In the end, Eri fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and murmured, "Kogoro, our daughter must be fine!"

Mori Kogoro held Eri's little hand tightly, and kissed her on the cheek: "Don't worry!"

At this time, Xiaolan returned to the living room and saw her parents cuddling together, she couldn't help saying: "Wow, you two hugged each other while I was away."

She also glared at Mori Kogoro with a bit of hostility in her eyes, and Eri panicked immediately when she saw it.

Xiaolan grabbed Yingli's hand and said, "Mom, I'll sleep with you here tonight, we haven't slept together for a long time!"

Eri's body froze, didn't he just spend the night here last week?But she thought of Kogoro Mori's words, not to be exciting, but to be satisfied as much as possible.

She could only smile and say, "Alright then!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan waved her hand at Maoli Kogoro: "Father, go back quickly, you still have Xiao Ai to take care of at home, so don't stay here."

Seeing that the script has been completed step by step, although it is unethical to cooperate with her daughter Yingli's routine, it is the only way to do it now.

The rest was left to Xiaolan, and Mori Kogoro got up, ignoring Eri's eyes asking for help, and walked outside the villa: "Then I'll go back first!"

Seeing that Kogoro really left, Eri panicked.

But Xiaolan's head leaned over: "Mom, let's take a bath together later!"

What a sin!

Chapter 0197 Xiao Ai, do you want to take medicine tonight?

Although Mori Kogoro didn't know what Xiaolan was going to do, he could probably guess that Xiaolan was definitely going to play a perverted daughter who attacked her mother.

Thinking about it this way, I was surprisingly a little excited!

He couldn't help, everything can only rely on his daughter's impromptu performance, I hope everything goes well!

When Kogoro Mori returned home, there was only little loli Haibara at home.

However, Huiyuan seemed to be busy, constantly going in and out of the kitchen, carrying dishes to the coffee table in the living room.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, Huiyuan immediately hid the plate in his hand behind.

Mori Kogoro turned around and came behind him, and took the plate in his hand: "It turns out that Xiao Ai is making cakes, why are you embarrassed to show it to uncle?"

The cake was a bit out of shape and rather ugly, no wonder Hui Yuan wanted to hide it.

Little Loli turned her face away arrogantly, and changed the subject: "What did you and Xiao Lan do, where did she go?"

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara and kissed her on the cheek: "Let's go to Eri's side, Xiaolan will sleep there tonight."

"That is to say, there are only two of us left at home tonight."

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "So tonight, Xiao Ai is going to clean up for nothing? Or for nothing? Or for nothing?"

Haibara instantly understood what Kogoro Mori meant, and couldn't help but blushed slightly, watching Kogoro Moori move his index finger.

Mori Kogoro suggested: "Why don't you take medicine tonight, Xiao Ai, I miss Shiho a little bit!"

Hearing this, Haibara immediately blushed and patted Mori Kogoro's body.

This big pervert is really bad!

At this time, the cute loli voice sounded from the door.

"Is Xiao Ai sick? Why do you need to take medicine?"

"Who is Shiho?"

Mori Kogoro turned around and saw Ayumi in a red dress standing at the door.

One is naturally Ayumi in a red dress.

The other is a cute little girl in a purple top with braids, which Mori Kogoro doesn't recognize.

Huiyuan, who was in Kogoro Mouri's arms, immediately struggled: "Put me down!"

Mori Kogoro put Huibara down, and he realized that the cake on the table was not for himself, but for the two little girls.

The little loli Ayumi asked with concern: "Xiao Ai, are you not sick?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "Xiao Ai is fine, just now uncle was joking with her, why did you come here?"

Ayumi then said: "Xiao Hui wants to come to Xiao Ai's house as a guest, so I will come with her."

The little girl beside Ayumi took a step forward and bowed to Mori Kogoro: "Hello, Uncle, my name is Ito Kei, and I'm a first-year class C student!"

This is a very polite little girl.

Ito Megumi, the name Mori Kogoro has a little impression, Mori Kogoro remembers that her brother is Ito Tamanosuke, Xiaolan's classmate, and the head of a traveling theater troupe.

Because his father died unexpectedly, this high school student could only shoulder the responsibility of his troupe leader and continue to lead the troupe members in performances.

Ito Hui asked curiously, "Uncle, are you really a detective?"

"Of course, uncle has solved many cases!"

"So tonight is still your little girlfriend's night, so is uncle disturbing you?"

Hui Yuan couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard about the night of the little girlfriends.

Ayumi hurriedly said: "Don't bother, uncle is just right here, and he can tell us about the solved case."

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