She leaned against Moori Kogoro's broad arms, smelling the smell of his body, and the memory of Pirates faded in her heart.

But soon she turned her face to the side, and said again: "Xiao Wulang, you promise me one thing, don't make things difficult for Kuai Dou in the future."

There was a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth: "How could I embarrass him, as an elder, I can only educate him."

Kuroba Chikage frowned slightly: "Xiao Goro, you know what I mean, if you don't agree, I'm afraid you won't want to see the consequences."

There was a strange light in her eyes.

Kogoro Mori looked at Chikage Kuroba's small face, and suddenly saw a blade protruding from his tongue, and couldn't help being startled.

He thought that he had already disarmed Qianying, why there was still a blade hidden in her mouth.

Kogoro Mori looked at the blade in Chikage Kuroba's mouth, and couldn't help being afraid for a while. If he cut his tongue when they were kissing just now, the consequences can be imagined.

Although Kogoro Mori's practice of channeling has a bonus to physical fitness, but the bonus to the tongue is limited, and it will still be injured.

But after thinking about it, Kogoro Mouri also understood.

The hole card is only when it is hidden. Qianying took the initiative to reveal it. Naturally, it is impossible to use this blade to hurt herself. Instead, she wants to be honest with herself.

That's right, Qianying, who has reached eighty-seven favorability points, naturally can't be hostile to him.

Mori Kogoro stroked Chikage's soft shoulders with his big hand, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, I never really hurt Kaito, at most I just taught him some small lessons, let him know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Hei Yuqian glanced at him: "Hmph, if you dare to lie to me and take Kaidou away, be careful that I will kill you."

These words made Mori Kogoro's tailbone feel a little chilled.

Chapter 0187 Two Beautiful Prosecutors

When I think of that scene, I feel dangerous, even the mighty Mori Kogoro doesn't want to take this risk.

But he thought about it again, how flexible his tongue would be if he could hide the blade in his mouth all the time, if this tongue could serve him, thinking of this, Mori Kogoro felt a little hot in his heart.

Looking at Chikage Kuroba who was still spitting out a blade and trying to scare him, Kogoro Mori was so bold that he directly bent his head and kissed her.

Kuroba Chikage couldn't help being a little panicked, and hurriedly put the blade away again.

The blade is hidden in the upper jaw, which has already been trained as an ability, even if it is hidden in the mouth while sleeping, there will be no problem.

Her little hands kept patting Kogoro Mori's chest, which almost scared her to death just now. If she accidentally cut a blood stream, the kiss would turn into blood sucking.

However, Kuroba Chikage's beautiful eyes are full of strange colors, although Mori Kogoro's move is bold, but he is not at all defensive to himself!

In the situation just now, it’s okay for me to kill him even if I want to. Everyone in the world can bite their tongues and kill themselves. Cutting off their tongues and making them bleed can also kill people.

Looking at the man in front of him who was willing to give his life, Kuroba Qianying's heart trembled again, and his favorability jumped up by two points again.

After kissing passionately for a long time, Mori Kogoro gently pinched his chin, and said with a light smile, "I think you are reluctant to hurt me!"

Kuroba Chikage's cheeks could not help but blush.

At this moment, the sound of a key opening the door came from the door, and both of them heard it, and their faces changed.

"Didn't Kaito go to school?"

"How would I know, he's going to act again this Sunday, maybe he should ask for leave and come back to prepare."

"What a hassle!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro carried the powerless Kuroba Chikage on his shoulders, and the pair of F-class softs hit his back hard.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro grabbed all the things that might expose him.

The speed exploded completely, and immediately ran towards Kuroba Chikage's bedroom on the second floor.

Soon, Kaito Kuroba opened the door with an electric propeller in his hand.

He sneaked into the villa, and when he saw that there was no one on the first floor, he wanted to sneak back to his room.

However, a strange smell rushed into his nose.

Kaito Kuroba sniffed, and couldn't help muttering: "Really, why did my mother make the whole house smell like cake?"

The smell of the cake melting in the kitchen has not dissipated yet!

Kuroba Kaito didn't care about other things anymore. For him, defeating Mori Kogoro in Sunday's duel was the most important thing for him.

He quickly climbed up to the second floor, returned to his room, and began to prepare the props to be used.

Poor Kaito didn't realize that the enemy he identified was helping his mother take a bath in the next room at the moment!

"Hey, you bastard, Kaidou is back, shouldn't you be leaving now?" Qianying resisted weakly.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Why go, he is your son, not your husband."

"Besides, Kaito is so smart, he can easily find his flaws if he doesn't pay attention, and didn't you say that you can't raise your strength at all? I am kind-hearted. You don't have to thank me for sending the Buddha to the west. .”

Hearing this, Qianying could only blush and curse: "Shameless!"

Mori Kogoro didn't care about it at all, and started scrubbing Chikage with the shower in one hand and the other in the other.

Mori Kogoro is a professional in this area. He washes it extremely meticulously, without leaving any place, and enjoys the smoothness with big hands, which is not enough to be humane to outsiders!

After taking a bath, Mori Kogoro carried Chikage Kuroba to the bed, let her sleep peacefully, and walked out the door by himself.

Lying on the bed and watching Mori Kogoro leave, Kuroba Chikage's eyes are quite complicated, three points annoyed, three points shy, and even more reluctant!

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