In the aisle, only a pair of calves in white sock clogs could be seen, and the clogs fell limply to the floor.

Not long after, on the moving bullet train, in the empty No. [-] carriage, a moving and exciting song continued to be sung, and the sound drifted away with the wilderness outside the window!

Chapter 0003 is intoxicatingly beautiful

In the empty No. [-] carriage, Hattori Shizuka rested on the left and right sofa cushions with both hands, and separated her white legs from left to right.

She only wore white cloth socks on her feet, standing in the middle of the aisle of carriage No. [-], her waist was extremely beautiful.

Her body was trembling constantly, crystal clear sweat kept leaking from her pores, and she also had an unusual blush.

Hattori Shizuka felt an inexplicable sense of shame. It always felt strange to expose her body in such a public place.

Even though there was no one else in the carriage, she felt that she was just like those women with exhibitionism in movies.

Really, too perverted! ! !

The moving car is still moving forward, at an extremely fast speed, constantly entering and exiting the tunnel.

Whether it is bright or dark in the carriage, the speed is already 348kmh, but it is extremely stable.

Soon, the big beautiful woman turned around and stood on the blue seat, leaning heavily against the window glass, her chest was deformed by the pressure.

Holding the glass with both hands, she let out a small breath and blurred the glass in front of her.

Even so, through the blurred glass, she can still see the midsummer beauty flying past outside the bullet train, which is really intoxicatingly beautiful!

Hattori Heiji and Conan, who stayed in Tokyo, stood outside the house where the suspected arsonist was going to attack next under the sun.

The two just went in to visit, but were invited out by the hostess.

The hostess said that she had made a mistake when she saw a stranger near her home last time, but it was actually her husband, so there was no need to investigate further.

She also asked Hattori Heiji to apologize to Detective Kusukawa.

Hearing this, Conan was instantly depressed. If he had known that he would have chosen to go on vacation with Uncle Mori, he would not have wasted time in Tokyo with Hattori Heiji.

But Hattori Heiji still didn't give up and didn't want to leave. Instead, he took Conan to watch in the alley.

Hattori Heiji laughed twice: "Kudou, don't put on a face, I have a hunch that something will definitely happen here today!"

Conan didn't want to talk to him, rolled his eyes, found a step and sat down, watching together.

Patience is also a required course for detectives. Finding clues sometimes requires such patience.

Forty minutes later, on the speeding train, the toilet door opened, and Kogoro Mori came out of the toilet, dispelling the psychedelic array.

As soon as she entered the carriage, Hongye asked with concern: "Maori-kun, did you get sick from eating? Why did you stay in the toilet for so long?"

While saying this, Hongye was still rummaging in her luggage, and quickly took out a tablet of stomach medicine.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Hongye, I don't need to take medicine, it's just that I accidentally thought about something and wasted some time!"

"Oh, I was scared to death!" Hongye patted her huge chest, and her chest trembled three times, "I thought it was because of Xiaoyezi's breakfast in the morning, it's fine!"

He Ye on the side couldn't help but glared at Hong Ye angrily when he heard this.

At this time, Hattori Shizuka, who was wearing a lavender kimono, walked in slowly with her little feet.

At this moment, she is extremely dignified, and she can't tell at all that the woman in the No. [-] carriage just now is her.

Hattori Shizuka returned to his seat and sat down.

Mori Kogoro also returned to his place to rest.

Forty minutes later, the bullet train arrived at Izu Station, and Maori and his party got off the train.As soon as they got out of the station, everyone felt that it was hot in midsummer, the air was full of salty sea breeze, and the sea could be seen in the distance.

Everyone's interest has risen, but Eri is obviously not in the mood.

Just now her daughter invited her to watch the movie "Mom, Love Me Again!" ", originally Eri thought it was a good movie about family ties.

Unexpectedly, the plot went awry, and it turned out to be a mother-daughter pure love movie, which shocked Eri so much that he couldn't cheer up now.

Suddenly, Yuanzi's voice sounded: "Uncle, this way! This way!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked over, and saw Sonoko dressed very coolly, with a light green long-sleeved gauze dress, a pair of white hot pants, and a pair of beautiful legs showing.

But what surprised Mori Kogoro was that Sonoko was not alone, beside him was his good disciple Tsukamoto Sumi, and the blond-haired and blue-eyed teacher Judy.

What a surprise, the two of them followed!

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face.

Xiaolan immediately greeted her: "Ms. Judy, and Miss Tsukamoto, are you coming to vacation with us too?"

Tsukamoto Sumi chuckled and put her arms around Sonoko's shoulders: "Sonoko's invitation, how could I not come!"

Yuanzi's smile froze a bit, what an invitation!

If I had known that I would not have gone to play badminton with Tsukamoto-senpai yesterday, I was so stupid to say it, otherwise why would I bring her here today.

And it was heard by Teacher Judy in the middle. I didn't expect Teacher Judy to follow.

Yuanzi glanced at the two women on the left and right, one peak was really higher than the other, and then looked down at her chest, she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

But when Sonoko saw Ooka Hongye approaching slowly in the crowd, the sadness in his heart suddenly became a river.

Yuanzi wanted to ask God: Why is God so cruel to me? It was obviously my plan to attack my uncle, why all my opponents came here!

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