Mori Kogoro pretended to answer the phone normally: "Heiji, are you here? Didn't you say you want to come over to me?"

Heiji's voice came over, a little hoarse: "Uncle, I'm in the coffee shop with Mr. Kusukawa right now, and we were talking so vigorously that we forgot the time."

"However, Mr. Nanchuan has a set of codes that he wants me to help solve. He said that if he can't solve it before sunset, he won't let me go!"

"I really can't think of it. I can only ask you, uncle, a great detective. It's the picture I just sent you."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Heiji, you are cheating!"

"Uncle Maori, just help me. If you don't help me, I won't be able to visit your house today."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to hang up, uncle, you unlock the password and send me the message!"

The phone call stopped abruptly, but Hattori Shizuka was a little confused: "Kogoro, what's going on? Could it be that Heiji was not held hostage, but instead went to the cafe with Mr. Kusukawa?"

"But it's not right, there are no other stairs and back doors in Jiuzhuang!"

Mori Kogoro said in a deep voice: "No, Heiji was kidnapped. The gangster wanted to unlock the code just now. The reason why he called me was that he wanted me to help unlock it, and the deadline was before sunset. "

"I think Heiji was called by the gangster with a gun pointed at his head just now!"

Hearing this, Hattori Shizuka's eyes turned red again.

At the same time, in a dark attic, Hattori Heiji, who was tied to a pillar, panted heavily, and dropped his mobile phone in front of him.

There were three people standing in front of him, and there was a man lying on the ground.

A sharp female voice sounded: "I can't see that you, a small high school student, can actually get in touch with the big detective Maori. I underestimate you."

"But if the great detective doesn't crack the code before sunset, you and this guy will go to hell together!"

The fat woman stepped on the dead body of the man on the ground with all her strength. The man had many injuries, and it looked like he had been abused to death.

At this time, a skinny man beside the fat woman said, "Sister, is there any risk? That's the great Maori detective..."

The fat woman slapped the skinny man hard before he could finish his sentence.

"Trash, you have your say, you can't even deal with a woman, and you left the gun there, what an idiot!"

The skinny man argued in a low voice: "Don't blame me, it was too evil just now!"

The fat woman glanced at him coldly, and the thin man didn't dare to speak anymore.

Another burly man comforted: "Elder sister, don't be angry, it's not worth it to get angry!"

A look of favor appeared on the face of the fat woman, and she said to the thin man, "You just stay here and watch him!"

"Kyuta, come down with me, the bed in my bedroom seems to be broken, please come and 'fix it' for me!"

The burly man named Keita's face turned purple, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the fat woman, and followed down with a mournful face.

And Kogoro Mori in the car was not idle either. He opened the car locker and took out the small laptop inside.

After turning on the laptop, I connected the phone with the data cable.

Mori Kogoro controls the steering wheel with his right hand, and taps on the notebook with his left hand, his hands are as fast as butterflies.

Both Conan and Hattori Shizuka were stunned, watching the programs open one by one on the small screen, and entering various incomprehensible characters.

The little devil couldn't help asking: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro introduced very quickly: "Use my laptop to use this MMS message to hack into the MMS terminal."

"Then use the previously cultivated bots to attack the message business center, so as to bypass its protection system and hack the MMS user database."

"Then hack into the application server according to the user name and key of the database, so as to control the MMS application support system!"

After saying this, Conan and Hattori Shizuka were even more confused.

"To put it simply, it is to use hacking methods to invade the signal tower, and find the transit signal tower according to the sending address of this MMS, so as to narrow the scope of the search."

"I found it, it's this signal tower!"

Mori Kogoro marked it on the map on the computer screen. It is the south of Xianqiao Town. Compared with the area just now, it is directly reduced to one-fifth, and only seventy or eighty households are within this range.

If there are seventy or eighty households, they can finish watching before sunset.

Hattori Shizuka couldn't help but leaned out and kissed Mori Kogoro: "Kogoro, you are amazing!"

Chapter 0201 Heiji's Good Friday

Conan couldn't help but widen his eyes, and kiss him now! ! !

Heiji's mother kissed Uncle Mori like this, which is definitely not a thank you from friends.

There must be an affair between these two!

In an instant, Conan's gaze at Mori Kogoro became very complicated.

Pingji, it seems that not only you are green, but your dad is also green! !

But soon, Conan was attracted by the small laptop again.

Unexpectedly, my uncle is so proficient in hacking skills, and he can also hack into the signal tower. Isn't it possible to monitor everyone's mobile phones?

This is too scary!

Conan became more and more aware of how big the gap between himself and Mori Kogoro was.

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