Ai is really a child who doesn't pay attention to hygiene. It's not worrying, so I can only let my uncle wash it for you."

Hui Yuan immediately said: "How can I not be hygienic? Talk nonsense, you slander me."

"Okay, okay, let's treat you like uncle slandering you, and uncle will definitely wash you up today."

After saying that, he carried Hui Yuan into the bathroom.

Hui Yuan's ice-blue eyes glared at Mouri Kogoro coquettishly like an adult, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She was quite proud of her own charm.

Not long after, two bodies, one large and one small, appeared in the bathtub of the bathroom.

Huiyuan's body was covered in bubbles, and Mori Kogoro kept scrubbing the cute little loli.

The strength is appropriate and the technique is exquisite, which makes Huiyuan scream comfortably from time to time.

Soon, Mori Kogoro rubbed his whole body clean, white and tender, and people couldn't help but want to kiss him and kiss his whole body.

After taking a bath, it is the usual experimental session.

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