Mori Kogoro couldn't help but resist.

But Xiaolan said, "Dad, do you still remember our plan? Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot!"

"I want to take advantage of this summer vacation to let my mother know how good I am!"

When Xiaolan said this, her face was full of fighting spirit.

Mori Kogoro couldn't refuse, so he could only go to Eri's residence with his precious daughter.

Chapter 0196

The two walked all the way, and soon came to Eri's residence.

Only Eri and her little blue cat were left in the villa.

As soon as Yingli opened the door, Xiaolan immediately hugged her arm affectionately and pulled her inside.

Apparently, Eri had already had a shadow in her heart. Reminiscent of her last guess, her body stiffened, and she looked at Mori Kogoro as if asking for help.

Mori Kogoro pretended not to see, touched his nose, and walked into the villa together.

He casually asked, "Why didn't you see Yuxiko?"

Yingli then replied: "The program she recorded today was at night, so she should still be on the TV station now! Why are you here?"

"Mom, can't you come here if you have nothing to do?" Xiaolan deliberately whispered to Yingri, "I miss you!"

After that, he rubbed his small head against his soft shoulder.

Seeing her daughter's posture, Eri couldn't help crying secretly. From her point of view, her daughter has really become more and more strange.

Mori Kogoro said: "That's right, Sonoko just invited us. Xiaolan and I are going to Izu Beach for vacation this weekend, and we want you to come with us!"

Hearing that the family could go on vacation together, Eri was also very tempted, but soon she frowned: "But I just happen to have a few unsolved cases in my hand!"

Xiaolan then said, "Mom, the case is endless, so we should rest or rest, let's go together!"

"At that time, there will be Aunt Jinghua, Kazuha, and Heiji from Osaka. It will definitely be very lively!"

Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows: "Aunt Jinghua?"

"It's just a beautiful aunt who likes to wear kimonos!"

Hearing this explanation, Eri immediately called Midori Kuriyama with his mobile phone: "Midori, help me postpone this weekend's meeting with Mrs. Sawaguchi and Mr. Changji until next week."

Kuriyama Green on the other end of the phone obediently complied.

Yingli put the phone back into her pocket, and the queen gave orders with full aura: "That's all, come and pick me up tomorrow!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but see cold sweat from his forehead, what kind of trouble is he being so aggressive?

Eri spoke again: "Xiao Goro, ask Yukiko if she wants to go with her tomorrow?"

Mori Kogoro had also thought about inviting Yukiko to go on vacation together, but he was afraid that Yukiko would feel uncomfortable if Conan, the kid, was there.

It would be more convenient to simply find a chance to leave Conan in Tokyo. If Hattori Heiji can also be left in Tokyo and only take his mother with him, that would be the best choice.

Kogoro Mori quickly made up his mind, and he called to invite Yukiko.

Sure enough, Yukiko of course agreed.

But in this case, more and more people are brought by themselves, and they don't know the relationship between themselves and Tomoko Suzuki, so it's not very good anyway.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro remembered that when Tomoko bought a seaside villa in Izu, he helped him buy the same villa next door, which also had a private beach.

At that time, the whole family will go to the villa under their own name for vacation, so it will not be unreasonable.

After finally taking advantage of Xiaolan to go to the bathroom stall, Fei Yingli grabbed Mori Kogoro and asked, "Xiaowulang, how is Xiaolan? Is there anything unusual about her recently?"

Mori Kogoro followed what he had discussed with his daughter before, and pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Eri, according to my observation, your guess seems to be true."

"I looked at the webpage records on her mobile phone. In the past two days, she has watched "Mother and Mother Kissing レズす义妹の雪谈", "Mother and Mother, Timely Lover", "Mother and Mother's Preference"... ...These small action movies are all about mother and daughter."

When Yingli heard the vocabulary in it, it was about training, tongue kissing, and lover, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes, with a look of disbelief: "Nonsense, you are lying!"

The normally shrewd and capable lawyer Concubine became panicked before the matter about her daughter.

Looking at Eri's expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it, but for the sake of a better life in the future, the script still has to go on.

He continued to speak: "I have asked the relevant psychiatrist, he said it is called Oedipus complex, it is Oedipus complex, both boys and girls may get it."

"It's because she didn't fully occupy her mother's love when she was a child, so it gradually evolved into this. Xiaolan probably has this complex."

Yingli was stunned, she didn't expect that her resolute departure ten years ago would lead to the current situation.

She immediately asked anxiously: "Xiao Wulang, what should we do now?"

Mori Kogoro caressed Eri's soft back with his big hand, and comforted him: "It's okay, the psychiatrist told me that this Oedipus complex will appear in anyone at different ages, but most people can digest it well and put it away." It evolved into a family relationship."

"Xiaolan's situation is not too serious. She may not feel that she has this complex, but she just subconsciously wants to get close to you."

"The key is that you can't stimulate her, just like people have a rebellious psychology. The more you stimulate her, the more she will go in that direction. If Xiaolan has any unreasonable demands, Yingli, you should first satisfy her as much as possible!"

"Look at mine next, I will slowly guide Xiaolan to the right track!"

Eri nodded immediately, and after listening to Mori Kogoro's narration, she seemed to have a backbone in her heart, and she was slightly relieved.

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