"Or we can turn the car around, go back and discuss with other people, and invest in the digging of this gold together, and we can divide it later!"

The more Guntian Yumi talked, the more excited she became, her beautiful eyes lit up, it seemed that this plan was completely feasible.

Although the cliff just collapsed and the Golden Villa was hidden under the mud, but it was only a few hundred meters high hillside, and the difficulty of excavation was very small, just find an engineering team.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Detective Gunfield, I have some doubts about whether you are a detective or not. You are so naive."

Guntian Yumi suddenly looked puzzled.

"If the entire annex was made of gold, it would be thousands of tons at least, and all the gold reserves in the country would not be enough."

"And didn't you look at the foundation? If the annex was really built with an extremely heavy precious metal like gold, after forty years have passed, the weight would definitely cause the annex to sink, but in fact it didn't."

"That is to say, it's impossible for this annex to be built entirely of gold, at most it's just the outer floor."

"If my guess is correct, it should be poured with molten gold after the annex is completed, wrap it with a layer of gold, and then paste a layer of ordinary tiles on the outside."

"This is also in line with the Yin Yang family's theory of 'Hide gold in mountains, hide pearls in deep'."

"So if someone really spends a lot of effort to dig out this golden pavilion and remelt the gold inside, I'm afraid they will lose money!"

The dream of getting rich was suddenly shattered, and Guntian Ikumi couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

However, this beautiful detective can afford to drive a Ferrari, and she is naturally rich, so she soon cheers up.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Mori Kogoro, and she asked again: "The last question, Detective Mori, did you already know that the trigger mechanism would become like this? Did you deliberately let Dashang Zhushan die?" ?”

The three people in the back seat also looked at Mori Kogoro, especially Xiao Ran, and frowned.

She was the one who asked Dad to tell the answer to the secret code just now. If it really counts, she seems to be responsible for the death of Detective Dashang.

Mori Kogoro immediately replied: "How is it possible, Detective Gunda, don't be bloody. I'm not a god. If I can pinch it, I know Renye Karasuma would do it half a century ago."

"Detective Ogami's death is also self-inflicted. I reminded him that Karasuma Renya is a ruthless character, but he was blinded by the treasure, and finally died of his own greed. There is no way!"

"And this guy wanted to kill my daughter. I didn't want to tell him the answer to the mystery. Kidd, who played Motegi Haruki, was always provoking. If there is really someone who killed Detective Ohami, it must be Kidd. gone."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face turned better.

Mori Kogoro secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Xiaolan has a kind heart, so naturally she can't let her bear this unwarranted sense of guilt.

"But..." Guntian Yumi wanted to speak again.

"There's nothing wrong with asking so many questions. Do you have a hundred thousand reasons?"

"You are a detective. If you have doubts, think to yourself. Shut up now, or I will throw you out of the car and let you go back alone."

Guntian Yumi rolled her eyes angrily, but didn't speak anymore.

Chapter 0182 as long as it is done by Dad, it is right

Kogoro Mori's Lexus drove extremely fast, displaying his master-level driving skills, the whole car drove fast and crossed countless mountain roads.

With such a driving speed, except for Xiaolan, who has a super-normal physique, everyone else is pale.

In less than an hour, the car drove into downtown Tokyo, and soon stopped at the entrance of the Kuwano Hotel.

As soon as it stopped, Guntian Yumei immediately opened the car door and fled out, looking like she wanted to vomit: "I will never ride in your car again."

The elegant beauty detective can no longer maintain her elegant posture at this moment.

"I don't want you to send it, I will go back by myself."

After finishing speaking, Guntian Ikumi waved his hand to bid farewell to everyone, and walked to the street, trying to stop other taxis.

But Sera Masumi in the back seat said expectantly: "Detective Mori, if you have time, I hope you can come to Cupo Hotel in the future, not to open a room,"

She turned to Xiaolan and explained, "I have something very important to tell you!"

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what it was.

Sera's mother, Mari, a younger sister outside the domain, wants to see her.

This pair of desperate mother and daughter is also quite pitiful.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Yes!"

Shiliang Zhenchun immediately showed a satisfied smile: "Then I will call you and make an appointment to meet you."

After finishing speaking, she got out of the car and ran into the Cupido Hotel with brisk steps.

The Lexus started again and drove towards home.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Conan couldn't wait to get out of the car, his heartbeat soared to [-].

Uncle was driving too fast, and the drag racing was so exciting that his little heart couldn't bear it.

After Xiaolan got out of the car, her eyes were quite contemptuous: "Conan, your body is not adaptable enough, your face is so pale, you should exercise more."

Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he couldn't compare to you monster father and daughter.

Xiaolan checked the time on her phone: "Oh, it's already past one o'clock, it's so late, Xiao Ai must have fallen asleep."

Mori Kogoro also got out of the car, and couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw Conan.

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