There was only Maori and his party in the entire train, and the crew members were respectful when they saw the few guests.

A group of people sat in the first-class compartment of the bullet train, which was the same as the first-class compartment of the plane, and everyone sat on an extremely loose single sofa chair.

Eri walked over directly and sat on the sofa with Kogoro Mori.

When the girls behind saw this scene, they couldn't help frowning at the same time.

This is the real declaration of sovereignty!

However, Yingli didn't focus on this aspect, instead she vomited bitterness to Mouri Kogoro: "Kogoro, I'm really going crazy, Xiaolan's behavior became more and more obvious last night."

Kogoro Mori looked at the excited Eri, stroked his jade back with his big hand, and said softly, "What's wrong? What happened last night?"

While speaking, he tuned out the monitoring from last night and played it in his mind.

The scene was indeed very exciting. The mother and daughter washed in the bathroom for nearly an hour, and entangled in the living room for an hour or two.

And when she was sleeping, Xiaolan was still restless, and she kept pestering Eri until midnight, so it was no wonder that Eri was so haggard.

Yingli is very excited, but dare not speak loudly, for fear that Xiaolan will overhear.

"Did you know? Xiaolan rested with me last night, and she said, 'I will be worried if I don't see my mother for a moment, and I will think of me every moment, and my heart will hurt when I see me sad!'"

"What else did you say 'I don't want to get married anymore, just live with my parents like this, the family is to live together forever!'"

"Xiao Wulang, listen, these words are becoming more and more obvious. How did she become like this now?"

When Yingli said this, tears came to Danfeng's eyes, and finally she was a little bit crying.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but panicked, he quickly reached out to hug him in his arms, and patted his jade back with his big hand.

"Don't cry, Eri, the child is still young, and he will definitely be able to change it back. With me here, don't worry!"

This expression is the fragile appearance of Eri that Mori Kogoro seldom sees, and Mori Kogoro feels both distressed and guilty.

He lowered his head and kissed Yingri's pure white cheek: "Don't cry, we are on vacation, we should be happy."

"Besides, there are so many people around, so you won't be pretty if you cry. I still want to see Yingli, you are all over the place!"

Hearing this, Eri broke into tears and laughed, and patted his chest with his little hand.

This smile is so bright and extraordinary, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but kiss her again.

Eri's cheeks flushed bright red, but her fingers gently pinched Kogoro Mori's waist, and began to question: "I haven't asked you yet, what does that Hattori Shizuka have to do with you?"

Danfeng's eyes were full of scrutiny.

"What's the relationship? We're all friends. I took over her commission before, and it happened that she and her son came to Tokyo, so I'll entertain her!"

"Really?" Eri's Danfeng's eyes were full of disbelief, "Where are those two Osaka girls? The way they look at you is also quite strange! How is it possible?" Mori Kogoro broke out in acting, with a look of being wronged, and his voice He became taller: "They are just Xiaolan's friends, they just got together and went to play together!"

It's a pity that no matter how explosive Kogoro Mori's acting skills are, he can't hide it from Eri. Eri sneered twice, and Suzhi twisted the soft flesh around his waist.

Mori Kogoro had to pretend to be in pain.

At this moment, Xiao Lan suddenly appeared: "Mom, what are you and Dad doing?"

As soon as Xiaolan appeared, Yingli panicked, and quickly let go of her hand: "It's nothing, just kidding!"

Xiaolan looked at the two suspiciously, then pulled Yingli up, and said, "Mom, why don't you sit with me, I just found a movie that is most suitable for the two of us to watch!"

A sweet smile appeared on her face, and she pulled Eri to the sofa chair behind without any explanation.

Kogoro Mori was free now, watching the surveillance from last night in his mind.

Wow!Xiaolan is too good at teasing, she really has a set of love stories for Eri, shouldn't these be told to me?

And it was too much effort, even coquettishly said that she wanted to eat Nana, and Eri actually agreed.

That picture is too exciting, no wonder Yingli can't stand it, and I can't stand it if it were me!

At this moment, Kogoro Mouri sent a text message on his mobile phone, the content was very brief: "Car No. [-]!"

After reading the text message, Kogoro Mori straightened his clothes, got up pretending to be normal, and wanted to go to the back compartment.

But he didn't know that everyone in the car was paying attention to him, and when he got up, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Before getting out of the first-class car, He Ye asked, "Uncle, where are you going? Do you want me to accompany you?"

He could only chuckle lightly: "I just went to the bathroom."

But even so, the girls didn't look away. In desperation, Kogoro Mori could only crush a psychedelic talisman and set up a psychedelic formation.

Under the influence of the psychedelic talisman, all the girls looked away when they saw Mori Kogoro walk into the toilet.

In fact, Mori Kogoro walked quickly to the No. [-] carriage.

Soon he arrived at the No. [-] carriage, and Hattori Shizuka, who was wearing a lavender kimono, was waiting for him.

Mori Kogoro then reached out and closed the door of the No. [-] carriage, not wanting to be disturbed by the passengers.

Hattori Shizuka heard the sound, turned around, and came up to meet him, standing in front of him gracefully.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Hattori Shizuka's soft waist, kissed his lips in one breath, and put his big hand into the kimono without hesitation.

There was a blush on the beautiful woman's face, her eyes were full of emotion, and she gradually responded.

During the passionate kiss, the bodies of the two fell to the side of the three-row soft seat, which was covered by the seat.

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