But Hattori Heiji's whereabouts are the most important right now, so Conan didn't think about anything else, instead he searched at Kusukawa's house, hoping to find useful clues.

Mori Kogoro comforted Shizuka slightly, and then called the Kawado Detective Agency.

Obviously, this Mr. Kusukawa is the key person, and Hattori Heiji should have encountered an indiscriminate disaster.

If you can get some clues from people who know Nanchuan, you will have a lot more clues than looking for it now.

The phone call to the Kawado Detective Agency is over.

Kogoro Mori knew that Mr. Kusukawa didn't go to work yesterday, and he didn't call to ask for leave.

Based on the information he got, Mori Kogoro immediately had an inference in his mind.

[Mr. Kusukawa is a detective in the Kubado Detective Agency. He should have obtained some confidential information, and then he was kidnapped or silenced!

But the assailant didn't get the information, so he could only come to his house to look for it, and happened to meet Hattori Heiji who came to visit.

Heiji's purpose happened to be to find Mr. Kusukawa to understand important matters, and the assailant found out.

The assailant mistakenly thought that Mr. Nanchuan had disclosed the information to him, so he knocked him unconscious and kidnapped him.

Later, when I came back to confirm, I saw Hattori Shizuka in the apartment, and wanted to kidnap him together, but was stopped by the Ant-Man robot. 】

Probably this is the process.

But what I'm looking for now is where Heiji was kidnapped. Just after driving all the way, Mori Kogoro found that there are no surveillance cameras installed in the streets near Jiuzhuang, and this will be troublesome.

At this time, Mori Kogoro saw strange marks on the table, which were pencil marks, and there was a small square blank space in the middle, as if someone was using a pencil to lightly trace on the paper.

Mori Kogoro realized in an instant that Heiji should have done this.He rummaged through the notebook next to him, and sure enough, he saw two torn pages in it, so he picked up a pencil and continued tracing behind the two pages.

Both Conan and Hattori Shizuka came over.

Fortunately, the people who write are very skilled, and there are still traces after two pages, which can be traced with a pencil.

A location and surname emerged.

"Kanqiao Town, Ito House"

It's just that the phone number at the bottom is not clear.

Chapter 0200 Kogoro, you are amazing

A three-dimensional map of the entire Tokyo appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind, and he instantly determined the area of ​​Kanbashi Town, which was also in Kubado City.

It's not too far from here, you only need to go through three main roads to get there.

He immediately said: "Mr. Nanchuan has been missing for more than a day. This should be the message he left. It is very likely that he went to Xianqiao Town yesterday to find someone named Ito."

"Let's rush there first, and call the Metropolitan Police Department on the way to ask for the residence of Ito's family in Xianqiao Town!"

Mori Kogoro squeezed Hattori Shizuka's little hand: "Don't worry, we will find someone."

Hattori Shizuka nodded slightly reassuringly.

Conan on the side saw the scene where the two were in love, and instantly felt bad again!

No way, uncle must have done something to Heiji's mother too!

This is too brutal.

If it is true, Conan feels that Hattori Heiji is too pitiful.

Not to mention the prospective girlfriend of childhood sweetheart being pried away by Uncle Mao Li, now even the mother has been pried away, don't be too hard!

But Conan still didn't dare to draw a conclusion.

The three of them immediately went downstairs and got into the car, and drove towards Xianqiao Town.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to delay today's summer vacation, the car drove very fast.

In the car, he was distracted and called Miwako while driving, asking for the addresses of all the Ito families in Xianqiao Town.

Miwako, who was in the Metropolitan Police Department, heard the request of her sweetheart, and immediately went to her colleague to ask for the materials, and then sent them over on her mobile phone.

It is a picture of a map that can be zoomed in, and Meihezi also thoughtfully marked the location of all the households, there are hundreds of households in total.

Because the pictures are processed with special police software, they can be released so quickly.

Conan on the side saw hundreds of locations on the phone, and his head was getting bigger.

How can I find this?I can't find them all tomorrow, maybe Hattori Heiji will be silenced by then!

At this time, a picture was uploaded to Mori Kogoro's mobile phone, and the sender was Hattori Heiji.

The picture is a combination of numbers and English letters, which is quite inexplicable.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Hattori Heiji.

Mori Kogoro pressed the speakerphone and got connected.

Hattori Shizuka in the back seat leaned out and wanted to ask, but Mori Kogoro covered his mouth: "Hush!"

Hattori Shizuka can't make a sound. The gangsters on the opposite side don't know that Mori Kogoro and Hattori Shizuka have reconciled, and they don't know that Mori Kogoro knows that Heiji was kidnapped.

If they heard Hattori Shizuka's voice when they called, they might think that their deeds had been exposed, and they jumped the wall in a hurry, which hurt Heiji instead.

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