Hitomi immediately covered the little mouth of Love Ai: "Shh~~~" She gestured to Moori Kogoro next to her with her eyes.

Lai Shengai reacted after seeing it, and soon her eyes lit up, and she lowered her voice and said, "Second Sister, why is that handsome uncle here again? He is a great detective, you didn't tell me, did you?"

"how is this possible?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a playful uncle, second sister, you don't know, last time he was accompanied by two beautiful stars, both of whom were singers, and now they have replaced two new ones, um, it seems that that one is Prosecutor!"

"Also, it seems that the eldest sister is also interested in him?"

Lai Shengtong immediately knocked Sheng Ai on the head: "Don't talk nonsense, how is this possible?"

"I'm serious, the last time the handsome uncle left with two beauties, the eldest sister's face became ugly, she could tell she was jealous, and she even climbed upstairs angrily afterwards!"

Laisheng Tong obviously didn't believe it: "You little girl, how do you know about adults?"

In the next life, Ai immediately puffed up her chest in resentment, quite predictable, about a C cup: "Don't treat me like a child, I understand everything I need to know, you and the eldest sister are also true, and it's okay to go out to steal things. Don't call me."


"Okay, okay, let's not talk, I'll go up and rest."

In the next life, Ai ran upstairs with the tiger-striped orange cat in her arms, and even glanced at Kogoro Mori when she passed by him.

This uncle is really handsome, no wonder so many women like him.

On the coffee table in the corner, Guntian Yumi opened the small folding fan, and kept fanning her cheeks, as if this could remove the blush on her face.

On the opposite side, Kujo Reiko kept talking about the case five years ago like a chatterbox.

[The cause was that the bridge built by the Takeuchi Construction Company at that time collapsed, causing casualties. After inspection, it was found that the materials used inside were all inferior materials, so the Takeuchi Company was held accountable.

At that time, the special search section also found that the case was related to the bribery of the congressmen. During the bidding, the president bribed the congressmen, so he won the contract qualification.

Everything was supposed to be closed, but on the night of the arrest, the president of the Takeuchi company committed suicide, and the relevant evidence was also destroyed by him.

However, the Beichuan Police Department at that time found the secretary of the president and asked him to testify and prosecute the case.

It's a pity that the president's secretary retracted his confession in court, which put the Beichuan police at a disadvantage.

In the end, the case did not find a breakthrough, so it ended without a problem, and President Beichuan was also brutally retaliated against. 】

Reiko Kujo narrated the tragedy five years ago. Kogoro Mori nodded and answered from time to time, pretending to be very focused.

After all, Reiko Kujo was keen, and still found some abnormalities.

"You two, are you listening?"

A trace of panic flashed in Guntian Yumei's eyes: "Ah, yes!"

"Why are you blushing, why are you still sweating!"

"It's hot, don't you see that I've been fanning? The air conditioner here is broken, I really don't feel it at all."

"Reiko, I've almost finished my coffee, I remember your house is nearby, let's go to your apartment and have a rest!"

Guntian Ikumi just wanted to get rid of the big detective beside her as soon as possible.

Reiko Kujo looked at Kogoro Mori: "Detective Mori, do you want to come together?"

Guntian Yumi immediately exclaimed: "Reiko, why did you invite him? Didn't you say that today is a girlfriend's day?" While saying this, she kept blinking at Kujo Reiko, hoping that she would cooperate.

But Reiko Kujo completely ignored her.

And Kogoro Mori chuckled: "Of course, I'm very curious about Madonna's residence in the prosecutorial circle."

After saying that, the three of them got up and wanted to go outside.

As soon as Guntian Yumi stood up, her legs felt a little weak, and she stood up holding the sofa cushions with her small hands.

She couldn't help but glared at Mouri Kogoro in embarrassment.

But as soon as Mori Kogoro turned his head, she immediately covered herself with a small folding fan.

Mori Kogoro came to the front desk to pay the bill, and then the three of them walked outside the cafe.

At this time, a man walked in, wearing suit pants and a shirt, with curly hair, a square face, a big nose, and a straight back.

This guy seems to be coming from the Toriya Police Station across the road.

Mori Kogoro realized immediately, could it be Toshio Utsumi.

The crappy policeman who has been trying to catch the three Maoyan sisters, but has been teased by the three sisters, is similar to Nakamori Ginzo, an incompetent policeman who runs behind the thief's ass.

The man glanced at Mori Kogoro, who was flanked by two beautiful women, and couldn't help murmuring: "It looks like a little boy."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's forehead twitched slightly, and he was immediately sure that he was that guy.

Toshio Utsumi sat on the round swivel chair at the front desk and said, "Xiaotong, give me a cup of coffee, I was scolded by the boss just now."

Suddenly, the unique sound of the Ferrari Enzo's engine erupted at the door, instantly making everyone in the cafe look sideways, and the red lightning and the black monster flew away.

Toshio Utsumi couldn't help asking, "Is that car owned by that beautiful woman in a cheongsam?"

Hitomi, who was wiping the cup, nodded.

"Sure enough, that woman looks like a rich woman at first glance, and that mustache must be a foster kid!"

Hearing this, Lai Shengtong couldn't help laughing. The well-known Maori detective was treated by him as a little boy, which is also a skill.

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