"Silly girl, Robinson Robinson's deserted island is more than ten kilometers long and wide. There are trees and water on the island, so he can live."

"Our island is too small now, and there is no fresh water, so it won't last long!"

"Oh!" Xiaolan was quite unhappy when she heard this.

But soon she became interested again, took Mouri Kogoro's big hand, and started running along the beach.

The two ran around several times before stopping again. The father and daughter cuddled together and sat on a big rock.

"Father, every time I come to the beach, I will think of the scene where I was bitten by a sea snake and you helped me take drugs."

"At that time, you were so stupid, didn't you know that taking drugs would poison you?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "I was too nervous, how did you feel that time?"

Xiaolan's cheeks flushed slightly: "The beard is too piercing!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro burst out laughing.

Chapter 0014 Daughter's Strange Request

Mori Kogoro reached out with his big hand, and then bent his head: "Let me see how the wound is healing?"

A blush appeared on Xiaolan's face: "Father, it's so annoying!"

Kogoro Maoli laughed softly: "What, Dad is caring about you. Did the poisonous snake leave any tooth marks on you?"

"If there is, I have to find a way to eliminate it for you. I really don't know good people!"

snort!An excuse, I have watched it so many times before, how could I not be clear about it!

Xiaolan muttered in her heart, but she didn't say anything, instead she cooperated obediently.

Mori Kogoro caressed the place where he was bitten with his fingertips, and his skin was as smooth as ever.

He couldn't help but nodded: "Well, the recovery is pretty good, there is not a single mark!"

Xiaolan caressed Kogoro Mouri's generous shoulders with her small hand, and whispered softly, "Dad, do you still remember how you gave me the snake venom back then?"

"Of course I remember, that picture will never be forgotten!"

"Oh, at that time, my mouth was full of stench!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's little hand slapped her shoulder violently, instantly turning her shoulder red: "I hate it!" "I hate it!" "I hate it!"

"Hey, I'm talking about snake venom, not your blood. Of course Xiaolan's blood is sweet and sweet. It's strange. The more you say it, the more you look like a vampire!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan put her arms around Mori Kogoro's head, and asked with a flushed face, "Dad, can you suck it for me again? This time I'm sure I won't think your beard pricks me!" "

Kogoro Mori was quite surprised by such a strange request.

But since it was his daughter who said it, then he could only obey obediently.

Soon, Mori Kogoro's mouth gently kissed the skin, and began to suck.

And Xiaolan's big eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile, full of stars, they looked so beautiful!

And on the private beach hundreds of sea miles away from the island, the little loli Huiyuan woke up in a daze.

She removed the luxury magazine on her forehead, and listened to the sound of four beautiful wives talking and clinking glasses at the table next to her.

Then her blue eyes tried to patrol the white beach and sea.

After a long time, little Lolita came to her senses: she had let Uncle Maori be left behind.

Damn it!It was just a rest in a daze, why did the uncle and the girls disappear, and they all ran off to have a good time?

Well, very well, Uncle, you are dead!

The little loli on the beach was full of resentment.

Huiyuan clearly didn't understand the concept of nap, but she slept for a full two or three hours.

But Mori Kogoro didn't know about it.

In fact, he didn't think about leaving little loli behind.

It's just that when he was about to go to sea, he saw that Hui Yuan was sleeping soundly, so he didn't call her. Instead, he covered Xiao Ai who was overworked last night with a towel, let her sleep peacefully, and asked You Xizi to take good care of her.

How did he know that it would become like this, a woman's heart will always be a needle in the sea!

After satisfying his daughter's strange request, Mori Kogoro on the island held his daughter's little hand and wandered around the island.

In addition to seagulls, there are quite a lot of crabs, shellfish, and razor clams on this bare island, and the products are very rich.

If you walk into the shallow water, you can also see lobsters and various small fish in the shallows.

Xiaolan excitedly went to the speedboat to get a net bag to catch shrimp and crab.

Her physical fitness is extremely strong, coupled with her extraordinary reaction speed, she can catch one at a time.

Lobsters, swimming crabs, blue crabs, scallops, abalones, sea cucumbers, all the seafood that Xiao Lan has a crush on can't escape her net bag.

Mori Kogoro followed by his side to protect his daughter, seeing Xiaolan's bright smile, he felt satisfied.

The father and daughter crossed the border, as if they had been ransacked, and they looked like a mess.

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