Every point of Mori Kogoro's analysis is on point.

In private, she dresses very neutrally, in the same style as Sera Masumi.

She can do karate, and she can deal with two or three thieves, but her spear skills are better.

Moreover, she is very bad at housework, and often makes the house very messy. The clothes in the closet are piled up like a mountain, and they are not tidied up. It is normal to get moldy.

And she is twenty-nine years old now, and she has never had a boyfriend until now.

I didn't hand it in before because my profession is a forensic doctor who deals with dead bodies. Although he is beautiful, men are far away from him.

Later, I came out as a private detective, but I was so focused on handling cases, I looked like a woman in my daily life, so naturally I didn't have a boyfriend.

[Wait a minute, this guy said I don't have a boyfriend, I'm tired of working! 】

Guntian Ikumi's eyes instantly became extremely unfriendly, watching Mori Kogoro's body tense slightly, ready to go.

Chapter 0175

Although Guntian Ikumi doesn't have a boyfriend, she is very concerned about what others say about her.

Originally, she was obviously a beautiful woman, but because of her occupation, no one pursued her, which is pitiful enough!

In addition, my classmates are all married and have children, and I have reached the age when I should get married, but the progress in this area is completely zero.

Every time at the party, those female classmates teased and ridiculed themselves.

When I got home, I still had to meet my parents' life-threatening serial urging marriage.

It made her very sensitive to this matter! ! !

Whenever someone mentions this, she will inevitably give her a blow.

Kogoro Mori is no exception.

Gun Tian Yu Meiqiao had a smirk on her pretty face, her body tensed up, and she suddenly burst out.

The right hand became a knife, and went straight to the temple of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro pushed down the table with both hands, leaned back, and the chair was suspended.

Yiji Iron Bridge escaped the sudden attack directly.

This beautiful detective who strikes at a disagreement is a bit interesting, like a rose with thorns.

Kogoro Mori left the chair sideways, and Ikumi Gunida also stood up.

Even though she was wearing an inconvenient cheongsam and high heels, she had no intention of letting it go.

"Detective Maori, didn't you say that I'm not good at karate? Then please teach me."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Miss Qiangtian, I was just joking, besides, you are a woman, so you can't beat me."

Hearing this, Guntian Yumei's eyes grew colder, her pretty face turned cold, and she stepped forward again.

Come on, I said the wrong thing again!

Guntian Ikumi hates others treating her like a useless vase or a useless woman.

Without any hesitation, she rushed to attack directly, stepping on her high heels and constantly approaching.

Kick up with your right foot and go straight down three ways.

Mori Kogoro knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he didn't fight back and kept dodging.

Gun Tian Yumi kicked empty, and did not stop, so she kicked with another foot.

He kicked Kogoro Mori one after another with a roundabout kick.

The two fought from the front of the hall to the end of the hall in Nuo Da's reception hall.

The hem of the purple cheongsam kept flying, and the beautiful legs kept attacking.

Although this scene is quite beautiful, it is also extremely dangerous.

Guntian Ikumi didn't take off her high heels. The heels of the high heels were very sharp, and they were aimed at Kogoro Mori's crotch.

If ordinary people were kicked by these high heels, they might not even be able to get up.

Although he couldn't kick Mori Kogoro, when the high heels passed by, he instinctively felt like a light was on his back, and naturally he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing that there is no way to retreat, this gun Tian Yumei still wants to continue chasing without knowing the severity, and Kogoro Mori will naturally not spoil her anymore.

Seeing Mori Kogoro's back leaning against the wall, Guntian Ikumi couldn't help being overjoyed, and kicked out with a trick, hitting his abdomen.

She thought that Mori Kogoro was inevitable and would definitely be tricked.

Unexpectedly, her right ankle was grabbed by a big hand, and then she was picked up and pushed onto Moori Kogoro's shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Gunita Ikumi felt herself spinning like a compass, and reversed position with Mori Kogoro, her back leaned heavily against the wall, and then there was a tearing feeling between her legs.

"Oh, it's about to break, the ligament is about to break, let me go." She couldn't help but reached out and patted Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro didn't expect Ikumi Gunita's ligaments to be so bad, and he was crying in pain before he even rolled a split horse.

But how could he let her go so easily! "Miss Guntian, didn't you enjoy chasing me? Is it still fun now?"

After saying that, he lifted Guntian Yumi's right leg up again.

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