The girl looked puzzled and said, "Aren't you going to sleep with Xiao Ai?"

"It's too late, it will disturb Xiao Ai, and I just want to be alone with you tonight."

Hearing this, the girl smiled and kissed Kogoro Mori again.

After turning off the lights and entering the house, everything in the Mori family returned to calm.

After a long time!

'Squeak! 'Sound, the door in the middle room opened.

A small figure stepped out, with tiny bare feet on the floor.

Those ice-blue eyes looked at the room beside him, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But soon, this little figure retreated into the room, and everything seemed to have returned to calm.

Chapter 0184 Treatment of Xiaolan

Back in the room, Xiaolan still refused to sleep peacefully, like a little girl with ADHD.

Sometimes it turns to the left, sometimes to the right, and sometimes it rubs its head against Mori Kogoro's chest, but it doesn't go to sleep anyway.

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, quietly enjoying his daughter's fuss.

In the end, Xiaolan lay on Kogoro Mori, her soft chest pressed against his abdomen, and her chin rested on his pectoral muscles. She whispered, "Dad, are you asleep?"


Hearing the response, Xiaolan got up immediately, turned on the light, and the room was suddenly bright.

She leaned back on Mori Kogoro again.

"Dad, I can't sleep!"

Mori Kogoro rubbed Xiaolan's head with his big hands: "It's so late now, it's time to rest, otherwise I won't be energetic in class tomorrow."

Xiaolan pursed her mouth and said coquettishly, "It hurts, I can't sleep!"

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, and chuckled lightly: "You girl, you were trying to be brave just now, and you said you have to endure the pain by yourself, but now you can't stand it!"

"Just bear it for a while and remember it, why do you have to bear it for so long!"

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's buttocks, and said, "Okay, let me check the injury first, and then treat you!"

Xiaolan got up cooperatively and exposed the wound.

Mori Kogoro opened the wound and began to observe carefully.

It was red and swollen, with a little bloodshot, and it looked really miserable.

This can't be blamed on Mori Kogoro, he wanted to stop at first, but Xiaolan was still trying to be brave and took the initiative to make it like this.

The fingertips touched the wound lightly, and Xiaolan's body trembled immediately.

In the end, there was still a little blood on the fingertips, and Kogoro Mori's eyes were full of regret.

He pinched the magic seal with both hands, and the witchcraft - the rejuvenation technique was displayed.

Soon, there was a faint green light on Mori Kogoro's sword finger, and the spirits of plants and trees gathered in it, but Xiaolan couldn't see it.

He slowly pushed the sword finger into Xiaolan's injured area, and Xiaolan's body trembled slightly, her mouth opened, panting continuously.

The spirit of plants and trees of rejuvenation pours into the injured place and repairs its injuries.

Xiaolan felt that her father's fingers were getting hotter and hotter, and the pain continued to disappear. Finally, she couldn't help but groaned comfortably: "Kimo chicken!"

Five minutes later, the wound had healed, the redness was gone, and everything was back to its original perfection.

Mori Kogoro slowly retracted his sword finger.

Xiaolan let out a long breath, turned to Mouri Kogoro, kissed him, and said shyly, "I like Dad the most!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Father also loves Xiaolan very much!"

He put his arms around his daughter's waist and patted her buttocks again: "Okay, lie down, it's time to rest!"

With a big wave of his hand, there seemed to be a sound of breaking wind, hitting the light switch, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Xiaolan lifted the quilt, covered herself and her father, closed her eyes, smelled the peaceful breath, and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, just before dawn, Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan were still soundly asleep, and there was an unexpected guest in the room, the little loli Huiyuan who woke up early.

Hui Yuan sneaked open the door of Xiao Lan's room and sneaked in.

She tiptoed close to the big bed, turned over lightly, and frowned when she saw the two people on the bed.

This intimate sleeping position is obviously more like a couple than a father and daughter.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan were so tired that they only lay down for more than three hours, so naturally they couldn't wake up.

The main reason is that the two of them never thought of guarding against Huiyuan. If it were someone else, Kogoro Mouri would have discovered him before he got within ten meters of him.

Huiyuan gently lifted the thin quilt covering the two of them, his pupils shrank slightly when he saw the scene inside.Cut, what did you think it was, it was just a normal reaction of a man, it scared me!

There was nothing unusual under the quilt, so Huiyuan put it down gently, and turned to look at Xiaolan who was sleeping soundly.

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