When it comes to experiments, the little loli Huiyuan is very scientific. She put down the ice cream in her hand and started the experiment on her own initiative.

At night, the overworked Huiyuan fell asleep early.

Xiao Lan was taking a bath alone, but she was quite jealous of the close relationship between her father and Hui Yuan.

Really, which one is daddy's real daughter!

Although Xiaolan has resentment, but this resentment comes and goes quickly.

After taking a bath, she changed into her pajamas, followed her into the room, and rested together.

The next day, on Thursday morning, the other three members of the family had gone to school, and Kogoro Mori was left alone looking through the materials in the office on the second floor.

Tonight he is going to take Sera Masumi to an appointment at the Twilight Villa.

The Twilight Annex was owned by Renye Karasuma half a century ago.

At the age of 99, he died forty years ago.

If he is still alive now, Renye Karasuma is a [-]-year-old monster.

The totem of the Karasuma family is a crow, which is very similar to the dark organization.

According to the memory of Mori Kogoro's previous life, someone seems to have said that Renye Karasuma was the founder of the dark organization, that is, the boss behind the dark organization.

It's a pity that Conan in the previous life has not been written, and there is no way to explore whether he is the boss behind the scenes.

However, according to the information obtained by Mori Kogoro, after the fight with Belmode, and the information obtained from Itakura Zhuo's villa, he has vaguely revealed who the boss of the organization is.

Going to the Twilight Annex now, Mori Kogoro is also quite curious.

Although he didn't think there would be much gain from this trip, he was quite cautious about it, and found information about the tragedy [-] years ago through various means.

Forty years ago, the tragedy that was secretly circulated in the upper class happened in the Twilight Annex.

At that time, it was a memorial auction held after Renye Karasuma's death. The auction items were works of art collected by Renye Karasuma, and all the invited people were high-ranking figures in Japan.

The auction lasted for a total of three days, but in the middle, two travelers emerged from the storm and came to the annex to take shelter from the rain.

Originally, the person in charge of the annex was unwilling to let them in, but they gave the person in charge marijuana to smoke, which made the person in charge dizzy all of a sudden.

After these two travelers entered the annex, they kept bewitching the upper-class people present to take drugs and make them hallucinate.

Afterwards, the auctioneers who fell into ecstasy began to kill each other continuously, and blood flowed into the annex all of a sudden.

At the end of the chaos, there were dozens of people, only eight survived, and more than a dozen were unconscious, and all the antiques in this auction and the two travelers disappeared.

After that, the survivors of the Twilight Annex seemed to reach a consensus, and they didn't say anything about it after they left.

And because they are upper-class people, they used all kinds of energy to suppress this matter, and ordinary people don't know it at all, only a few people have heard of it.

This is the information that Kogoro Mori used his own power to find. It has been a long time ago, and there are no extra clues.

He flipped through these documents, tapped his fingers on the table, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed open, and it was the old classmate Yucheng Liuli who came.

Yucheng Liuli was wearing a black and white tulle dress, her snow-white jade neck was exposed, and she was wearing a gorgeous hat. She looked like a pretty British lady, extremely delicate.

"I didn't bother you, Kogoro!"

"Little Liuli, why are you here?"

"Can't I come to you to talk about the past if I have nothing to do? Why are you talking so unreasonably!"

Yucheng Liuli wrinkled her nose, as if she was very dissatisfied with Mori Kogoro's attitude, after all, both of them were like that last night.

"I came to thank you for the case last night, and Nan Yunxiao has bothered me all day, talking about finding a lawyer for Kasumi Hahara."

"No, there's no other way, I can only come and find Yingli with you!"

Chapter 0170

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly, Yucheng Liuli and Eri have a good relationship, if you want to find a lawyer, just go to Eri directly, why are you here?

Drunkard’s intention is not to drink!

Yucheng Liuli took off his hat and put it on the table.

She came to the desk and leaned over, pretending to be curious: "Xiao Wulang, are you looking at any new cases?"

Sensing the softness of the shoulders, the blue hair brushing the neck, and smelling the soft fragrance of the big star, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

"Well, it was a tragedy more than [-] years ago. It's unclear, and the prosecution period has passed. Now it can only serve as a reference."

"I'll see, I'll see!"

Yucheng Liuli actually didn't want to know about the so-called case, she just wanted to stay close to Mori Kogoro for a while longer.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and put together the information: "You're not a detective, why do you know so much?"

He put the materials away and put them in the cabinet, then got up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see Yingli!"

"Don't be so anxious."

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