"Gongchang Police Department, it's me, Kogoro, I really misunderstood this time!"

In the interrogation room, Gong Zhang’s police department looked surprised, and laughed loudly: “It’s really you, Kogoro, you’re such a big name now, the savior of Tokyo, the savior of Osaka, the only Japanese savior missing?”

"As expected of the person who went out from under my hand, he really didn't disgrace me!"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes, he had only worked as a fire alarm under him for three months.

And his previous attitude was not like this. Every time we met, he always complained that Mao Li was clumsy and sabotaged the scene.

Now that he is famous, he has become an elite soldier under his command.

But Mori Kogoro didn't care about that much, and continued to say: "Police department, those two brats are causing you trouble, the Hattori Heiji you arrested was really sent by me to help monitor the arson case, not they committed the crime. "

"Oh, so that's the case, you didn't say it earlier!"

Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes, he had said it earlier, but the police department of Yumachi didn't believe it at all.

The police department of Gong Chang continued: "Then Xiao Wulang, are you here? There are people who died in this serial arson case today. You are now a great detective. It should be easy to solve this kind of case!"

Mori Kogoro clenched Eri's legs with his big hands, and lifted them up, and managed to get rid of Eri's passionate kiss again, then smiled and replied: "It's really a coincidence, I'm in Izu now I have something important to do here, so I can't go there."

"But that guy named Hattori Heiji is a well-known high school student detective in Osaka. You can tell him about the case at the Yumachi Police Department, or don't turn off your phone while you're talking, and let me analyze the case for you!"

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department readily agreed.

The Gongchang Police Department brought Conan and Heiji to the living room, and brought evidence, the plastic horse left at the scene of the serial arson case.

Hattori Heiji and Conan shared what they observed today.

The time of the fire, including the children in the neighbor's house, was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time of the theme song of Masked Swordsman.

And before they left, or after returning from the fire, they all saw the suspicious man who was cowering, Xuantian Longde.

The Gongchang Police Department also shared some information.

Including that the fire started on the right side of the villa, the room next to the neighbor's child.

The cause of the fire was that the floor was poured with kerosene and then set on fire. The deceased was sleeping at the time, so he did not notice the fire.

And Xuantian Longde's information.

The cowering and sweating man had actually been investigated at the scene of the third fire.

He is the owner of an antique shop in Kubado City, a little nervous, and still single in his forties.

At the scene of the third fire, he shouted excitedly to the fire: "Dad!" "Dad!"

Suspicious enough to be investigated.

But then it seemed that there was no evidence, so it was temporarily stranded.

Hattori Heiji held his head and said, "That is to say, among the four suspects, except for the two who left at [-]:[-] to go to the izakaya with Zhujiao Akira and Soga's husband, there are no suspects."

"There are only two left, the owner of the antique shop, Ryuto Xuan Tian and the elder sister of the deceased, Notoko Gondo."

"If you look at it this way, Xuantian Longde is more suspicious. Could this guy be a pervert?"

Hearing this, the Gongchang Police Department hesitated to speak.

At this moment, Kogoro Mouri on the phone said, "But I don't think so, hiss, ouch..."

Chapter 0021 Xiaolan who loves to learn

"This is too tight!"

Conan on the other end of the phone asked, "What's so tight?"

"Belt, the belt is too tight, Eri, you are killing me!"

Mori Kogoro looked at Eri in front of him, this guy actually had a mischievous smile on his face, as if he was asking if he was satisfied?

Wait, why does this smile look so similar to Xiaolan's?

Seeing the image of the daughter from the mother's face, this is too insane!

Mori Kogoro gasped, managed to calm down, regained his composure and continued, "Let's continue the topic just now."

"First of all, I don't think Zhujiao Ming and Zeng Wo, who set off at [-]:[-], are not suspected of having sex."

"I have handled too many cases. Sometimes the delay device is very simple, such as the simplest ice cube. Once this device is melted and then burned, no trace will be left."

"And the two people who just set off from Zhujiao's house are very likely to make such a device, so they are not without suspicion."

"Secondly, I was listening to the whole process of the case and found that it is very similar to the classic ABC murder case in Eagle Country in the last century."

"Using disorderly arson cases to cover up the real intention of murder, in other words, the so-called [-]-chome serial arson cases are actually just a cover, just trying to mislead the police in the direction of investigation."

"The murderer's real intention was to kill Ryoko Zhujiao, which can also explain why the arson attack on [-]-chome did not hurt anyone."

"In addition, I also recall that there was also a neurotic suspect in the ABC killings who mistook himself for the murderer."

"This person is very much like the neurotic Xuantian Longde you said."

"The most important point is that the other three suspects you mentioned are a fortune teller, a Feng Shui master, and a psychiatrist."

"These guys seem to have special skills that can confuse others, and the timid Xuantian Longde is the best confuse object."

"So I don't think Xuantian Ryutoku's suspicion is that great, because he is just an antique shop owner and has no special relationship with Ryoko Morokata."

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