"Don't worry, there is no ghost."

Gun Tian Yumei who was at the side said softly, "Perhaps the soul of the wronged man who died [-] years ago is still floating in this annex!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but trembled again.

Mori Kogoro said: "Miss Guntian, don't say this in front of my daughter."

Guntian Yumi laughed softly: "I really can't see it, the relationship between you father and daughter is really good, it's really enviable, they look a bit like a couple."

When Gunda Ikumi said this, she was still smiling like a fox.

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning.

But Kogoro Mouri said calmly: "Ms. Guntian doesn't follow them to investigate, why come here to see us father and daughter?"

"I've investigated it before, but unfortunately I found nothing. Now I naturally want to act together with the Maori detective."

"After all, Detective Maori is known as the God of Detectives. You shouldn't mind me, a little girl, watching from the sidelines."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's big eyes showed a trace of hostility, why did this woman approach her father somehow?

Mori Kogoro shrugged, naturally he thought it was okay.

He took Xiaolan and walked forward, with Guntian Yumei following beside him.

The three of them walked through the hall, passed the back, and came to the atrium.

The atrium was already in dilapidated condition, neglected, and not overgrown with weeds, but close enough.

There is also a sculpture in the center, but after more than forty years of sun and rain, it is completely unrecognizable now.

Mori Kogoro took everything he saw into his heart, and the three of them crossed the atrium and came to the back door. He didn't go out of the back door, stood upright and looked at it for a while, and then took Xiaolan back.

At this point, his investigation was over, and Gun Tian Yumei, who was following him, couldn't help but look surprised.

Is this the end of the investigation? ? ?

This great detective is really unexpected, she can't help but look curiously at Kogoro Mori.

Then the three returned to the living room on the first floor first, while the other detectives were still searching.

Back in the living room, Guntian Yumi took off her white coat, which made people's eyes shine.

Inside is a purple cheongsam, wearing a string of pearl necklaces, making it extraordinarily bright, especially the cheongsam slits to the thighs, the white legs are very attractive to the eye.

She has a graceful figure, protruding forward and backward, with a well-proportioned and soft figure, and the whole person exudes a noble temperament. When she sits down and holds her side face, she looks a little lazy.

Smooth fingers lightly tapped on the table, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was thinking.

At this time, Xiaolan wanted to go to the bathroom, so she let go of her father's hand and left the living room.

In the living room, only Kogoro Mori and Ikumi Gunida were left.

Guntian Yumi couldn't help but said, "Detective Maori, aren't you curious about the tragedy that happened [-] years ago?"

"Why are you curious? The prosecution period has already passed, so what's the point of pursuing it again?"

"On the contrary, I'm very curious about Ms. Guntian. How can you, such a beautiful woman, come to get involved in these cases?"

Guntian Yumi covered her mouth and chuckled lightly: "Detective Maori, although I would be very happy if you said that, but aren't you afraid that your daughter will be jealous?"

"If I'm not mistaken, your daughter should be the legendary 'father control'?"

"Don't be surprised, it's just that my last client was also a so-called 'father-controlled' patient. Her attitude towards her father was almost the same as your daughter's attitude just now, and that's when I saw it."

"But yes, with such a young and handsome father, it's quite normal for a daughter who is rarely influenced by anime to have some problems in her thinking."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "Can I take this as a compliment to me?"

"Of course!"

Mori Kogoro looked a little more serious: "As expected of the most prestigious female detective in Tokyo, she is truly amazing."

He inspected Guntian Ikumi for a while, and then spoke.

"Miss Qiangtian, although you are very feminine at the moment, deep down you hope that others will not treat you as a woman, and you should dress like a man in private. I guess you haven't had a boyfriend yet!"

"Currently, I just hope that I can rely on my status as a beautiful woman to get convenience when handling a case. I am a genuine pragmatist."

Guntian Yumi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh, wouldn't Detective Mori feel too rude when he said that to a woman who met for the first time?"

"No, since the other party says my daughter is 'father controlled', you can't expect that father to remain rational!"

Mori Kogoro glanced at his right shoulder, and continued: "Although he is a person with a sense of justice and exploration spirit, he acts very unruly."

"I think you should have often fought with other little boys when you were young, but you haven't practiced well yet. You were kicked and injured by gangsters when you commissioned it last time!"

Gun Tian Yumei immediately reached out to cover her right shoulder, nodded and praised: "Amazing!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled, and continued: "This sense of justice should be inherited from his father who was a criminal policeman, but not only the sense of justice, but also marksmanship and informality."

"Miss Guntian, you must be very sloppy, the apartment environment where you live alone is very bad."

Mori Kogoro poked his head forward and took a deep breath: "Otherwise, you will definitely find a faint musty smell on your custom-made cheongsam bought from Huaguo."

Upon hearing this, Guntian Yumi's pretty face instantly turned red, and she immediately retorted: "Nonsense, it's just that I was entrusted to go to Osaka for a long time last time, and I just returned to Tokyo yesterday, so I'm going to rush over here, right? It's just time to clean up."

This is of course a sophistry.

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