Chigen Kogoro put away her umbrella and got into the car. Mori Kogoro helped her carry the luggage over and restarted the car.

The car continued to head towards the Twilight Villa.

Along the way, thousands of descendants kept flipping through books.

But because of her presence, Xiaolan and Sera Masumi who were sitting in the back seat were a little cautious, so they didn't speak, and the car was quite dull.

Qianjian Jiangdai took the initiative to speak: "Detective Maori, are you here to take part in an outing with your family? There are so many people!"

"I can't help it. My daughter is very clingy to me, and she can't leave me for a moment. This little devil is very headstrong. If he doesn't bring her with her, he might turn over the house."

Shiliang Zhenchun rushed to talk: "As for me, I want to follow Detective Maori to see the world."

Qianjian Jiangdai closed the book in his hand, raised his brow slightly: "Oh, Detective Maori, aren't you afraid of any danger in this trip?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "At most, it's a stinky mouse hiding in the dark. What's the danger? I'll trample it to death with just one foot. You're right, Ms. Qianjian."

Qianjian Jiangdai raised his glasses, and chuckled lightly: "As expected, you are worthy of being the god of detectives, you are indeed very confident!"

She picked up the book again and flipped through it.Soon, the car arrived at the bifurcation intersection. Turn left to the Twilight Villa, and turn right to Daoxiang Village.

Lexus then turned to the left, passed a narrow wooden bridge, and came to the Twilight Pavilion on the cliff.

There was already a car parked nearby, and everyone got out of the car with umbrellas.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "There are so many luxury cars here, Mercedes, Porsche, Ferrari."

When Conan saw the last car, he couldn't help jumping on it: "Wow, this is an Alpaca Romeo, it's so cool."

"Little ghost, don't touch my woman, okay? I have spent five years for this pungent woman!"

A man got out of the car, held up a purple umbrella,

He was wearing a green suit, a black top hat, a blue tie over an orange shirt, and black leather shoes. He was also a detective named Haruki Motegi.

"Other men touch him with their hands. It's too much for her to lose her temper, kid."

Conan let go of his hand, and Xiaolan couldn't help asking softly, "Shiliang, do you know this?"

"A car-loving detective, Motegi Haruki, seems to be mostly active abroad. The last news I heard was in Italy!"

Qianjian Jiangdai said: "Brother Mogi, are you in good health? I remember you were attacked by the mafia last week. Why are you returning to China now?"

"Sister Qianjian, you are here too. You said that was too long ago, I can't remember."

Haruki Motegi turned his head and looked at Mori Kogoro: "However, I saw news about you when I was abroad, the last guardian in the sunset, Mori Detective."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, but didn't say much.

Everyone walked along the stairs to the other hall.

Chiken Kodai and Motegi Haruki kept exchanging greetings.

"Brother Mogi, I remember that you will be forty in three days, and you haven't married and have children yet?"

"I'm living such a dangerous life. How can any woman want to be with me? No one knows what will happen in the future. Now I just want to find something to fill my internal organs."

I have to say that this annex has a certain age, and it can be seen from the creepers and weathered appearances on the walls.

As soon as everyone entered the other hall, a maid greeted them.

The maid's pockmarked face was named Aki Ishihara.

Everyone put the umbrellas in the storage buckets and glanced at this annex. It was really the style of the last century, and it was quite eerie.

Soon, a fat bearded man in a white suit walked out by the stairs, and it was the gourmet detective who wished him well.

He called the maid: "Hey, there's no food here."

Ishihara Aki immediately stepped forward to bow and apologize: "Because the chef happened to be seriously ill today and asked for leave, so I can't cook, but I have bought the ingredients, don't mind me helping you cook later."

"Forget it, you maid, what kind of food can you cook?"

"I'll make it myself. Only food and cases in this world can arouse my interest."

After saying that, the big fat man Zhu Shan turned around and went to the kitchen.

Chapter 0173 Beauty Detective

The food detective turned around and left, and when he saw a group of people coming in, he had no intention of saying hello at all, but his personality was quite withdrawn.

At this time, Qianjian asked the maid Aki Ishihara: "Why did your master invite us detectives here?"

Aki Ishihara shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either, but we have invited six detectives in total, and two more have arrived first."

Sera Masumi said, "Could it be Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji? These two high school detectives are quite famous."

Aki Ishihara continued to shake his head and said: "It's not them. Although the name of Mr. Kudo and Mr. Hattori was on the master's list at the beginning, Mr. Kudo has been unable to be contacted, and Mr. Hattori was unable to come because he just happened to take part in the kendo assessment. "

"Later, Detective Maori said that he would bring his family and Detective Sera. After I confirmed with the master, the master agreed, and no one else was invited."

Motegi Haruki asked, "Then where is your master who likes detectives now?"

The maid lowered her head and said, "Actually, I haven't seen the master's true face until now."

Qianjian asked: "Didn't he give you a guest list for you to contact? How come you haven't seen it?"

"Yes, I did get the list after the interview, but the interview was very weird."

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