Mori Kogoro shook the dummy's head, took out the tape recorder and timing device inside the head, and said calmly: "I thought it had some great skills, but it turned out to be some tricks."

"First, people thought it was a megaphone dummy, that someone was spying on us."

"It's actually a timed tape recorder, which means that the person who invited us here may be hiding among us."

"It's really a clumsy method!"

"Hey, why didn't he know that kid Kidd had already been taught a lesson by me on the flying boat to Osaka a few days ago."

"If someone hadn't rescued him, he would have to stay in the Osaka Prison now. How could that kid still have the guts to invite me here?"

"That's why, the person who invited us here under the guise of his name didn't investigate clearly first, and acted recklessly like this, he is as stupid as a dead pig!"

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in the eyes of someone in the restaurant.

Mori Kogoro directly picked up the fork and violently spun the tape in the tape recorder.

The tape recorder skipped most of the blank space, and began to speak directly: "The original owner of this Twilight Annex was a wealthy man from half a century ago, Karasuma Renya."

"The handrails, stairs, walls, tables, chairs, and various recreational facilities in the annex are all custom-made by him, with the family crest of the Karasuma family on them, crow!"

"However, this has become history. Forty years ago there was a tragic tragedy. I believe that when all the detectives came in, they found a lot of blood stains in this annex..."

What the tape recorder said next was exactly the same as what Mori Kogoro had investigated before, without any new clues.

【It was also an auction memorial service that lasted for three days. On the second day, the torrential rain brought drugs, which caused everyone in the annex to kill each other.

There are men running around holding treasures, some women are crying, and some are poking their palms with pens. 】

Everyone listened to the tape recorder retelling the tragedy of forty years ago, and gradually became fascinated.

Dashang Zhu Shan bit his thumbnail with a pensive look on his face.

But Xiaolan's expression was quite ugly, staying in the gloomy villa where there were so many dead people, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, and her body felt a little chilly.

At the end, the tape recorder starts playing the code for the treasure hunt.

"The night is hurrying, the second traveler is looking up at the sky at night,

The devil finally came to the castle,

The king fled with his treasure in his arms,

The princess shed the Holy Grail in tears, praying for mercy,

The soldiers swung their swords and killed themselves, and the earth changed color. "

After hearing the code, everyone fell into deep thought again.

The tape recorder continued to talk without anyone else: "Of course, none of you can quit this game, because you are all bewitched by my deadly magic."

"Now we just need to wait for the person who makes the first scream, and this frightening game of cannibalism will really kick off!"

Mori Kogoro complained: "It's really stupid, pretending to be Kidd is addictive, and it's deadly magic!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the maid came in pushing tonight's dinner.

The old lady Qianjian said: "Even if you want to find the treasure, you have to eat first. It's a sin to not let the old man eat!"

Hearing this, Zhu Shan, the big fat man, agreed: "That's right, we've been fighting for so long, let's eat first, my stomach is also growling with hunger." Kogoro Maoli said with a light smile: " Wait a minute, I'm not in the mood to play house with you, and I'm not in the mood to eat in this kind of place."

"Xiaolan, Shiliang, Conan, get ready, we should go."

Hearing this, Xiaolan, Shiliang and others all got up and came to Mori Kogoro.

The rest couldn't help standing up, Dashang Zhu Shan said sharply: "Detective Maori, what do you mean? Didn't the recording just say that the car and the wooden bridge were blown up? How do you go?"

Mori Kogoro wanted to call Guntian Ikumi again, but he smelled a faint and weird smell from Xiaolan, he sniffed it, and immediately said: "Lan, take out the handkerchief from your arms !"

Xiaolan obediently took out the handkerchief and handed it to Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro immediately smelled a faint smell of bitter almonds, which is potassium cyanide!

As soon as he smelled this smell, he immediately had some signs of poisoning, and he cast a healing technique on himself to get rid of the signs of poisoning.

He threw the handkerchief on the ground, then turned around with a serious face and looked at everyone.

Mouri Kogoro's momentum at this moment is quite different from before.

Just now he was a kind and complaining uncle, but now he has become a devil-like figure, and the temperature of the air seems to have dropped a few degrees!

His eyes were stern and menacing, and the aura of the martial arts master exploded completely. No one in the audience dared to speak against his gaze.

Conan couldn't help but cold sweat dripped down his forehead: Uncle, he is serious about this momentum!

But Sera Masumi looked at the side face of Mori Kogoro, and his heart became more and more excited.

Mori Kogoro jumped up in an instant and kicked the big fat man Zhu Shan in the stomach.

His body flew high and landed heavily on the wall, and cracks appeared on the wall.

Hey enough! ! !

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he was amazed in his heart, it's amazing, is this the real Maori detective?

Guntian Yumi opened her mouth wide and wide, only then did she realize that Mori Kogoro had just attacked her, but he didn't even use half of his skills.

The rest of the detectives stood up in horror and asked, "Detective Maori, what are you doing?"

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