Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro placed the little loli on the white marble coffee table, Huiyuan's complexion was one-third whiter than the marble.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head and kissed Huiyuan's forehead, and said in a warm voice, "Xiao Ai, the experiment is about to start, is it okay?"

Little Lolita blushed, her icy blue eyes had already turned into lakes, and she gently nodded Qianshou: "En!"

That look is so cute!

Mori Kogoro suppressed the surge of emotion in his heart and started to act.

Haibara's small hand tightly grasped Kogoro Mori's big hand, his heart was beating extremely fast, and his ice blue eyes were fixed on the man in front of him.

With the other hand of Mori Kogoro, he picked up the temporary antidote of APTX that had been prepared, and slowly fed it to Huiyuan.

This temporary antidote lasts twelve hours.

Little Loli didn't look at what Kogoro Mori gave her, and swallowed it directly.

Even if it is poison, she is willing!

Yes, she loves the man in front of her, she is willing to do anything for him.

The effect of the medicine took effect very quickly, Huiyuan only felt her body was burning hot, her heart was beating faster and faster, her eyes gradually became blurred, and seeing the double image of Mori Kogoro in front of her, all the pores were open, and countless sweat Seep from it.

Huiyuan started to grow bigger!

Mori Kogoro gently held Haibara's slender waist with both hands, and slowly sat on the sofa with her in his arms.

He wanted Hui Yuan to recover in his arms.

Feeling the recovery of Haibara's body personally in the experiment, this is an incomparably wonderful process, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel excited!

Like God's magical skill, time pressed the accelerator button on the girl's body, and ten years of time were compressed into just a dozen seconds.

Huiyuan grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye, her legs became slender, her body began to grow taller, the airport gradually bulged, her cute face became mature, and her weight also increased at an unscientific speed stand up……

Countless changes that are so wonderful that they cannot be described in words appeared in these ten seconds, which moved Mori Kogoro deeply.

He had personally experienced the shrinking of the gray field in the experiment, and now he is also witnessing the enlargement of the gray field in the experiment.

Mori Kogoro only felt that he was complete, and couldn't help but sublimate.

Ten seconds passed, and a lively beauty appeared in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

It was Miyano Shiho who had recovered.

Miyano Shiho tightly hugged Mori Kogoro with both hands, sweating profusely and panting heavily, obviously expending a lot of energy.

Mori Kogoro squeezed a seal with Miyano Shiho's big hand behind his back, and the rejuvenation technique was cast, gently pressing on Shiho's soft back.Numerous spirits of plants and trees were poured into Shiho's body to help him recover his physical strength.

Mori Kogoro kissed Shiho's pink lips lightly, put his arms around his thighs, and hugged him, really reluctant to part with him for a moment.

He carried Zhibao into the bedroom, this night was still very long!

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

The next morning, the sunlight just passed through the gap of the window and fell on Kogoro Mori's head.

Kogoro Mori opened his eyes, a smile appearing on his face.

The woman in his arms turned into a little loli again, and it was still in his sleep.

During the change, Haibara didn't feel any discomfort at all, and didn't wake up because of it.

Overall, last night's experiment was extremely successful!

The stability of this temporary antidote is excellent, and there is no pain after taking it, but when it becomes bigger or smaller, the heart beats faster, sweats, and emits some heat.

Unlike the antidote developed by Huiyuan himself, it will put a strong load on the heart and easily cause cardiovascular diseases.

This temporary antidote can be used as a common medicine.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head and kissed Haibara's cute face. Little Lolita didn't react at all, and was still sleeping soundly. It was obvious that he had exhausted a lot of energy last night.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to disturb her sleep, and performed another rejuvenation technique on her, then quietly got up and left the room.

Today's weather is not bad, the sun is shining brightly, Mori Kogoro stretched a few times on the balcony, feeling comfortable all over.

At this time, a girl's voice full of vitality suddenly came from below.

"Uncle Maori, I'm downstairs!"

"Maori-kun, I'm here too!"

The comer is the Futaba combination of Japanese leaves and red leaves.

Both women were carrying luggage bags and dressed coolly, with a youthful and lively atmosphere rushing towards them.

They came so early, just after eight o'clock, these two girls must have taken the earliest train to come here.

Mori Kogoro waved to the two girls: "Come up quickly, I'm about to make breakfast!"

Futaba climbed the stairs.

Along the way, Hongye said triumphantly: "Little Yezi, you are so naive, I have already let Yizhi monitor your movements, you want to secretly come to Tokyo to find Kogoro by yourself, is that wrong?" possible!"

Kazuha couldn't help being slightly annoyed, but as soon as she entered Mori's house and saw Mori Kogoro, her mood immediately improved.

Xiao Heye threw himself into the arms of Mouri Kogoro like a suckling swallow thrown into the forest.

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