But before showing it, these beautiful legs were suppressed by Mouri Kogoro's thigh.

This woman is really not a character that can be grasped with one hand!

Chapter 0186

Mori Kogoro was deeply moved by this.

Chikage Kuroba on the sofa had an intoxicating blush on her cheeks, both her hands and feet were suppressed, although she had a way to break away from the Maori detective in front of her immediately, she couldn't bear to do so.

Gradually, mist appeared in his beautiful eyes.

The passionate kisses continued, and the temperature in the living room continued to rise.

After a long time, Kuroba Chikage slowly responded.

A gleam of joy flashed across Mori Kogoro's eyes, but he still didn't let go of his hands.

Instead, his right hand walked up and down Kuroba Chikage's delicate body, searching for it.

After all, she is a 'Lady of the Phantom Thief', a super snitch, and Kogoro Mori dare not be careless at all.

It would be embarrassing to capsize in the gutter.

Sure enough, even though Kuroba Chikage was only wearing a dress, she had a lot of props on her body, not inferior to Mine Fujiko at all.

The barrette on her short purple hair is a lockpicking tool, pulling apart the cut wire;

The necklace pendant on the neck is diamond, which can be used to cut glass;

There are two kunai and two throwing knives pinned to the back waist, and the rope around the waist can be split into a long whip;

There is also a bomb strap on the thigh, which contains button bombs, tear gas, hypnotic bombs, smoke bombs and flash bombs, everything;

There were also all kinds of strange props, but Kogoro Mori found them all one by one and threw them on the floor aside.

As the things were continuously found, the shame, resentment and panic in Kuroba Chikage's eyes became more and more obvious.

Her hole cards decreased one by one, and her sense of security gradually diminished.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Madam, I didn't expect you to hide so many things on your body, it's like a treasure chest, but I removed all the things that got in the way."

Hearing this magnetic teasing sound and smelling this masculine masculinity, Chikage Kuroba's heart couldn't help trembling.

She knew that Kogoro Mori had seen through her identity and her son's identity, and she had already fallen into a disadvantage. Moreover, Kaito didn't want to leave Japan at all, which left her no room to resist.

Her beautiful eyes were like autumn water, she opened her mouth lightly, and couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, do you know the whereabouts of the 'Pandora's Stone'?"

Mori Kogoro stared at Kuroba Chikage tightly with his eyes, and said softly: "Is this important? The important thing is you, madam!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage finally understood that Mori Kogoro's goal was himself from the beginning.

For some reason, her heart was filled with secret joy, and her beautiful eyes lit up.

"But since Ma'am, you never forget that gem, I will definitely help you find it."

Hearing this, Chikage Kuroba also found an excuse in her heart to convince herself: This is not because I am sorry for Piuichi, but because it is the price paid for the helper Moori Kogoro to help find out the truth.

And it's also to protect Kaito, otherwise what would happen if Kaito was caught by Mori Kogoro and imprisoned?

Thinking of this, Kuroba Chikage didn't dare to resist anymore.

Mori Kogoro kissed the pink lips of this phantom thief lady again, and now that Chikage Kuroba was no longer threatening, he let go of his left hand and swam away with both hands at the same time.

The blazing fire in his eyes could not be concealed at all, Kuroba Chikage responded by wrapping his arms around Mori Kogoro's neck.

Not long after, a familiar and exciting movement was played in the living room.

In Class B of the second year of Ekota High School, Kaito Kuroba, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Aoko Nakamori, who was talking to his best friend, with a sad face.

Since the last time Skyship was listening to the door outside the room, he didn't know how to face his childhood sweetheart. He and Qingzi hadn't spoken for a long time.

A sense of betrayal and loss has been filling his heart, making him extremely anxious.

I didn't expect that she would really be with that nasty uncle, it's unreasonable!

Seeing Qingzi's innocent face, making lewd voices in front of that uncle, scratching his head and making poses, Kaito felt extremely aggrieved.

At this time, Kaidou's heart suddenly throbbed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart, which made his whole state go wrong.

How is this going?Ever feel like something bad is going on?

However, this whim came and went quickly, Kaito no longer paid attention to it.

He turned his head and looked at the teacher who walked in: Forget it, I'd better ask for leave and go back later, I must beat that guy this time.

More than three hours later, on the plain white wool carpet, Chikage Kuroba was lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

The air is filled with the smell of cakes. The baked cakes in the kitchen have been overheated for a long time. After baking, they were melted by the high temperature and lost their shape. Therefore, the whole villa is filled with the smell of cakes. The air seems to be sweet.

Kuroba Chikage's little head landed on Mori Kogoro's arms, and she said coquettishly like a little woman: "You bad guy, when did you stare at me?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Do you still remember the first time we met? You were wearing a big purple dress, an English bowler hat, and a white suitcase, like a blooming violet."

"Maybe it started at that time!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction, as if she was quite proud of her charm.

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