Seeing this, Hongye immediately followed and pulled Heye away, staring at Heye with big eyes.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro asked with a chuckle, "Did you two listen to me and bring your swimsuits? We're going to Izu this time!"

Both women nodded: "Of course!"

Hongye also shyly said: "Xiao Wulang, I have another set specially prepared for you!"

Hearing this, anger appeared in He Ye's eyes: Damn, what a scheming girl.

But she didn't reveal too much, instead she said: "Uncle, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, let me make it for you!"

"It just so happened that I learned a few Osaka specialties from my mother, please help me try it!"

After saying that, He Ye went into the kitchen, and now it was Hong Ye's turn to stare blankly!

Seeing the two girls fighting for him, Kogoro Mori found this scene quite interesting.

Chapter 0199

At the dining table, He Ye looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly: "How is it? Uncle!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "This thick egg yakiniku and Yoshino beef are really delicious. It seems that Kazuha will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future!"

"No way!" Upon hearing this, He Ye laughed lightly, and glanced at Hong Ye triumphantly.

Hong Ye can only be depressed, as a daughter of a thousand gold, she doesn't touch the spring water with her fingers, so naturally she doesn't know how to cook.

At this moment, the ant-man robot sent out in Maori Kogoro's mind sent a dangerous signal.

It was a robot dedicated to protecting Hattori Shizuka.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and the picture of the robot was switched in his mind.

Hattori Shizuka was in an apartment, but she was fine, she just got a little frightened and her face was a little pale.

With trembling hands, she took out her mobile phone and called Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro answered the phone in seconds, and Hattori Shizuka's crying voice came over immediately.

"Kogoro, save Heiji quickly!"

The sound was loud enough that Futaba on the side and Conan who went upstairs to eat could hear it, and the expressions of the three couldn't help but change.

Mori Kogoro got up immediately: "Jinghua, calm down first, and tell me where you are now? I'll go find you! What happened in Pingji, please speak slowly."

Mori Kogoro put on his suit and walked outside.

He signaled the two women to wait at home, while he went down the stairs and got into the car.

The car started immediately and drove in the direction of Jinghua, but Conan, the little devil, also sneaked into the car with an anxious expression on his face.

Hattori Shizuka on the other end of the phone wiped away tears and began to talk.

"I'm currently at Yujizhuang Apartment 202 in Kuwano City."

"Heiji and I came to visit Mr. Kusukawa here early this morning."

"Kusukawa used to be a police officer of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, and he met Heiji, and later he went to Tokyo to join the detective agency in Kubado City"

"He said he had something important to tell Heiji, so Heiji made a special trip to visit him this time!"

"I thought Pingji would come out soon, so I didn't follow in and waited at the door."

"During the waiting period, only three men wearing hats came out, and the one in the middle was so drunk that the three of them couldn't see their faces clearly!"

"I waited for about 202 minutes, but I couldn't wait for Pingji to come down, so I went to apartment [-], only to find that the door was open, but there was no one inside."

"Then a man wearing a mask suddenly appeared at the door and pointed a gun at me."

"I thought the man was going to shoot, but the man's hand suddenly cramped and the gun fell to the ground."

"The man wanted to bend over to pick up the gun, but his head suddenly oozes blood, and he immediately ran away in a panic."

Mori Kogoro instantly realized that this was the work of his own Ant-Man robot, and easily eradicated the threat.

However, the instructions of the Ant-Man robot assigned by Mori Kogoro were not allowed to leave the range of ten meters of the protected person, for fear of being transferred away by Tiaohulishan, so the man was able to escape safely.

"At that time, I realized that his coat was the same as one of the three men just now. Heiji was probably knocked out by them, and then he was disguised as an alcoholic and took it away."

"Xiao Goro, what should we do? They have guns, what if Heiji falls into their hands?"

Hattori Shizuka started crying again while talking, Mouri Kogoro immediately comforted him.

He stepped on the accelerator very fast, and the car was like a black lightning, constantly overtaking.

The original [-]-minute journey was shortened to seven minutes, and soon the Lexus stopped at Youjiu Village.Mori Kogoro and Conan went upstairs immediately, and when they came to Kusukawa's house, they saw Hattori Shizuka sitting on the floor crying.

Nan Chuan's house looked extremely messy, obviously someone had rummaged through it.

Hattori Shizuka was still wearing a light blue kimono, but her eyes were red from crying.

Mori Kogoro rushed up immediately, hugged Jinghua's soft body into his arms, and patted his shoulder with his big hand: "Jinghua, don't cry, I have everything, I will definitely get Heiji back. "

"Kogoro!" Hattori Shizuka hugged Moori Kogoro as if he had a backbone when he saw him.

Conan on the side was stunned when he saw this situation: What's going on?Why are two people hugging each other like old lovers?what's going on?

Conan is a little confused, Xiaolan's father and Heiji's mother are so close, it is unbelievable.

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