Kogoro Mori moved lightly, and naturally he didn't disturb Kaito, and walked towards his car after leaving the door.

Fortunately, the car was parked in a side alley just now, so it would not be discovered.

Mori Kogoro got into the car, started it quietly, and the Lexus slowly left Kuroba's house.

The curtains in the room on the second floor were lifted, and Qianying watched the Lexus leave, and then lay back on the bed when she couldn't see it: What a rascal!

It was almost twelve noon when I left Kuroba's house, which was lunch time.

Kogoro Mori, who had exhausted his energy a lot, felt his stomach was empty and needed to eat urgently.

Soon, Mori Kogoro thought of a good place to go.

Qianying didn't eat the cake, but her apprentice's cafe is nearby.

With a flick of the steering wheel, the car drove towards the Cat's Eye Cafe in Toriya City.

The cat's eye cafe is located in the middle of Cupato City and Toriya City, but it is still Toriya City.

Soon, the car arrived at the Maoyan Cafe, but there was a red Ferrari Enzo parked at the door.

This is a top-notch supercar. It is limited to [-] units worldwide and is expensive. I didn't expect to see one here, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but take a second look.

Mori Kogoro pushed open the door of the cafe, and the bell rang.

There was only one woman in a daze at the front desk, but this was the first time Moori Kogoro saw her.

The woman was probably in her early twenties, with long straight black hair, fair skin like snow, a pretty face with oval seeds, big eyes that seemed to be able to talk, a high nose bridge, and exquisite facial features, but the combination was very soft and beautiful.

She has a slender and graceful figure, wearing a white T-shirt and a long blue skirt, like an orchid in an empty valley.

This woman should be the second child of Maoyan's three sisters, and she is indeed a great beauty.

The genes of the afterlife family are very good. The three sisters are all beautiful, but they have different temperaments.

Laishenglei is like a young mature woman, Laishengtong is like a rich lady, and Laishengai is an innocent girl.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came to the front desk to order food, Kaisheng Hitomi was secretly taken aback, she recognized this famous person at a glance.

As a thief, when he saw a famous detective, he was naturally a little wary.

Mori Kogoro wanted to start a conversation with him, telling them when they planned to attack the Toto Bank, but his eyes were attracted by the other two.

He then said to the next student, "Please order a signature set meal and a cup of iced coffee."

After that, he walked towards the sofa chair in the corner.

There are two beautiful prosecutors sitting on this sofa, no, one should be a beautiful prosecutor and the other should be a former prosecutor.

It was Kujo Reiko and Guntian Ikumi.

Reiko Kujo was wearing black sports trousers, a black top, and a gray top. She had no fun at all and was very rigid.

On the other hand, Guntian Yumei was wearing a red cheongsam, showing half of her fair calf, fair arms, and holding a small folding fan in her hand. She was extremely sexy.

Why are these two guys sitting together!

As soon as Mori Kogoro walked over, he heard Guntian Ikumi talking ill of him, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Chapter 0188 Yu Mei's Cheongsam Dress

"...Reiko, you don't know, that pervert looks pretty good, but he's a big pervert and a pervert."

"I saw through the details of him, and he became angry all of a sudden, and wanted to do something in the living room."

"I was accidentally pushed into a corner by him, and he lifted my leg up and pulled out a split pony. Then that guy wanted to touch me with his hands."

"Who is my aunt! A super fighter, how could he succeed? I directly poked his eyeball, then used my high-heeled shoes to borrow strength from the wall, stepped on the wall and jumped over that big pervert."

"The action is sharp and unrestrained."

"Afterwards, I kicked the big pervert to the ground with sweeping legs and whip legs, and he knelt on the ground, begging for mercy with tears streaming down his face, crying and shouting that I was wrong."

"You don't know, the other detectives were stunned when they came in and saw this scene, and I finally let him go, otherwise he would have no face!"

When Guntian Yumi talked about her excitement, her eyebrows were beaming, and she even opened the small folding fan, full of complacency.

Reiko Kujo, who was on the opposite side, knew very well about her best friend's temperament of running the train with her mouth full. She sipped her coffee and smiled without saying anything.

"Yo, I didn't even know that you poked me in the eye last night, and I knelt on the ground crying and begging for mercy. Detective Guntian, your imagination ability is too powerful!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Guntian Ikumi's expression changed, and she raised her head in panic, and saw Mori Kogoro standing beside her with a half-smile.

She was caught face-to-face for speaking ill of someone, she immediately panicked and wanted to get up and run away.

But Kogoro Mori would not give her this chance, he just sat down and blocked her way of leaving.

Guntian Yumi could only laugh dryly: "Detective Maori, why did you come here? Isn't your office at the rice flower market?"

"Come over here to do something, can't you?"

And Reiko Kujo's eyes were full of strangeness, and she couldn't help asking: "Yu Mei, is this the guy you said you met last night?"

Gundam Ikumi nodded.

Combined with the fact that she was taken advantage of by this guy before, Kujo Reiko finally realized that Mouri Kogoro is a big pervert, it seems that Yumei should be the one who suffered last night!

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