Hearing Eri and Tomoko's testimony, Conan was relieved and believed his mother's explanation.

They also literally run at night on the beach!

Yukiko's voice came out again: "Hey, no, Kogoro has started sprinting, and I have to speed up too. I won't lose to him, let him tell you!"

After finishing speaking, Yukiko threw the phone back into Kogoro Mouri's hand, trying to disrupt Kogoro Mouri's rhythm.

Mori Kogoro said in a muffled voice: "Conan, wait a moment, uncle will call you later."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the phone and started to do his best. Kogoro Mori's speed exploded completely. Even with the constraints of two women on his body, he was still flying fast.

You Xizi, who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, is simply not enough to watch.

And Jinghua, who ran beside him, had already been defeated, without any physical strength, so he could only watch the two go away.

Soon, Kogoro Mori reached the finish line!

Poor Yukiko couldn't bear the load of this ultra-long distance at all, and immediately collapsed to the ground after reaching the finish line, her whole body collapsed.

Conan on the other end of the phone waited for a long time before finally waiting for Mori Kogoro to call again.

He couldn't help asking: "Uncle, did you win or my Aunt Xizi won?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yukiko who was still unable to get up, and said with a light smile, "Of course I won, but why do you care so much about Aunt Yukiko, you brat?"

"She's not your mother. Why do you care so much about her? Is there some secret between you two?" His voice became cold at the end.

Hearing this, Conan broke out in cold sweat, and panicked behind the taxi.

Chapter 0020 Eri's Passion

"How is it possible, I'm just curious, haha, haha!" Conan's familiar dry laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Mori Kogoro shouted: "What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

In fact, he didn't pay too much attention to Conan, but instead fed Yukiko a large strawberry ice cream to help her exhausted to replenish some energy and protein.

Knowing that Kogoro Mori was on the phone with Conan, Yukiko didn't even dare to make a sound, so she could only lick obediently.

Conan on the other end of the phone told Mori Kogoro exactly what he had observed today.

The deceased who was burnt to death was a middle-aged cheating lady--Ryoko Zhujiao.

The visiting guests are:

The cowardly man in glasses who sells antiques -- Ryuto Xuantian;

The ferocious fortune-teller who came to borrow money from his sister--Gondo Itoko;

The sanctimonious Feng Shui master with a moustache and a cheating affair -- Zeng Wo fucked my husband;

And the psychiatrist Zhu Jiaoming who came home from work with a rigid face!

And the plastic red horse that must appear in every fire.

Hearing these names, Mori Kogoro felt a little weird, isn't the whole thing the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

Xuande, Sun Quan, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, these people all have one or two characters in their names, which is really interesting.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Eri's slender waist, with his mobile phone on the side of his head, barely resisting Eri's passionate kiss.

He finally let go of his mouth and asked, "Conan, you haven't said how Heiji became a suspect?"

After asking, Mori Kogoro stuffed the phone into Eri's hand, wrapped his arms around Eri's legs, and picked her up.

He stood up, kissed Eri's lips directly, and launched an offensive.

Yingli blushed a little, and felt that this was too shameful, but under the influence of alcohol, she didn't care so much anymore.

One of Eri's small hands helped Kogoro Mori hold the phone, and the other put his arm around Kogoro Mori's neck, trying to maintain his balance.

Moreover, this queen of the legal and political circles is very good at pretending, which was clearly demonstrated in the office of the concubine's law firm before. As long as she doesn't want to speak, no one can force her to speak.

Now it's just a matter of not making a sound in front of the mobile phone, which is a piece of cake for her.

Yukiko on the tatami underneath looked at Eri with admiration, which was simply impossible for her.

Conan on the other end of the phone continued: "It's because in the afternoon, we saw that Zengwo had been in Zhujiao's house for too long, so we were curious to sneak into the courtyard and peek inside, and saw the people inside cheating. Leave footprints."

"...Hey, uncle, my car has arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department. I'm going to find that Gongchang Police Department right now. Don't hang up the phone. I'll explain it to you later!"

Mori Kogoro naturally had no objection, so he concentrated on dealing with Eri.

A series of footsteps on the phone, followed by Conan's cute voice, avoiding many police officers' inquiries, and finally the sound of pushing the door.

The fire daddy Gong Chang's voice immediately broke out: "Hey! Where did you come from, this is the interrogation room, how can you come in, hurry up and get out."

"Listen to this call first. Is it the call of Detective Maori?" Conan raised his mobile phone and asked the Gongchang Police Department.

"What?" Gong Zhang from the Metropolitan Police Department answered the phone suspiciously.

Hattori Heiji, who was on the opposite side of the interrogation table, heaved a sigh of relief: saved!

Police interrogation methods are usually very violent

Seeing Conan appear, he felt safe.

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