Eri couldn't resist anymore, so she bent down directly, kissed Kiko's lips in one breath, and the two of them pressed tightly together.

Sweat slowly dripped from Eri's body, stained with Akiko's sweat, and mixed with it, everything seemed so harmonious.

Two or three hours later, after receiving a call from his subordinate, the Yumichi Police Department, who was tired from running around in Tokyo, spoke to Heiji and Conan.

"I just got information that Ryoko's sister, Notoko Gondo, also had a motive for the murder."

"Their father just passed away last week, but the right to inherit the inheritance belongs to the second daughter Liangzi who recruited for the family, while the eldest daughter has no right to inherit."

"And Fushiko just happened to be in financial crisis, so if Ryoko dies, the inheritance will all belong to Fushiko."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said, "So Zhujiaoaki, Soga, and Gondo Notoko all have motives for killing."

"If Zhu Jiaoming finds out that his wife is cheating, it is a normal reaction to be cuckolded and want to kill her."

"According to Zeng Wo's husband's reaction in the afternoon, he does not want to be responsible for his affair with Ryoko. If he doesn't want Ryoko to break up his family, he will probably act first."

"Just in this way, the suspicion value of Xuantian Longde, who has no motive for killing, will be much smaller."

But Gong Chang's police department still had a serious expression on his face.

"But Xuantian Longde, who had no motive to kill, ran to the Metropolitan Police Department and surrendered himself!"


Conan and Heiji's expression changed drastically.

Gongchang Police Department said: "Just now, Xuantian Longde surrendered himself."

"His argument is that he suffered from sleepwalking when he was a child, and later he was cured with drugs, but because of this, he split into a second personality. Recently, he woke up very tired and went to see a psychiatrist, but it didn't improve."

"He thinks he ran out to set the fire outside while he was sleeping at night, but the fire was done by another personality, so he can't remember the details."

"Xuantian Longde was worried that he would hurt more people if he continued to set fire, so he asked the police for help and wanted to arrest himself."

Second personality?Isn't this nonsense?

Heiji couldn't help but opened his mouth and said: "Police Department Gongchang, do you believe this too? This situation is exactly the same as what Uncle Maori said!"

Conan also echoed: "Someone must be using him!"

Gong Chang's police department frowned: "But he has already surrendered himself. If you want to prove Xuantian's innocence, you must produce evidence."

"Well, there is evidence!" Heiji and Conan looked at each other and smiled, full of affection.

Heiji brought Gongchang police department to the entrance, took out the bug in the vase in the entrance with his big hand, and took out the bug.

"This vase is what the feng shui master Zeng Wo's husband's shop sold, and the vase placed in the porch is also the feng shui master's theory."

Conan took out a handkerchief and tore it open.

"This is the handkerchief found under the divination ball in the room. There is also a bug inside when it is torn open. This divination ball is exactly the same as the divination ball sold by Gondo Ikeko."

Heiji pointed to the calendar on the wall: "The itinerary above says that every Tuesday and Saturday, Xuantian Ryutoku will go to Qingshan Hospital to see the psychiatric department, and Qingshan Hospital happens to be where Zhu Jiaoming works."

"That is to say, Uncle is right, Xuantian Ryutoku is indeed a key figure, but he has strange connections with the other three suspects!"

The Gongchang Police Department couldn't help but nodded, but then he roared: "These three suspects are all connected, so who is the real murderer, what I need is definite evidence to prove who is the murderer!"

Seeing this scene, Heiji and Conan sweat instantly.

Pingci laughed dryly: "Ale, the murderer, the key evidence, this hasn't been found yet!"

Gong Zhang's police department immediately calmed down, and then said: "In that case, tell Kogoro the information we found and see what he has to say."

The Yumachi police department still wants to solve the case, and he believes in Kogoro Mori's brain more than Heiji and Conan.

"Call quickly!"

Hattori Heiji reluctantly picked up his mobile phone and started calling Mori Kogoro.

The phone was connected quickly, and Kogoro Mori's voice came over: "It's Heiji!"

Hattori Heiji heard the sound of splashing water coming from over there, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle, what are you doing, why is there the sound of water?"

Maoli and his party had already changed places and came to the bathroom, taking a bath in the marble bathtub, with Yukiko on his left and Jinghua on his right.

Hearing his son's voice, Hattori Shizuka was too frightened to move at all.

Hearing this question, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little speechless, everyone is so curious about what I am doing, do I want to tell you that I am washing your mother?

"It's nothing. I just happened to be taking a shower. How's the situation over there? Has the case been solved?"

Heiji quickly opened his mouth and told Mori Kogoro all the clues they found.

"Uncle, the possibility of the murderer you mentioned using Xuantian Longde, we all think so."

"However, all three suspects are possible. The key evidence may have been destroyed by the murderer. The bug alone is not enough to convict. What should we do now?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Jinghua's body, and laughed lightly: "This is not easy, just lead the snake out of the hole."

"Directly ask the Gongchang Police Department to call the three suspects and tell them that the police suspect that the arsonist is not Xuantian Longde, but a mastermind behind the scenes, and then say that key evidence was found at Xuantian's house, and tomorrow the forensic department will come." I will go to search and force the real culprit to jump over the wall."

"Afterwards, you will lurk in Xuantian's house. I remember that Xuantian's house is in [-]-chome. You will see who appears at that time. The one with the intention of arson is the real culprit in this case."

"Okay! Okay! Next time, don't call me again. I still have important things to do here. I believe you can handle such a simple case."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro hung up the phone directly.

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