Mori Kogoro said, "I didn't want to accompany you to play this house-keeping treasure hunt, but you want to attack my daughter without knowing your life."

"It smells like bitter almonds. This handkerchief has potassium cyanide on it. It keeps calling us to eat, just to make my daughter wipe her mouth with the handkerchief after eating, so as to kill her with poison!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan also had a look of horror.

Mori Kogoro continued: "You want to kill my relatives, and then arouse my fighting spirit, so that you can help you solve the mystery of the treasure, what a dare!"

"A stupid pig like you, how could you know that there are smart people in the world, using such a stupid method, you really deserve to be a pig head."

Dashang Zhushan vomited a mouthful of blood, which seemed to be mixed with internal organs.

He struggled to open his mouth and said, "Detective Maori, you slandered me, I didn't do it."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, but everyone felt cool all over.

"Detective Osami, I remember when the explosion sounded just now, you said, 'What was that sound just now?'."

"Afterwards, the tape recorder responds to you 'Nothing surprising, it's just blocking your way.'"

"I'd like to know how you learned to communicate with the recorded tape!"

Hearing this, everyone also reacted, and couldn't help but looked at Da Shang Zhu Shan suspiciously.

Chapter 0178 two layout

"This question and answer is so fluent, it is only natural to talk to someone who knows what the recording will say next."

"This kind of behavior can only be done by the organizers. They also want to deliberately create the appearance of someone secretly watching in the annex. You have been exposed, and you are a detective!"

"I guess your next step is to feign death to escape, but unfortunately I am not interested in playing these games with you."

Qianjian Jiangdai was full of disbelief, and walked over slowly: "My lord, you really invited us here?"

At this time, Dashang Zhushan suddenly jumped up, grabbed Qianjian Jiangdai, pointed the pistol in his right hand at the old lady's head, and shouted ferociously: "Don't come here, or I will kill her with one shot!"

When everyone saw the pistol, they couldn't help but look awe-inspiring, but Kogoro Mori remained calm.

Detective Baima said, "Detective Dashang, you must not do anything stupid!"

Da Shang Zhu Shan roared angrily: "I just want to know where the treasure in the other hall is. As long as you help me find it, I will let you go."

"If I can't find it, I'll kill the old guy first, and then shoot you to death!"

"Get out of the way, I'll go to the central tower in the atrium and wait for you, come to me if you find the answer, otherwise, you'll wait to collect the corpse for Qianjian detectives!"

The big fat man Dashang Zhushan struggled to get up, trying to take Qianjian Jiangdai hostage and leave.


Xiaolan had a nervous expression on her face, and she scratched words on Mouri Kogoro's back with her little hand, hoping that her father would cooperate with her to save people.

Mori Kogoro pressed Xiaolan's little hand, and chuckled lightly: "Why go to the central tower, don't you just want to know where the treasure is? I already know it!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They all claim to be famous detectives with superior intelligence, but they have no clue about Renye Karasuma's treasure.

But Mori Kogoro actually said that he had unlocked the code, which is unbelievable!

This is too fast, it could not be that he knew the answer just after hearing the code.

Sera Shinsumu couldn't help opening her mouth again, and a strange look appeared in the eyes of Gunida Ikumi looking at Mori Kogoro.

Conan patted his head, he knew this would be the case.

Dashang Zhushan suddenly looked crazy: "Say, tell me quickly, or I will kill her!"

He also pointed the muzzle of the gun at Qianjian Jiangdai's forehead.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "Is it interesting for you to act here? Even if I don't tell you, do you dare to kill?"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was a little stunned. Guntian Yumi couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, what do you mean?"

"I've made it so obvious that you still don't understand that these two are accomplices!"

"When we arrived at the annex, we saw several cars parked, including Porsche, Ferrari, Atromeo, and Bentley."

"The Romeo belongs to Detective Motegi, the Ferrari belongs to Detective Gunda, the Porsche belongs to Detective Ogami, and Sengeno is in my car. Whose is the remaining Bentley?" "Bentley is a luxury car, but I understand the character of Chief Superintendent Baima. He doesn't like high-profile, and the white horse boy is only a high school student. Naturally, the Bentley will not belong to him."

Upon hearing this, Baima Tan nodded silently: "I asked a taxi to take me here."

"You can't expect a maid to own a fancy car either."

"Why this car is parked here is of course to create the illusion that the owner is in this annex."

"But obviously the owner is among the few of us, otherwise he could just use a loudspeaker to communicate with us, instead of using this timer and tape recorder to record the sound first."

"It's strange that there is a Bentley at the door. Detective Dashang drove up by himself and left a car behind. How did he go back?"

"Naturally, there must be an accomplice. The two of them drive up together, and then we will go there in the accomplice's car, and then drive to the annex again, so as not to expose unnecessary flaws."

"And if his accomplices know other detectives, know other detectives, that must be an excellent choice."

"Therefore, only the Qianjian detective who knows Guntian Detective, Motegi Detective, Baima Boy, and waited for me on the rainy night mountain road to test me is possible."

"I'm right, Detective Qianjian should be an old acquaintance with you, right?" Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the others.

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