After that, the mustache went out to drink with Zhu Jiaoming, and he was a Feng Shui master by profession.

Chapter 0019 Mom Said She Was Running

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Mustache Zeng came to visit me and stayed there for hours.

Conan and Heiji both felt very strange, so they sneaked into the courtyard and saw the scene inside through the glass door on the right side of the villa.

What was staged inside was the affair between Soga and Ryoko Zhujiao.

Conan and Heiji enjoyed a live erotic palace!

Afterwards, they also saw the adulterer sneaking through the sexual video that Ryoko had taken in the room while Ryoko was away, but they couldn't find it.

It was Zhujiao Ryoko's weapon to ensure that she could marry Soga after divorcing her husband, so it was naturally well hidden.

It's just that Conan and Heiji left footprints in the courtyard because of the peeping activities in the afternoon.

At this time, the fire daddy Gongchang police department in charge of the case appeared.

The Gongchang police department is the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department's search for arsonists in the first section. It is extremely burly and has a rough beard.

He followed his subordinates and said, "I didn't expect that this serial arson case will still show up the dead."

"But this time the arsonist has already shown his feet. You collect the footprints in the courtyard, and then call the nearby surveillance, and compare the people who have appeared in the surveillance one by one. I don't believe you can't find the real culprit. !"

Hearing this, Conan and Heiji's eyes widened.

Isn't that footprint left by them?

The two didn't want to fail to investigate the case, but instead turned themselves into arson suspects.

Pingji licked his face and went forward: "Officer, we left those footprints, but we are not arsonists, we are here to investigate this serial arson case."

Hearing this, Yummaga's police department glared, and immediately reached out to throw Hattori Heiji upside down on the police car.

"Well, are you here to surrender yourself?"

Hattori Heiji cried out in pain: "Ouch! Ouch! No, no, we did not set the fire. I am a high school student detective from Osaka who was commissioned to investigate the arson case!"

"You, you still have accomplices, tell me the truth!"

The Yumichang police department did not believe that this young man was a detective at all, and kept questioning Hattori Heiji.

"Officer, I'm really not the one who started the fire. I'm Kogoro Mori's apprentice, and it was the Mori detective who sent me here."

Hattori Heiji has become more and more proficient in raising the banner of Mori Kogoro.

But the police department of Gong Chang sneered: "Hehe, the lies are all on my head. I'm afraid you don't know that Xiao Wulang was my subordinate before. Why didn't I know that he took apprentices."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself, which saved me a lot of effort. Let's go, tell me back to the police station!"

The Yumichang Police Department escorted Hattori Heiji into the police car.

Conan was stunned when he saw this change, he quickly got into a taxi and followed to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Even if Conan is reluctant, he must call Uncle Maori.

Without his help to explain, Hattori Heiji might be detained as a suspect again.

The phone rang for a long time before it was finally connected.

"Oh, it's Conan, are you and Heiji okay? Why did you call?" Mori Kogoro's voice was a little strange, as if his head was blocked by something, his words were buzzing, and he was a little breathless.

"Uncle, something is wrong. The arsonist really set fire to it. This time, people were burned to death at the Zhujiao's house in Kabado [-]-chome, and Brother Heiji was escorted to the Metropolitan Police Department as a suspect."

"What did you say? What's the matter with Heiji?" This was Hattori Shizuka's voice, trembling in anxiety.

At this time, another voice came out: "Xiao Wulang, hurry up, hurry up!"

Conan's eyes widened in an instant. Is this his mother's voice?

Why did my mother go on vacation with her, and she was still panting, what are they doing?

Conan immediately shouted loudly: "Mom~ Mom, Auntie Youxiko, you went anyway, Uncle Maoli, let Auntie Youxiko answer the phone."

Kogoro Mori handed the phone to Yukiko.

At this moment, Yuxizi was dripping with sweat, took the phone and said, "Xin, Conan, what are you calling for?"

Conan immediately asked in a low voice: "Mom, why didn't you tell me when you went on vacation? And what are you doing with Aunt Jinghua and Uncle Maoli? Why are you panting?"

You Xizi quickly said: "Conan, we are running on the beach at night, why did you call when you picked us for the competition? What's the matter?"

"How did I come here? Your Aunt Eri invited me to Izu for vacation. Such a good opportunity, of course I have to come!"

Conan immediately noticed the flaw: "Night running, how could you outrun Uncle Maori, and Uncle Maori can hand you your mobile phone during the run."

"That's not right. Uncle has such good physical fitness, he should leave you far away."

Yukiko glanced at Mori Kogoro beside him, who had Eri and Tomoko hanging on his body, and replied with a chuckle: "Oh! Of course he can't outrun him in normal running, but he is carrying Eri and Tomoko on his back now, so the speed It's very slow, it's right next to me, and it can't catch up with me!"

"Is that right? Eri? Tomoko?" Yukiko raised the phone to Eri Tomoko and asked them to testify.

Eri's voice sounded from Kogoro's back, her voice was very cold and normal.

"That's right, Conan, we're racing on the beach!"

Tomoko's voice was also normal, and he smiled lightly: "Xiao Wulang, come on, you must not lose, and you will have to compete with me later!"

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