"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've come to your place. I heard from Eri that the second floor is the office, and the third floor is the home."

"As an old classmate, I finally came here, why don't you even invite me to your house?"

Yucheng Liuli folded her hands on her chest, pretending to be angry.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, let's go up, I will treat you to tea, but it is a special famous tea from Huaguo."

"It's almost there!"

Yucheng Liuli raised her head, walked out of the office on high heels and walked to the third floor, followed by Mori Kogoro.

Looking at the back of Yucheng Liuli, her white legs kept moving, and her figure was so graceful that people couldn't bear to look away.

When the two entered the house, Yucheng Liuli changed her shoes, and said after entering, "Wow, it's a beautiful home, it feels very warm at first sight."

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa and began to make tea, while Yucheng Liuli pretended to be curious and wandered around his house, expressing surprise from time to time.

Well, the acting skills are a little exaggerated!

But Mori Kogoro didn't say anything.

"Hey, what are these?"

Hearing the sound, Mori Kogoro looked up, and saw Xiao Liuli bent over, pouted her buttocks, pointing to the two potted plants in the TV cabinet and asking, the buttocks were facing him.

This guy is here to seduce himself!

Mori Kogoro replied: "It's the lavender that hasn't grown yet. Xiaolan said that there are a few lavender trees at home, which can repel mosquitoes."

"Oh, so that's the case, I thought it was a mimosa!" Yucheng Liuli didn't change her posture, and gently moved the leaves of the potted plant with her fingers.

It's just that the direction Mori Kogoro couldn't see, her little face was slightly red.

Obviously, today's move was too bold for her.

Mori Kogoro finished making tea, smiled lightly and said, "Liuli, it's time for tea."

Only then did Yucheng Liuli turn around and pick up the teacup and drank it down. She even gave Mo Li Kogoro a rather resentful look.

What an elm head, I have been posing for so long, and the signal has been sent for so long, don't you know how to pounce?

The book doesn't say that a woman sends out a simple signal, and a man can feel it, and then pounce on him like a hungry wolf. It's really nonsense.

In fact, it's not that Mori Kogoro is a straight man of steel, it's just that Yucheng Liuli didn't realize that his beginner's seduction skills were too low.

After drinking tea, Yucheng Liuli turned her eyes and saw three rooms next to her, and asked, "Xiao Wulang, which room is yours?"

"The one in the middle?"

"Let me see."

After that, she didn't care whether Kogoro Mori agreed or not, she went directly into the room and sat on the big bed.

Mori Kogoro could only get up and follow into the room.

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Liuli turned upside down, smiled lightly and said, "It's a very comfortable bed!"

He didn't get up either, and looked straight at him with big eyes, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, which Yucheng Liuli had already shown very clearly at this moment.

Mori Kogoro frowned, stepped forward, and directly pressed Yucheng Liuli on the bed.

He looked down at her from above, and teased: "Xiao Liuli, you are very strange today, you have been talking about other things all the time, what is your real purpose for coming here?"

Yucheng Liuli blushed slightly, and turned her head sideways: "I don't have any purpose, just to let you take me to see Yingli!"

"Lie, Yingli is also your old classmate, you don't need my introduction at all."

"I just came here to catch up with you!"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It's as simple as reminiscing about the old days?" His fingertips gently slid on his white jade arm slowly.

The strange tone of voice made Yucheng Liuli's face blush.

Xiao Liuli turned her head sideways, and stared at Mao Li Kogoro with big stubborn eyes: "I still need to ask you for compensation."

"What compensation?"

"Anyway, because of you, Nan Yunxiao and I severed our father-daughter relationship."

"I made me lose my father, so you have to pay me!"

I have to say that women are good at making strong words.

"It turned out that the creditor came to the door and wanted to claim compensation. How can I compensate?"

Yucheng Liuli blushed again, unable to speak.

Mori Kogoro moved his fingertips up along his jade neck, then pinched his chin, and smiled badly: "How about paying me to you?"

After finishing speaking, he pecked Xiao Liuli's pink lips: "How about it, is it enough?"

Xiao Liuli froze for a moment, but then shook her head slightly.

Mori Kogoro smirked again, pinched his chin to prevent him from shaking his head, and said softly, "Xiao Liuli, is it enough to ask you? Answer it!"

"not enough."

An inaudible voice came from his mouth, satisfying Kogoro Mori's evil taste.

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