Heiji couldn't help complaining twice: "Is there anything more important than the case?"

Chapter 0023 is completely livestock

Mori Kogoro is a serious and responsible person at heart.

As the saying goes, do what you do, love what you do!

Since I have done the work of the scrubbers, of course I have to help them scrub clean inside and out, serve them properly, and arrange clearly.

Not to mention that he also carried a scrub stick with him.

So, Kogoro Mouri in the water pulled Shizuka Hattori over, smiled lightly and said, "Jinghua, come on, I'll rub your insides for you too, others wait first, I'll help you later !"

When the four girls in the water heard this, their pupils shrank sharply!

(Water splashes here, omitting many, many words!)

On the other side, the Gongchang Police Department listened to Mori Kogoro's suggestion, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Wonderful, as expected of Kogoro, you are really smart."

The Gongchang Police Department decided to adopt his suggestion and secretly summoned the subordinates.

Then he called the bearded feng shui master Soga, the fortune teller Gondo Notoko, and the psychiatrist Zhu Jiaoming respectively.

The Gongchang police department pretended to be unintentional, and informed them that the real culprit suspected by the police was someone else, and planned to send personnel from the forensic department to Xuantian's house tomorrow to collect evidence.

After that, everyone waited at Xuantian's house.

Sure enough, this lures the snake out of the hole very effective!

After ten o'clock, someone sneakily appeared at Xuantian's house.

And not just one or two, but three suspects all appeared.

The three suspects came in one by one as if they had made an appointment.

As soon as one appeared, the police took another one down. In the end, all three were taken down.

Heiji turned on the lights, and the three people in the living room were all detained by the police, covering their mouths and unable to speak.

The police department of Gong Chang couldn't help wondering: "What's going on? Could it be that the three of them are accomplices in the serial arson case?"

Quandeng Shiko quickly broke free and screamed: "What kind of serial arson case, it has nothing to do with me."

Zeng Wo panicked and said, "Police Department Gongchang, what do you mean? Do you doubt me? I'm not a prisoner. I just came here to get something."

The remaining one, a psychiatrist wearing glasses, Zhu Jiaoming, the husband of Zhujiao Liangzi, was trembling uncontrollably and dripping cold sweat.

Conan, the little devil, has already started to search the things carried by the three of them.

Notoko Gondo and Soga Takao didn't carry anything unusual on their bodies.

Zhu Jiaoming, on the other hand, had a bottle of gasoline in his backpack, as well as matches and breadcrumbs.

Everyone knew what was going on when they saw it.

The serial arsonist is Zhu Jiaoming, a psychiatrist.

After some interrogation, the other two people also said their intentions.

Quandeng Shiko and Soga were afraid that they would be involved in the arson case, so they came to Xuantian's house to collect the bugs.

The two magic sticks sold the vase and the crystal ball with the bug to Xuantian Longde.

It is because Xuantian Longde is not only the owner of an antique shop, but also a very superstitious big fat sheep.

They only need to say that what they overheard was calculated by themselves, and they can make Xuantian Longde pay for it obediently.

After the interrogation, the Gongchang Police Department took the three of them back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

This serial arson case came to an end.

Under the starry night, Conan and Heiji walked towards the Mori office, both of them were a little gloomy and depressed.

They all have the same feeling: Even if the case is solved, they all feel that it is the uncle Maori who is thousands of miles away.

Thinking of this, the pair of friends let out a long sigh.


The stomach is growling again, and the case has not been eaten until now, and the aura of the two of them is getting more and more depressed!

On the other side, in the Suzuki Massage Parlor, Xiaolan and her group are almost relaxed. They have experienced all kinds of massage techniques and maintenance techniques, and they are ready to go back to the villa.

Xiaolan called Mori Kogoro's cell phone, but she couldn't get through at all.

The phone had been turned off after Mori Kogoro hung up on Heiji.

Xiaolan didn't think too much, and followed the big team towards the seaside villa.

It's about a [-]-minute walk to go back.

The group soon returned to the villa, and saw Mori Kogoro reading a book in a nightgown on the sofa in the living room.

His hair was slightly damp, and he had a gentle and refined temperament.

Xiao Lan quickly said, "Dad, why are you alone, where are Mom and the others?"

They!After taking a bath for them, they were all exhausted, and their bodies had no energy.

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