Constrained by this strange force, Guntian Yumi couldn't break free, and resolutely confessed and begged for mercy.

It's a pity that Kogoro Mori's lingering anger still persisted, so he naturally refused to let go.

His right hand slowly slid across Guntian Yumei's calf, it was really a good bow.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's big hand, Ikumi Gunita blushed suddenly on her face.

"Mori Kogoro, what are you doing? I'm suing you for sexual harassment!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Sue it, but if you do something wrong, you will be punished."

After saying that, he put down Tian Yumei's right leg, turned it around, clasped her hands, and pushed her to lie on the table beside her.

When the strange power was displayed, Guntian Yumi couldn't break free at all.

She immediately panicked in her heart, her pupils continued to shrink, and terrible guesses immediately appeared in her mind.

【No way, what is he going to do? This posture is still pressing me, isn't it?Is he crazy?How can it be, I will leave this to my boyfriend!what! ! !No, I'm going to kill him! 】

Guntian Yumei couldn't hide the fear on her face at all, and she couldn't see the back of her head, and she couldn't help but look desperate.

But, bang bang bang! ! !

Instead of the picture imagined by Guntian Ikumi, there was a crisp slapping sound.

Damn, it turned out to be a spanking, it's too childish!

Why do I still have a little sense of loss in my heart!

No, it's a shame, my father is reluctant to beat me, Mori Kogoro, you dare to beat me, you are dead.

Gun Tian Yumei's face was full of shame and indignation, and she opened her mouth lightly: "Moori Kogoro, you are dead, I will find someone to arrest you, you wait to go to jail!"

"There are many classmates in my procuratorate, and you will definitely be sentenced to death. You just wait for death!"

"You still don't stop, look behind you, your daughter is back."

"It hurts, let me go!"

"Detective Maori, I was wrong, let me go!"

Guntian Ikumi has used threats, tricks, and begging for mercy.

Ke Lang's heart is like iron, and Mori Kogoro never stopped his swinging hands.

He didn't let go of Tian Yumei until after thirty shots.

Guntian Yumi immediately kept retreating while protecting her buttocks, until she leaned against the wall to feel safe.

She blushed and glared at Kogoro Mori, but said nothing.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Miss Guntian, a little punishment, don't be so impulsive next time."

Guntian Yumi rubbed her swollen buttocks, and replied in a cold voice: "What a Mori Kogoro, I have finally seen it. Let me tell you, I'm never finished!"

This woman dared to speak harshly.

But as soon as Kogoro Mori raised his hand, she couldn't help but shrink back, and this reaction made Kogoro Mori burst out laughing.

He turned around and went back to the center of the living room, found a random chair and sat down.

After a while, Xiaolan came back after going to the toilet.

Immediately, Gunta Ikumi pretended that nothing happened, and pretended to observe the wall, making a search.

Naturally, the third person can't know what happened just now, otherwise, where will I lose face!

Xiaolan couldn't help but feel a little strange when she saw Guntian Yumei who was far away, but soon she didn't care.

Not long after, the detectives who had completed their investigations returned to the living room to rest. Guntian Yumi came over and sat down.

Chapter 0176

Gun Tian Yumei gasped as soon as she sat down, her butt really hurt a bit, this guy really worked hard!

Her beautiful eyes couldn't help staring at Kogoro Mori, but Kogoro Mori raised his eyebrows provocatively, which made Gunita Ikumi angry.

Seeing the flirtatious eyes between the two, Motegi Haruhime smiled lightly and said, "Hey, I didn't expect the glamorous ex-forensic doctor and Maori detective to hook up so quickly. It's amazing!"

Having said that, Motegi Haruki gave Mori Kogoro a thumbs up.

Guntian Yumi frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Detective Motegi, spreading rumors is not a good habit!"

Motegi Haruki shrugged and stopped holding onto it.

Before the dinner started, everyone used the entertainment facilities here to pass the time.

Hakuba Tan and Motegi Haruki were playing billiards, Mori Kogoro and Senma Yodai were playing chess, and the other three girls were playing cards.

Conan, the kid, was watching from the sidelines.

Playing cards is of course unlucky for Ran, who wins all the way. The cards in his hand are either a straight flush or a big pair. He feels depressed when he wins Sera Masumi and Gunida Ikumi.

At this time, there was a foxy smile on the corner of Guntian Yumei's mouth, and she put her palm on her face and smiled lightly: "Xiao Lan, cheating is a bad behavior!"

Xiaolan shook her head and said, "I don't have one!"

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