Sera Masumi had sharp eyes, and saw that there seemed to be a card stuck behind the Jack of Spades, so he drew it out.

With a little effort, all three of them could see that there was a little dry mark in the middle of the card.

She identified it carefully and said, "It seems to be blood."

Xiaolan exclaimed, and immediately dropped all the cards in her hand, her face was rather ugly.

Gun Tian Yumei said: "It's really nerve-wracking, I didn't expect blood to be stained on this playing card."

The old lady on the side Qianjian said: "I heard from the maid that since the tragedy happened in this annex, no one has touched anything inside, and it has continued until now."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mouri chuckled lightly: "Detective Qianjian is joking, you believe in this kind of thing."

"Forty years of vicissitudes, the maid has only been hired for a few days. She said that no one has touched you to believe it. It's too naive!"

"It's not a closed space. Besides, after several transactions in this annex, someone must have lived there. All traces have already become incomplete over time."

Qianjian Jiang put on his glasses and said, "That's what Detective Maori said too."

At this moment, the door of the living room opened, and the maid Aki Ishihara walked in. She saluted respectfully: "My master has invited everyone to the restaurant for dinner."

Then everyone became interested, followed the maid through the long corridor and came to the restaurant.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, everyone saw a man in a purple cloak sitting on the main seat.

His face was completely covered by the cloak, and he couldn't see his expression at all.

Motegi Haruka chuckled: "Hey, you probably watched too many TV dramas, pretending to be a mysterious person!"

The man in the cloak began to speak: "It is a great honor for the six distinguished detectives to come to the Twilight Villa."

"There are name tags on the table, please take a seat by your name."

Everyone followed into the restaurant and took their seats, while the gourmet detective Dashang Zhushan whispered to the maid: "You can help me deliver the dishes in order later."

The maid nodded: "Hi!" After everyone was seated, the man in the purple cloak began to speak.

"About the purpose of inviting everyone here this time, I hope to gather everyone's intelligence and find the treasure hidden in this annex."

"The treasure that it took me so many years to find is the one that must be found with all my life."

At this time, explosions sounded one after another, and everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

Dashang Zhushan stood up suddenly: "What was that sound just now?"

The man in the cape said, "It's nothing surprising, it's just blocking your way."

"You have been chasing me in the past, and now we should change our positions. I blew up all the suspension bridges that you drove up to just now."

"Of course there are no telephone and signal bases here, and it is impossible to call for help."

"So if you don't help me solve the mystery of the treasure, you can only stay with me in this annex."

"On the contrary, if I can unlock the answer to this explosion, I will not only tell you another way out, but also share half of the treasure with you. This is the rule of the game!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro chuckled, got up and came directly behind the cloaked man.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Having said this, he immediately lifted the cloak.

A dummy with a loudspeaker appeared in front of everyone.

Motegi Haruka said with a rather ugly face: "So this guy has been watching us all the time."

Guntian Yumi smiled lightly: "Of course, the countless cameras in the annex have already explained the problem."

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but said: "As expected of a big thief, the hand is really big!"

Qianjian Kodai raised his glasses slightly: "Child, do you know who invited us?"

Obviously it was Mori Kogoro who unlocked the code, but Shiliang Zhenchun pretended to be forceful: "Of course, the name of the signature can be seen at a glance. It's a trick to deceive children!"

When she said this, everyone present felt a little bit heartbroken.

The person who designed the layout of this code was still quite content, and it was not good for a moment to hear this.

The faces of the other detectives who struggled to decipher the signal were also quite ugly, including Motegi Haruhime and Gunida Ikumi.

Guntian Ikumi laughed lightly, and asked, "Student Shiliang, who is it that invited us?"

Shiliang Zhenchun wanted to speak, but Xiaolan said first, "It's Kaitou Kidd!"

Xiaolan smiled triumphantly: "My father knew who it was after just one glance at the inscription. Shiliang happened to hear it nearby, so he knew."

Shiliang Zhenchun who was demolished suddenly looked at Xuanfu's Xiaolan speechlessly: "Really, let me tell you what will happen?"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro said: "Wrong, the inviter is not Kid."

Everyone turned their heads and saw Mori Kogoro pulling out the dummy's head.

Someone in the restaurant suddenly changed his face.

However, Guntian Ikumi asked with a puzzled look: "Detective Maori, you said the inviter wasn't Kaitou Kidd, who is that?"

"Of course it's someone who borrowed Kidd's name, but the worst thing he did was invite me here, it's so stupid!"

Chapter 0177 What a big dog

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