A warm and sweet singing voice came out of her small mouth.

Holding the beautiful woman in his arms and listening to the ditties, Mori Kogoro just felt very comfortable.

It's not that I don't want to open the door to accept commissioned work, there is really no way!

In the afternoon, before Xiaolan, Huiyuan, and Conan came back, Yucheng Liuli reluctantly left.

This woman is a complete lie. She didn't want Kogoro Mori to accompany her to find Eri. She had already told Eri on the phone.

This time I came here to take down Mori Kogoro.

Yucheng Liuli, who had fulfilled her long-cherished wish, was in a great mood, and she walked a little briskly.

In the end, she stood at the stairs, kissed Mori Kogoro three times before getting in the car and leaving.

After that, Conan and Haibara all went home, and Ran also appeared with Sera Masumi.

Sera Masumi dressed like a tomboy, with jeans and a leather jacket, but he was extremely handsome and aggressive.

Mori Kogoro was already ready to go to the Twilight Annex.

But the distance is a bit far, and it is in the mountains, so it takes at least two hours to drive there.

As soon as she heard that it would take such a long time in the car, the little loli Huiyuan immediately didn't want to go.

Huiyuan is actually very lazy, she is the kind of girl who can stay still and not move, and she will never sit when she can lie down.

Last night's experiment was already overworked, and I had another day of class, so I had no energy. It couldn't compare to Xiaolan and Conan who were still full of energy.

Little Lolita yawned and said, "Uncle, you go, I won't go, I want to catch up on sleep at home."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Huihara's little head, and agreed.

A group of people set off quickly, heading towards the Twilight Villa.

The car left the urban area of ​​Tokyo very quickly, and the further we drove out, the worse the weather became.

Not long after, it began to rain, light rain at first, and then it kept getting bigger and bigger, turning into a torrential rain.

Xiaolan in the back seat looked at the sky outside and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

More than an hour later, the Lexus was driving on the curved mountain road, and the so-called Dusk Castle was on the cliff on the right.

Sera Masumi said, "Wow, that Twilight Villa looks really weird, it looks like a vampire's castle!"

Mori Kogoro glanced at the old castle on the cliff, which was a little less terrifying than Hongzi's castle.

But Xiaolan didn't think so, instead she said worriedly: "Father, why don't we go, what if we meet a vampire again?"

Shiliang Zhenchun's voice was low: "How can there be ghosts in this world, at most they are just old mountain village demons." She made a grimace.

Xiaolan screamed immediately, and pushed Shiliang Zhenchun away in fear, but Shiliang Zhenchun laughed triumphantly: "Sure enough, Sonoko is right, Xiaolan is most afraid of ghosts, I have already grasped your weakness .”

"I will definitely win the next competition."

This guy still couldn't forget the loss to Xiaolan in the previous martial arts competition.

Chapter 0172

At this time, in the middle of the mountain road illuminated by the headlights of the car, an old lady holding an umbrella suddenly appeared.

Kogoro Mori stepped on the brakes immediately, and the car barely stopped in front of the old lady.

Such an old face suddenly appeared in the dark and rainy mountain road, it was really strange.

Xiaolan's pupils contracted for a while, and Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but shouted: "Is it really an old mountain demon?"

"Son, it's rude to say that to an old man!"

Kogoro Mori recognized her, and introduced her, "This is not an ordinary old woman. Although she is a bit older, she is also a detective. Are you right, Ms. Qianjian Jiangdai?"

Qianjian Jiangdai raised his eyebrows slightly: "I didn't expect Detective Maori to remember me as a bad old woman. It's really an honor!"

Shiliang Zhenchun looked surprised: "What, you are the famous easy chair detective who can find the real murderer just by sitting on the chair knitting a sweater and listening to the TV station or other people's report."

Qianjian Jiangdai laughed softly: "I didn't expect such a young girl to recognize me, it's really strange."

Shiliang Zhenchun touched his head: "Because I am also a detective. Although I haven't solved too many cases, I have paid attention to the detectives of my colleagues, so I know."

"Oh, female high school detectives, rare."

"Good eyesight, I can tell that I am a woman at a glance."

Qianjian Jiangdai couldn't help laughing out loud: "Old woman, I am not so old and dim-sighted. Although you don't have any breasts, your feminine characteristics are still very obvious."

Sera Masumi immediately said: "Although the breasts are still flat now, they will definitely grow explosively in the near future."

Conan rolled his eyes and said, "Grandma, what are you doing standing in the middle of the road?"

Qianjian Jiangdai pointed to the car next to him, and said, "You have all seen it, my precious car Fürth just couldn't start, so I can only stand on the side of the road and try my luck to see if it works." I met a kind person who gave me a ride."

"Detective Maori, I believe your destination is also the Twilight Villa."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "No problem, you can get in the car, do you need my help with luggage?"

"Hehe, you are indeed a gentleman, thank you very much."

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