"Xiaohui, you don't know how powerful uncle is, he has caught many prisoners!"

Ayumi gestured with her little hand and drew a big circle.

Ayumi doesn't want Uncle Maoli, whom she finally met, to leave!Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "In that case, you can watch TV in the living room, and uncle will make cakes for you!"

After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori went to the kitchen, while the three little girls came to the living room and watched TV, chatting and laughing.

Mostly it was Ayumi who was talking, telling Megumi Ito about the great achievements of Mori Kogoro.

In Ayumi's mouth, Mori Kogoro is simply a superman-like character, and Ito Kei was taken aback for a while.

And Huiyuan on the side looked at the two with a smile in his eyes, like a big sister.

After a while, Mori Kogoro's cake was ready, and the soft and glutinous cake exuded an attractive fragrance.

This delicious cake made Ito Kei couldn't help shouting, looking enviously at Haibara who could eat delicious food every day.

But around eight o'clock in the evening, the doorbell rang.

Kogoro Mouri went to answer the door, and there was a girl who looked exactly like Xiaolan standing at the door.

She was wearing a striped shirt and jeans. She had a good figure. Judging by her age, she was about sixteen or seventeen, and she looked like a high school student.

In a daze, Kogoro Mori thought it was his daughter who had returned home!

The girl said, "Well, is this the Maori detective's home?"

Ito Hui in the living room heard the voice and ran over immediately: "Sister Kataoka, are you here to pick me up?"

The girl smiled when she saw Megumi Ito, almost like Ran.

"Xiaohui, your brother didn't have time to come, so he entrusted me to pick you up!"

Seeing this girl, Ayumi couldn't help but said, "This big sister looks like sister Xiaolan!"

Haibara also had a look of surprise on his face.

Yi Donghui then introduced: "She is not called Xiaolan, she is Lianhua sister, Kataoka Lianhua, a member of my brother's theater troupe!"

Kataoka Renka greeted Mori Kogoro, "It's my first meeting, my name is Kataoka Renka."

Kogoro Mouri said, "Are you here to pick up this child? Be careful along the way!"

Ito Hui grabbed Ayumi's little hand: "Let's go, Ayumi, let's take you home!"

Ayumi who wanted to stay at Maori's house for a while had no choice but to leave.

The three girls waved goodbye to Mori Kogoro, then went down the stairs and left.

After saying goodbye to the three daughters, the little loli Huiyuan couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, do you have an illegitimate daughter outside? Why are there always girls who look exactly like Xiaolan?"

"Let me think about it, Aoko, Queen Mira, and this Kataoka Renka, there are three in total."

How could Kogoro Mori explain this clearly, I can only blame the old thief Aoyama!

He picked up the little loli Hui Yuan and walked to the bathroom: "Don't change the subject, Xiao Ai, do you want to take medicine tonight?"

"I remember that as long as the dose of the antidote is halved, the recovery time will also be halved. You will be able to recover when you wake up tomorrow morning!"

Hui Yuan's face turned red instantly: "Big pervert!" But she didn't refuse.

The antidote developed by Xiao Ai can only fix the recovery time of one day.

The antidote developed by Kogoro Mori and Dr. Jiang Guchuan can recover for different times according to the content of the medicine.

This point has already been concluded in those human experiments.

Haibara also knew from her sister that Mori Kogoro had set up a research base in order to develop the antidote, but she didn't know about human experiments.

Of course, the ingredients Kogoro Mori gave to Haibara were exchanged by the system, which was absolutely safe and would have no side effects, so he dared to say that.

Seeing Little Lolita's posture, Mori Kogoro immediately understood.

Chapter 0198 The ash in the experiment is getting bigger

In the bathroom, dense water vapor kept rising.

In the big white bathtub, two heads popped up.

The little loli Huihara sat on Mori Kogoro's lap, leaning against his chest, and the two of them were soaking in the bath, feeling extremely comfortable.

I don't know if it's because the hot water is too hot, but Huiyuan's little face is always flushed.

And Mori Kogoro had a faint smile on his face.

About twenty minutes later, Mori Kogoro picked up little Lolita, took the bath towel, lathered it, and scrubbed her gently.

Little Lolita has delicate skin, so she dare not use too much force.

After Mori Kogoro wiped the ashes clean, he used the shower to rinse off the foam on his body, and then dried him with a towel.

Not long after, a cute little loli appeared in front of him.

Mori Kogoro wiped himself off, carried Haibara out of the bathroom, and the two came to the living room.

All steps are carried out in an orderly manner.

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