Kidd jumped off the cliff and ran away.

The paraglider lifted up in an instant.

Just now when he disguised himself as Motegi Haruki, he was already close to the cliff, ready to retreat at any moment.

"Hahaha, Detective Maori, you can't catch me this time!" Kidd kept laughing in the sky.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and kept making handprints with his hands behind him, and the Wind Control Technique was performed.

A gust of wind immediately picked up Kidd's paraglider and blew it backwards.

Kidd's complexion changed drastically, and he began to struggle immediately.

At this moment, he was like a kite in the sky. He wanted to move forward, but he was constantly blown by the strong wind, and he was suspended in mid-air five meters away from the edge of the cliff.

Mori Kogoro stood on the edge of the cliff, throwing stones up and down in his hands.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Kidd, what are you talking about, I can't catch you?"

Kidd resolutely confessed when he saw Kogoro Mori who was close at hand, and the falling stones in his hand.

"Detective Maori, I was wrong, you can catch me, don't throw stones!"

"I'm just passing by to see who is pretending to be my name, there is no malice."

"Besides, I didn't steal anything today, so just let me go!"

Chapter 0181 Xiaolan's guilt

This scene was extremely strange, Kidd seemed to be bound in the air by an invisible net,

He kept struggling, but couldn't move.

All the detectives couldn't help staring at this scene, this gale is too weird!

Looking at Kidd who admits to be cowardly, Kogoro Mori chuckled lightly.

Her mother Kuroba Chikage still owes her something, so it's not good to be cruel to her son.

Mori Kogoro threw away the stone in his hand, and said, "Okay, since you didn't do anything evil today, I'll let you go, and remember to call a car to pick up the others after you go down the mountain."

"Reform, be a good man, stop stealing, let me meet again next time, but there will be no good fruit!"


Kidd didn't know how many words mmp in his heart, but on the surface he had to obediently admit his grandson.

Kogoro Mori cast the Wind Control Technique, and the gust of wind stopped instantly.

Kidd couldn't control it all of a sudden, he didn't grasp his balance, and he fell straight down, making a miserable scream.

But when he was halfway down, he finally pressed down on the paraglider, and flew to the distant forest with lingering fear.

Seeing the white paraglider keep going away and disappearing into the night, Sera Masumi couldn't help but said, "This Kaitou Kid doesn't look very good either!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the old lady Qianjian Jiangdai: "Detective Qianjian, what happened tonight was caused by you and Dashang Zhushan together, please explain it to the local police yourself."

The old lady Qian Jian nodded her head: "Of course, I am really sorry for causing you trouble."

"Detective Gunfield, I will compensate you for your Ferrari."

As a veteran and famous detective, Qianjian Jiangdai naturally has a lot of wealth, so compensation is naturally no longer a problem.

Guntian Yumi waved her hand: "Let's talk about it when you return to Tokyo!"

"Okay, you wait here for the car called by Kidd, Xiaolan and Shiliang, let's go first."

Mori Kogoro took the lead in sitting in the driver's seat of the Lexus. At this time, Guntian Ikumi, who was wearing a purple cheongsam, also climbed into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Detective Maori, there is still a spare space in your car, don't mind giving me a ride!"

She had the cheek to climb up, and Kogoro Mori naturally didn't say no.

Xiaolan couldn't help pouting, and got into the car with Sera Masumi and Conan.

As soon as the accelerator was stepped on, the Lexus drove down the mountain road, leaving only Hakuba Tan, Sengen Kodai and the maid Aki Ishihara on the edge of the cliff.

The car kept galloping, and soon came to the wooden bridge down the mountain, and the wooden bridge was still intact.

The bomb installed by Qianjian Xiadai was dismantled by the ant-man robot sent by Mori Kogoro, so there was no problem.

Guntian Ikumi in the passenger seat looked at Mori Kogoro with curiosity, and even leaned forward to observe the great detective.

"Detective Maori, how did you dismantle the wooden bridge and the bombs on your car? I remember that after you came to the annex, you never left my sight!"

Xiaolan, Conan, and Shiliang also had curious eyes.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Maybe Detective Qianjian was not willing to cut off the retreat, and installed a dud. My car was lucky, and it didn't explode!"

His perfunctory tone can be heard by anyone.Gun Tian Yumei frowned slightly: "Hmph, it's fine if you don't want to say it!"

But the beautiful detective turned her eyes wide, and she had other questions: "Detective Maori, is that a golden castle? The gold of the whole castle, don't you think you're not tempted at all?"

"Actually, you don't need to talk about it just now. First put Detective Dashang in jail, and then dig out the gold in this city."

"With your ingenuity, you will definitely be able to obtain this treasure without touching the mechanism. By then, you will be the richest man in Japan."

"Such a wealth, you are like air."

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