The little killer whales who had regained their freedom began to have fun, spraying water around the small cruise ship, leaping out of the water from time to time, and turning around from time to time, as if to express their gratitude!

It also popped its head out, and its round head swayed from side to side towards the two people on the boat, looking silly and cute.

Xiaolan was amused by the teasing, and laughed while hugging Kogoro Mouri's arm.

"Dad, look, it's still spitting water and tongue at us, so cute!"

"It's just the two of us who saw it. It must be a pity that Yuanzi and the others didn't see it!"

Mori Kogoro was also in a good mood watching the performance of this little killer whale.

The little killer whale thanked her and then sank into the water and left. Xiaolan still looked reluctant to part with her.

"Dad, why do you think killer whales are so close and friendly to humans?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, as if telling a story to his daughter.

"Maybe humans and killer whales were good friends in ancient times, and they made an agreement to get along with each other."

"It's just that the killer whale has passed on this agreement, but humans have forgotten it instead!"

"However, Xiao Lan, our sea fishing time is almost over. Dad won this time, right?"

"Dad has hoisted a killer whale, it's so long and super heavy!"

But Xiaolan pretended to be stupid and said: "No way, I didn't see killer whales on the deck, Dad, you talk nonsense, this can't be counted!"

The little girl was trying to play tricks, so Mori Kogoro said, "Xiao Lan, Dad remembered that you took a photo just now, and this is evidence, so hurry up and hand it over to me!"

Kogoro Mouri grabbed Xiaolan's waist with his big hand, trying to get the phone back.


The little girl exclaimed, immediately slid away like a loach, and started to escape on the deck.

Mori Kogoro laughed and chased after her. After all, her daughter's relatives had left and she was alive and well again, so Mori Kogoro dared to play with her like this.

The fierce chasing battle started on this small cruise ship. Xiaolan's silver-bell-like laughter and Mouri Kogoro's loud laughter continued to spread, which was extremely beautiful.

In the end, Kogoro Mouri forced Xiaolan to a dead corner on the deck, and this girl even pretended to jump into the sea to escape.

As soon as Kogoro Mori exploded in speed, he hugged his slender waist from behind.

Xiaolan, who was flying into the air, kept struggling, her legs kicked the air desperately, she was extremely happy, just like a sow.

This made Mori Kogoro burst out laughing.

He burst out laughing, and both of them fell to the smooth white deck.

Xiaolan wanted to get up and run away, so Mori Kogoro turned over and held Xiaolan down, grabbed the mobile phone in his hand, opened the photo just now, and showed it proudly.

Looking at the glaring evidence, Xiao Lan could only say, "Hmph, okay! Okay! You win!"

Immediately afterwards, this girl turned over and lay on Mouri Kogoro, overlooking him, her little pink tongue licked her lips, full of temptation!

"But since Dad, you won our bet, if you have any demands you want to make to your daughter, just say it, no matter how rude, I~ can~ answer~yes~oh!"

Wow!Xiaolan has really grown up!I also learned to seduce my dad!

But how could Kogoro Mori be easily tricked by Xiaolan and make use of this request?

He patted Xiaolan's body and said with a light smile, "Dad doesn't want to use it yet. I'll tell you when Dad thinks about it. Save this request first!"

Seeing that the strategy didn't work, Xiao Lan pouted, "Hmph, I hate it!"

Mori Kogoro rubbed his daughter's little head, and played tricks to appease his daughter.

He said, "Okay, we've caught enough fish, let's put the fish we want to eat into the tank first, and then we'll go to the island to have a look."

Hearing this, Xiaolan reluctantly got up from Mori Kogoro.

Good guy, after a rough calculation, in just such a short period of time, eight or nine hundred catties of fish were caught in the water tank.

They couldn't finish eating so many fish, so the two chose delicious fish, took one or two of each kind, and threw the rest back into the sea to be released.

In the end, there was only one bluefin tuna, two salmon, two eels, and one hairtail in the tank...

Even so, it seems to be rewarding.

Immediately afterwards, the father and daughter were ready to go ashore.

Xiaolan said worriedly: "Father, they are all asleep, shall we just go ashore like this? Will it be dangerous!"

Kogoro Mori is naturally not worried. He has an Ant-Man robot to protect him at all times, so nothing will happen.

"It's okay, the weather is so good today, and the small cruise ship has broken down again, so it won't be blown away by the wind."

"Besides, it's only a few hundred meters away from the small island. If something happens, Dad will definitely be able to catch up with him in a speedboat. Don't worry!"

"Let's go to the island to have a look. We won't waste any time. When we have time, we can go for a deep dive. I heard that the corals and clownfish here are very beautiful."

Xiaolan was still moved, so she followed Mori Kogoro on the speedboat.

The speedboat sailed to the small floating island that was only one or two hundred square meters.

Soon, the speedboat arrived at the small floating island, and the two of them went ashore. The sand on the beach was quite rough, and if they went further up, they were all black stones, with white seagulls sitting on it.

Xiaolan was quite excited: "Dad, do we look like Robinson Crusoe living on a deserted island? Do you think we can survive if we are left here and no one comes to rescue us? It feels good like this." Well!"

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