"Dad, look, what is this?"

Xiaolan picked up a geoduck with a smirk.

Then the geoduck sprayed water on Mouri Kogoro, if he hadn't flashed so fast, he might have been shot in the face.

Seeing this, Xiaolan laughed louder.

Mori Kogoro is really speechless, this girl is really getting more and more naughty.

The two caught all the way and gained a lot.

But in the end, they picked and picked, leaving only one king crab and two lobsters, and threw the rest back.

While there was still some time, the two changed into diving equipment, went into the water together and began to play deep diving.

They are underwater, admiring the wonderful underwater world.

The coral glows with colorful light, dancing with the water flow;

The clownfish cruised curiously beside it, opening and closing its small mouth, which is really cute;

The newly released crabs waved their big pincers aggressively;

A row of geoducks held their heads high, shooting torrents like salutes to the sky, welcoming them.

Diving deeper into the sea, the little killer whale that had just bid farewell suddenly appeared.

It was churning happily around the two of them, spewing out strings of bubbles from time to time.

Both father and daughter were a little surprised.

This cute little killer whale is still showing off in front of the two of them.

How Xiaolan moves her hands, the little orca moves accordingly, and how Xiaolan tilts her body, the little orca tilts her body, all in an interaction.

Looking at the chubby head floating in front of her, Xiao Lan couldn't help but caress it with her little hand, and the little killer whale didn't flinch in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, the little killer whale swam under the two of them and floated up, allowing the father and daughter to ride it.

This is the killer whale's habit of saving lives is at work again, and it even mistakenly thought that the two of them were drowning!

Mori Kogoro sat at the back, put his arms around Xiaolan, gently grabbed the dorsal fin of the little killer whale, and was carried on a cruise by the little killer whale.

This speed is astonishing!

Soon, the little killer whale swam a big circle with the two of them, finally surfaced, and swam towards the small island where they stopped just now.

The little killer whale was still afraid of being stranded, so it cruised in the shallow water area and no longer moved forward.

At this time, Yuanzi's scream came from the boat: "Xiao Lan, uncle, what is that, are you being hunted down by sharks?"

Seeing the black dorsal fin emerging from the sea, Sonoko misunderstood it instantly, and felt bad all over.

The little killer whale heard the roar of the Hedong lion in the garden, but seemed to be frightened, immediately dived down, and then swam away.

Mori Kogoro released the oxygen and explained with a big smile, "It's not a shark, it's a baby killer whale!"

Xiaolan dived her head into the water, watched the killer whale go away, and couldn't help raising her head: "Yuanzi, it's all your fault, you scared the killer whale away."

Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori and Xiaolan climbed into the speedboat and drove back to the small cruise ship.

Chapter 0015 Stumbled

At this time, the other women also woke up, and they walked out of the cabin one by one, with somewhat confused expressions on their faces, obviously the red wine they drank just now still had some stamina.

As soon as Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan boarded the boat, Sonoko kept asking.

He Ye couldn't help being surprised when he heard it: "What, there are killer whales here?"

Xiaolan then told all about what her father had just caught and released the baby killer whale.

Afterwards, the diving killer whales came to repay their favor and took them to play.

Hongye couldn't help but said, "Why does it sound like the plot of a novel?"

Xiaolan immediately showed the photos on the phone to the girls, and the girls believed it and looked at Xiaolan enviously.

On the other hand, Yuanzi's eyes were full of little stars, adoringly looking at Kogoro Moori who could catch killer whales.

She also eagerly ran to his side, pretending to help him take off his diving suit, and took the opportunity to reach out and touch Mori Kogoro's pectoralis major and abdominal muscles, she is completely a little pervert.

Mori Kogoro didn't care too much, he checked the time and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

He threw the king crab and lobster in his hand into the water tank, and said, "Okay, today's sea fishing is considered a complete success, with so many ingredients."

When the girls saw the rich and fresh aquatic ingredients in the water tank, they couldn't help shouting.

"But it's getting late, it's already half past four, and it's time for us to return."

Hearing this, all the girls were unwilling.

They have already arrived at their destination, who wants to sleep for the whole journey, and then go back without doing anything, this trip to the sea is too non-existent.

They all complained about the red wine at Yuanzi's house.

Looking at the scene full of resentment, Mori Kogoro could only open his mouth and say: "Okay, okay, then we will stay for a while, and we can dive if the water quality is good, but everyone must gather before five o'clock. It is not safe to spend the night at sea!"

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