Mori Kogoro continued to tease and said: "Oh, Xiao Liuli is so greedy, this is not enough."

"Could it be that Xiao Liuli really wants me?"

Yucheng Liuli kept silent again, blushing all over her face.

Mori Kogoro smirked again: "I'm asking you something, Xiao Liuli, do you want me or not? If you don't want me, I can go."

It's so much fun teasing this fledgling lovebird.

At this moment, Yucheng Liuli's head was completely dazed, some dreams came true and illusory, some were ecstatic and unbelievable, and she looked like she didn't know how to respond.

This is a scene she has never encountered in her life.

Listening to Mori Kogoro's inquiry, she finally replied stupidly: "I want it!"


"I want you!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was immediately satisfied, so he stopped teasing the little rookie and kissed him again.

Chapter 0171

The temperature in the room seemed to be rising, and there seemed to be a little more beauty in the air.

Xiao Liuli's kissing skills are very clumsy, and she is no match for Mori Kogoro at all.

As soon as she kissed, she was stunned, her body tensed up, and she was extremely nervous.

Mori Kogoro kept climbing with his left hand, and immediately felt the rapid heartbeat of Xiao Liuli as soon as he covered it, while his right hand kept walking, attacking cities and villages everywhere.

Xiao Liuli's face was full of intoxicating blush, and water mist soon formed in her eyes, and the bodies of the two became hotter and hotter.

Then Mori Kogoro let go of his mouth, and whispered to him, "Xiao Liuli, there is something I must tell you first."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli's head was still a little dazed, but his eyes gradually recovered a little clarity.

"Huh?" She asked suspiciously, tilting her head sideways.

"Actually, Eri and I got back together, but for some special reasons, we didn't announce it to the public."

Hearing this, Yucheng Liuli couldn't help but tighten her grip on Moori Kogoro's hand.

This must be told to Liuli first, otherwise he will take her there.

Accidentally, Yucheng Liuli flaunted Mori Kogoro as her boyfriend, and it was a proper Shura field.

Besides, there is not only Eri in the office, but also the petite and lovely Ritsuko Usui, and the new lawyer Midori Kuriyama, all three of them are his own women.

All the female lawyers in the firm seemed to be taken down by him. Once Xiao Liuli revealed it, Mori Kogoro doubted that he would not be able to get out of Eri's firm.

Yucheng Liuli couldn't help pinching Kogoro Mori. Although she was disappointed knowing this, she still couldn't bear to push the man in front of her.

Looking at the face in front of her that she had missed for so many years, Yucheng Liuli couldn't help covering it with her little hand, whirling lightly: "Xiao Wulang, waiting for a man for twenty-three years is not a good feeling."

"Life is so short, I am no longer young, and I don't want to wait any longer."

Her eyes were full of passion, seeing Xiao Liuli's posture, Mori Kogoro naturally knew what he should do.

He greedily kissed little Liuli and started to attack again.

Soon, a stirring and moving movement sounded in the room.

After more than two hours, the battle ceased and all the clouds and rain disappeared.

Yucheng Liuli is lying in Moli Kogoro's arms, the sun is shining on the two of them, the picture is very beautiful.

Yucheng Liuli couldn't help but chuckled, as if she was dreaming.

"Xiao Wulang, why does it feel like a fake? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "If you think it's fake, well, let's do it again, and I'll let you know what's real!"

Yucheng Liuli begged for mercy immediately, she was really dying.

But she couldn't help laughing again, and took a deep sniff of Kogoro Mori's body: "If those female students in the previous class knew that I took you down, they wouldn't know how much they envied me!"

"From now on, you will not be a man I can't get."

Speaking of this, little Liuli snickered again.

Mori Kogoro didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but he had to say that Yucheng Liuli really looked like a dick.

He reached out and patted Liuli's perky buttocks, and said, "Okay, it's time to get up."

"No, no, just lie down for a while, just for a while!" She got up coquettishly, clinging to Mori Kogoro's body tightly, but she didn't want to get up.

Mori Kogoro can only follow her.

"Xiao Wulang, let me sing for you, I sing very well." Xiao Liuli boasted, extremely childish.

She's just a little girl who wants to express herself in front of her sweetheart!Mori Kogoro also obediently cooperated: "Well, I'll order a warm beach."

Xiao Liuli immediately reached out and patted his chest: "Hey, that's rock and roll, I'm singing healing love songs."

"Okay, okay, don't beat, don't beat, then order one of your masterpieces, Winter Love, and I will help you beat the time."

Mori Kogoro slapped his arm lightly, Yucheng Ruri lay on his chest, looked at Mori Kogoro tenderly with his eyes, and began to sing a cappella.

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