Seeing such a silly old classmate, Hitomi began to think about the elder sister's idea.

Pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend with the Inland Sea police officer, and then listening to information based on this, is not a bad idea.

Anyway, he is so stupid, even if he uses some small tricks, he won't be taken advantage of.

Chapter 0190

A Ferrari Enzo and a Lexus parked in the parking lot of an upscale condominium.

Kogoro Mori, Reiko Kujo, and Ikumi Gunida all got out of the car, entered the apartment, and took the elevator to the ninth floor.

Reiko Kujo opened the door with the key. The style of the apartment inside matched the style of Kujo very well. The walls were gray and the tone was cold.

The house was cleaned very clean, and things were neatly arranged. At first glance, it looked like a home for a woman living alone in Tokyo.

The three changed into their slippers and walked into the living room.

Reiko Kujo said, "Sit down for a while, and I'll make tea for you."

After she finished speaking, she turned and went to the kitchen, only Kogoro Mori and Ikumi Gunida were left in the living room.

Facing Kogoro Mori's aggressive eyes, Ikumi Gunida suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and immediately reached out to cover the beautiful white legs wrapped around the hem of the red cheongsam skirt.

"What are you looking at?"

Mori Kogoro said frankly: "I'm admiring beauties, Ms. Guntian, you should be the most beautiful woman in cheongsam I've met!"

Gun Tian Yumei was a little shy when she heard this, but the corners of her mouth wanted to rise uncontrollably, which was obviously very beneficial in her heart.

"It's just that you're the only woman I've met who wears a cheongsam."

This turning point came too fast, making Guntian Yumei's pretty face darken all of a sudden.

She immediately clenched her fists and hammered Mori Kogoro again beyond her capacity, obviously she didn't learn the lesson from last night.

Moori Kogoro grabbed her small fist and pulled her lightly, and she immediately lost her balance and fell down.

The bulging chest hit Kogoro Mori's thigh heavily, and it was very unexpected. Fortunately, with this buffer, she didn't fall too painfully.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and passed his hands under him, one on his shoulder and the other on his stomach, exerting a little force.

The beautiful detective turned around in the sky, and after landing again, she was lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and her high heels stepped heavily on the floor.

Guntian Ikumi struggled to get up, but was held by Mori Kogoro's big hand.

She immediately whispered in panic: "I warn you, this is at Reiko's house, don't mess around!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hands to tidy up his messy hair, and said with a light smile, "Does that mean you can mess around if you're not at Reiko's house?"

"No way, let me go, or I will call you, and you will die when Reiko comes out!"

This woman is really naive, she thought that Reiko would be able to save her if she came out.

Mori Kogoro had a look of evil in his eyes, looking at the frightened deer-like pupils underneath, his heart was burning hot.

He directly lowered his head and kissed Guntian Yumei, who was instantly stunned.

Myself, is this being kissed by force?

Mori Kogoro's right hand didn't stop, he continued to climb along the gorgeous scarlet cheongsam pattern, and soon climbed to the highest place.

It was only then that Gunda Ikumi realized that her small hands kept hammering on Kogoro Mori's chest, but she didn't break the defense at all.

She refused to give in at all, struggling like a loach.

Mori Kogoro felt slightly annoyed, and hit his buttocks heavily with his left hand.

There was a crisp slapping sound, and Ikumi Gunida seemed to think of the humiliating experience last night, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and she glared at Kogoro Mori bitterly.

Mori Kogoro smiled and blinked at him, showing his master-level kissing skills, and the beautiful detective who was kissing for the first time was instantly stunned.

How does it feel so comfortable?With the continuation of the passionate kiss, Guntian Ikumi gradually sank, and her little hand stopped hammering Kogoro Mori, but grabbed the lapel of his suit.

In the end, her eyes gradually narrowed, and she began to respond awkwardly.

But suddenly, Kogoro Mori let go of her, and Ikumi Koda, who hadn't reacted, raised her head up, looking like she wanted to ask for a kiss, but Kogoro Mori gave her a smirk.

Two red clouds immediately appeared on her pretty face.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "If you don't get up again, Reiko will come out soon." After that, he blew into his little ear.

Gunta Ikumi felt that something was wrong with her whole body, but she still managed to stand up, her beautiful eyes glared at Mori Kogoro.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in this gaze, which made Mori Kogoro laugh for a while.

This beautiful detective has been soloing in her mother's womb for too long, and this is unbearable.

In fact, this is also normal, Guntian Ikumi is a rich young lady, and she claims to be extremely smart and superior to others, and the men she meets are all ordinary people, and she doesn't like any of them, so she naturally settles down.

But last night, Mori Kogoro relied on his reasoning far beyond ordinary people to impress him. He was so good-looking and so handsome, especially what happened in the living room, which made him unforgettable.

Although she didn't say it, there was a shadow of Kogoro Mori in her heart, and she dreamed of him when she fell asleep last night.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have cooperated so much when she encountered such an attack in the cafe just now.

If it were someone else, with the temperament of this beautiful detective, she would have already violently hurt others.

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