Thinking of this, Reiko Kujo's eyes flashed coldly, and she couldn't help glaring at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro didn't take it seriously at all, he grinned at Kujo Reiko, his teeth were dazzlingly white.

Reiko Kutiao couldn't help but feel a little angry, it's fine if she provoked herself, but she also provoked her best friend, it's completely a philandering radish.

At this time, Hitomi Laisheng took a tray and placed beef curry rice, iced coffee, and specialty cakes in front of the table.

"Please enjoy!"

Lai Shengtong looked at these three people, his eyes were full of doubts, two detectives, one prosecutor, three people dispatched together, it seems that there is some big case.

But how did the three of them come together?

Mori Kogoro said, "Do you mind if I sit at the same table as you? I'm starving to death."

After that, he picked up his spoon and ate his lunch without seeing anyone.

Kogoro Mori asked while eating: "What are you two doing together?"

Reiko Kujo said coldly: "Aren't you a great detective? If you can pinch and count, this shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

Gun Tian Yumei closed the folding fan, her beautiful eyes were full of provocation: "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Looking at the scrutiny eyes of the two women, is this trying to give yourself a bad blow?

Mori Kogoro's head began to think.

If there is anything in common between these two beautiful prosecutors, it is that they both became prosecutors five years ago.

Mori Kogoro still remembers that Kujo Reiko was originally a member of the Special Search Department, and Gunda Ikumi was a forensic doctor of the Special Search Department. The two followed their boss Yuta Kitagawa to investigate the construction bribery case of the Takeuchi Group.

The Special Search Department specializes in dealing with economic crime cases.

However, the construction bribery case five years ago could not be traced because of the suicide of the then president.

The Beichuan Police Department who investigated the case was directly dismissed and left Tokyo. However, when he left Tokyo, he was retaliated by unknown forces and died as a result.

And all his subordinates were transferred from their original posts, such as Kujo Reiko and Guntian Ikumi were transferred to the Supervision Bureau as prosecutors.

It's just that Guntian Yumei couldn't stand the work of the Supervision Bureau, so she resigned and became a private detective.

Thinking about it this way, Kogoro Mori understood.

"Today should be the memorial day of your former boss, Mr. Beichuan. Judging by your dusty appearance, you must have just returned from worship."

Hearing this, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the two women at the same time.

Guntian Yumi looked suspiciously at Mori Kogoro: "You guy, you are not following us, are you?"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes, and said calmly, "The Ferrari Enzo outside should be yours, right? Detective Gunfield."

"The wheels of that Ferrari are still stained with a bit of mud. The streets in urban Japan are clean and tidy, and there will be new mud. The most likely and closest place is the nearby Kiriyama Peak, and the Fahua Temple on it. It happens to be a Buddhist place where the tombs of ancestors are enshrined."

"In addition, on the seat of Ferrari, I also saw a few pieces of white chrysanthemum and gardenia, which are the most commonly used flowers when worshiping ancestors."

"In addition, the high heels of Detective Guntian and the heels of Prosecutor Jiutiao are stained with mud. It must have been stained by walking on the mountain road during the worship."

"And the economic case five years ago was so big, I also have an impression, so..."

Mori Kogoro shrugged, then continued to scoop up the curry rice and started eating.

The eyes of the two women were filled with amazement, and the eyes of Lai Shengtong who was listening at the front desk were also full of wonder. This smart person is always admirable.

Laisheng Tong installed a bug under the plate, so that he could hear the words here.

But soon, Guntian Ikumi pursed her mouth: "I would not have driven that Ferrari if I had known, otherwise you would not have found out."

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, and finished the curry rice in a turbulent manner.

This curry rice should be made by Hitomi Hitomi, and it tastes very good.

As the saying goes, Kogoro Mori, who is full of warmth and thinking about lust, is sipping iced coffee and glances at Ikumi Gunda next to him. He is in the same cheongsam outfit as last night, but last night it was bright purple, and today it is bright red, which is even more gorgeous. .

Covered by the table, his right hand quietly covered Gun Tian Yumei's thigh.

Gunta Ikumi couldn't help being startled, her beautiful eyes glanced uneasily at Reiko Kujo, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

Instead, she leaned forward with her upper body, resting her hands on the table, intending to cover it with her upper body.

Reiko Kujo held the fruit juice in front of her with both hands, looking thoughtful.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel slightly happy.

Chapter 0189 Nine Invitations

Mori Kogoro became more aggressive, relying on the cover of the table, his right hand moved slightly underneath.

Qiang Tian Yumei's pretty face couldn't help but blushed, her head was slightly lowered, and her little hand was wobbling the exquisite folding fan in her hand.

Perhaps it was because of the bad things about Mori Kogoro just now, Gunita Ikumi was very guilty, so she didn't dare to respond to the attack, and she was afraid of being discovered by Reiko.

On the other hand, Reiko Kujo didn't seem to notice it, she was gently stirring the juice straw in front of her, thinking about something.

At this time, the bell of the cafe door rang, and a lively and beautiful girl ran in bouncingly, it was the love of the next life.

Laishengai picked up the tiger-skinned orange cat who wanted to escape, then ran to the front desk and came to the second sister.

"Xiao Ai, you played truant again!"

"No, it's Old Antique's class in the afternoon, so it's okay to skip it, Second Sister, when will you and Eldest Sister act, you must bring me this time!"

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