"I think his force is much stronger than Brother Xiu."

Speaking of this, Sera Masumi's eyes were full of admiration.

"Moreover, Detective Maori is really a very smart person. There were seven detectives in the audience, and he was the only one who knew that it was not Kidd who set up the situation this time, but two of them. The museum is actually Renye Karasuma's private residence."

"The reaction speed is also amazing, I feel that I will never be able to match him!"

Hearing Shiliang say this, a strange look flashed in Mary's eyes.

She knew that although her daughter seemed peaceful, she was actually proud and arrogant. It would definitely not be a simple role for her to say this.

"Oh, the Maori detective is really as amazing as you said? Please tell me everything about tonight!"

Shiliang began to talk, and a vivid image appeared in Mary's heart.

"...In my opinion, the rumors about him defeating Gin and Belmode should be true, and only a character like him can do it!"

Shiliang's eyes were full of determination: "Mom, I've already sent him an invitation, do you want to meet him?"

"I think we didn't find the wrong person this time. He should be the most suitable candidate. It's not a way to run like this, mom?"

Maris waited for a long time before she nodded lightly: "Yes!"

There was joy in Shiliang's eyes.

"Okay, let's talk about other things tomorrow, you are exhausted today, it's time to rest!"

After finishing speaking, Mary took off her black sweater, and her proud bust immediately pushed up her T-shirt, either D or E cup, the visual conflict was extremely strong.

Mary looks like a junior high school student, a little more than [-] meters, and she has such big breasts, she is completely a child with big breasts.

Shiliang Zhenchun on the side looked at his mother's sky-defying top, and then touched his own Ma Pingchuan, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Why did my mother grow up so much when she was younger than me? Is this a genetic mutation, or am I actually an adopted child? I don’t understand!

Shiliang shook his head, then climbed into bed to sleep.

On the other side, in the bathroom full of steam, Mori Kogoro was pushed against the wall.

The little girl in front of her was slightly flushed, her big eyes were twinkling, full of tenderness.

She put one hand on Mori Kogoro and slammed him against the wall.

Then she stood on tiptoe and kissed Kogoro Mouri.

The soles of the feet formed a lovely arc, and the lines of the whole body became tense, and the hot water flowed down along the lines, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Sensing the softness of his chest, he kissed the girl deeply, and Kogoro Mori responded.

He held the shower in one hand, and covered the girl's back waist with the other hand, and the sagging curve of the back waist was amazing.

After kissing passionately for a long time, the two of them separated until they were almost breathless, their faces were flushed.Mouri Kogoro seemed to have fireworks in his eyes, but he forced himself to speak: "Didn't I tell you to restrain yourself?"

A foxy smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, and she said coquettishly, "No!"

She stretched out her hand and turned the switch of the faucet one more time, the shower in Mori Kogoro's hand stopped, and the shower on the ceiling started to rain.

Hot water fell from the sky, soaking the two of them from top to bottom, and their hair was also soaked.

The girl asked Mori Kogoro to throw away the shower, took his big hand and pressed it on her waist, then licked her tongue, stood on tiptoe again, approached Mori Kogoro's ear, and whispered to him.

Soon, Mouri Kogoro's pupils continued to shrink.


A warm smile appeared on the girl's face, she blinked, then nodded, and shyly threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Mori Kogoro looked down the girl's back uncontrollably.

Soon Mori Kogoro took action, preparation in advance is a very important step, as careful as he is, he will not forget it, and he will definitely not want to hurt his little angel.

Fortunately, I still have the equipment left over from the experiment with Little Loli before, so I don't need to buy any more.

Seeing what Mori Kogoro couldn't wait to find out from the living room, the girls slapped them over in embarrassment.

Mori Kogoro smiled, kissed the girl, and then began to try a lot.

Although the road was tortuous, it was finally on the right track.

Soon, another stirring and vigorous movement unfolded in the bathroom.

An hour later, Mori Kogoro came out with the girl in his arms.

The two came to the sofa, Mori Kogoro put the girl down gently, the girl's face was still full of attachment.

Both of them were wearing pajamas, and the dress contaminated with potassium cyanide poison was taken out of the window by the Ant-Man robot and destroyed.

Mori Kogoro took out the hair dryer and sat beside the girl.

As soon as the button is pressed, the hot air blows out and starts to dry the girl's wet hair.

The warm hot wind kept blowing, making people extremely comfortable. The warm big hands were still massaging the little head, and the girl couldn't help squinting her eyes, like a cozy little fox.

Mori Kogoro was swinging the hair dryer, but he was thinking that if his Wind Control Technique could be mastered to the point of fine control, it would only take two or three seconds to dry this black hair.

After a while, the girl's hair was all blown dry, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

Mori Kogoro picked up the girl and walked to the next room.

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