Hearing this, all the girls cheered, and one by one put on diving suits and went into the water.

Sumei picked up the diving suit and saw that her body was clean, so she couldn't help asking: "Master, I remember I was poured red wine by Sonoko before, why is there nothing now?"

Hongye also recalled: "Yes, Yuanzi still poured me red wine!" After she finished speaking, she glared at Yuanzi angrily.

Immediately afterwards, Sumei laughed softly: "Could it be that the teacher did some bad things to us when we were drunk?"

Upon hearing this, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the girls.

And Yuanzi's eyes lit up, and he began to check his body silently. If he did this, he would make a lot of money, and then he could hug his uncle's thigh and let him take responsibility.

Xiaolan obviously knew that her father must have done something, otherwise the girls would not have red wine stains on their bodies.

She glared at Mouri Kogoro, but helped her and said, "How is it possible, my father is not such a person, I was the one who wiped your bodies with a towel just now."

Sumi laughed softly: "That's such a pity, even if the teacher wants to do something bad to me, I don't care!"

After finishing speaking, Sumi turned around and entered the cabin to start changing into the diving suit.

And the coldness in Xiaolan's eyes staring at Mori Kogoro became more and more serious.

Mori Kogoro could only laugh dryly: Sure enough, as long as it is a woman, there is no one who is a simple character!

Afterwards, Momiji, Kazuha, and Sumi changed into diving suits, but Judy still had no strength, so she didn't follow the dive, but went for a walk on the island with Sonoko.

Mori Kogoro protects the three girls under the water.

Diving is not easy, and ear pressure will increase after diving.

Among the three girls, Sumi, who has super physical fitness, can swim freely in the water for sightseeing.

And the red leaves and leaves can only flutter on the water.

Mori Kogoro could only hold one of them in each hand and lead them to dive together, getting used to it a little bit.

Time passed extremely quickly, half an hour later, everyone surfaced one by one, and then returned to the small cruise ship.

Mori Kogoro took the helm directly, and with the rays of the setting sun, the small cruise ship set off on its way home.

On the way home, the cute little killer whale suddenly appeared with its own group, as if to see off Maoli and his party.

Seeing the big black and white guys leaping over the water one by one, making big splashes, all the girls couldn't help but yelled.

After the orca group escorted the small cruise ship for more than ten minutes, they all gradually returned.

It's just that their appearance made Maori and his party in a good mood, and they returned home singing all the way.

However, the two people in a certain alley in Kubato City [-]-chome, Tokyo, were in a bad mood!

In order to investigate the arson case, Conan and Hattori Heiji squatted outside the house and watched it all day.

But nothing was gained, only three people visited.

Conan couldn't help but said, "I'm really out of my mind, how could I be so stupid to wait here with you all day."

"Originally, I should be swimming at the seaside and have a leisurely vacation!"

Hattori Heiji touched his nose, not daring to provoke Conan anymore.

After a long time, he said: "It seems that the clues given by Mr. Nanchuan are not accurate. There should be no clues here, Kudo, let's not wait, I will treat you to dinner tonight!"

Conan rolled his eyes angrily. After being exposed to the sun for a whole day, his energy was exhausted.

Hattori Heiji took Conan away from the alley that was being watched.

The two took a taxi and planned to go back to the office for dinner.

It's just that when the taxi was driving most of the way, the fire truck of the Metropolitan Police Department passed by.

Conan and Heiji noticed it, and quickly told the driver to turn around and go back to [-]-chome in Kubado City.

The Shinigami elementary school student showed his power again.

Just half an hour after they left, the house they had watched all day was engulfed in flames.

Conan and Heji opened their mouths, feeling an indescribable sense of frustration in their hearts.

In the end, it still failed to prevent the occurrence of serial arson.

Not long after, Liangzi Zhujiao, the hostess of the house, was snatched out by the fire, but unfortunately she had already turned into a corpse.

And her husband, Zhu Jiaoming, a psychiatrist wearing glasses, cried bitterly while hugging the dead body, and beside him was a friend with a mustache, a Feng Shui master named Zeng Wo Caofu.

Soga fucker just had an affair with Ms. Ryoko in the house.

Zhu Jiaoming, the husband who was cuckolded, didn't seem to know about it. After returning, he went out drinking with his old friend Zeng Wo.

Afterwards, I was notified that the house was on fire, and when I got home, I saw the picture of everything being burned.

Chapter 0016 Seaside Dinner

The sky gradually darkened, the sun also set on the sea, and the beach at night quickly cooled down.

The five girls on the beach were all anxiously waiting, and they were relieved when they saw the small cruise ship appear.

Seeing that the little cruise ship came back to dock at the sea hut, the little loli Huiyuan couldn't wait to meet her, running on the wooden bridge with her bare feet facing the sea breeze.

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